tayyibun tarawih

FREE: Tayyibun Institute: 'A Night for Burma'- Tarawih & Fundraiser (14/08/12)

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

Tayyibun Institute in partnership with Islamic Relief invites you and your family this Ramadhaan to join us for:

[B]A Night for Burma (Myanmar) - Rohingya Muslims[/B][I]
[B]27th Night of Ramadhaan 1433 (Tuesday 14th August 2012)[/B][/I][B]
Reminders, Prayers and Recitation led by Imams, Quraa' & Teachers from Makkah, Madinah (Saudi Arabia) and Egypt[/B]


RAMADHAAN SPIRITUAL- Last 10 Tarawih Nights 2012: Imams from Makkah & Egypt in LONDON

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

Tayyibun Foundation invites you and your family this Ramadhaan to join us for:

[B]Ramadhaan Spiritual[/B][I]
[B]LAST 1O NIGHTS OF TARAWIH (Ramadhaan 1433 / 2012)[/B][/I]
Prayers will be led by Imams & Quraa' from Makkah (Saudi Arabia) and Egypt
