UK General Elections 2015


Why I want 'Ed Miliband to be the next prime minister

Ed Miliband at the Leaders Debate

I do not want David Cameron to remain Prime Minister. I have pointed out the same in an earlier blog post where I posted my opinion that David Cameron is bad for the UK in general and bad for Muslims specifically.

However that was not a ringing endorsement of 'Ed Miliband.

Some people may be put off voting Labour because the leader has Jewish ancestry, and not only that, he is a self confessed zionist.

To many, such as a Conservative council elections candidate in Derby, that will be enough to write him off as no good.

I still want him to be the next Prime Minister of the UK.

Why I have voted for Labour

How the corruption works: the Royal Mail example

I have now had a chance to vote in 4 general elections (2001, 2005, 2010 and now in 2014).

My constituency is a labour safeseat where my vote mostly likely will not matter.

Yet (as far as I can recall) this is the first time I am voting in a General election.

One of the reasons is that watching the polling, it seems that the conservative campaign based on fears and hate is starting to vote with the Conservatives carrying a slight lead over labour which may increase and give us 5 more years of a government that will marginalise and alienate people like me.

I have voted Labour - something I could not bring myself to do earlier, mainly because of their betrayals including the Iraq War.

Ed Miliband answers question on too many Muslims being killed throughout the world

At an event in Dewsbury today Ed Miliband was asked about the number of Muslims being killed accross the world.

Q: There are too many Muslims dying across the world. When will we realise we are creating more terrorists than we are getting rid of?

There’s three separate issues, Miliband says. First is Islamophobia and just like anti-semitism and other forms of prejudice we should be strong against Islamophobia.

Secondly, we must learn the lessons of the past, such as the Iraq war.

The Battle for Number 10 - 2015 Edition

Tonight is the night of the BIG non-debate - from 9PM on Channel 4 and Sky News.

David Cameron chickened out from a proper head to head debate, so we get something that has an awkward format.

David Cameron and Ed Miliband will face the audience and Jeremy Paxman, but not head to head, at the same time or debate each other.

David Cameron will go first, Ed Miliband second.

There has already been an election event featuring, George Osborne and Ed Balls - something that was mostly invisible.

This debate may get better attention as it involves the leaders and not the prospective chancellors.

David Cameron is more salesman like while Ed Miliband is more cerebral.