insulting Islam

Muslim killing a Muslim because he was not Muslim enough?

Muslim killing a Muslim because he was not Muslim enough? No we are not talking ISIL in Syria, but Glasgow in the United Kingdom.

Now that the trial of Tanveer Ahmed is over for the killing of Asad Shah the shop keeper in Glasgow.

[“UK: Muslim ‘expert’ on Islamist radicalisation says stabbed Ahmadi shopkeeper was ‘not a real Muslim’] Researcher Shiraz Maher wrote he does not ‘regard Ahmadis as Muslims’

Defending The Deen - How should Muslims respond when Islam or the Prophet (saw) is insulted?

Defending the Deen

Defending the Deen
Defending the Deen - How should Muslims respond when Islam or the Prophet (saw) is insulted?
Sajid Iqbal

How should Muslims respond when Islam or the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) is insulted?

After the infamous Danish cartoons to the Teddy named Mohammed incident and now to the recent ‘Draw Muhammed Day’ on Facebook, Muslims seem to only react with anger and rage. But how should Muslims react? Should such insults be ignored or challenged and if so, how?

How did the Prophet (pbuh) and companions react to insult and verbal attacks? And what lessons can we learn from our great Islamic history when the name or image of Islam was attacked?

In order to get answers to the above questions, The Revival, met up with three leading Muslim Personalities.