womens conference

Al Mu'minaat Sisters Annual Conference: 'The Slaves of Ar Rahman' (23/12/12) * FREE *

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

We are pleased to announce details of our [B][I]Al Mu'minaat Sisters Annual Conference [/B]: [/I]


[SIZE=18]The Slaves of Ar Rahman[/SIZE][/B]


[B]Scholars & Reciters:[I][/B] (world reknowned Qur'an reciters and scholars- confirmed and attending in person)[/I]

* Shaykh Muhammad al Luhaidan (Riyadh, KSA)

* Shaykh Yasir ad Dosary (Riyadh, KSA)

* Shaykh Dr. Nasser al Hammad (Riyadh, KSA)