once i was going to my friends house. and her sister had gotten off the bus in front of me. i was walking behind her and being socially awkward didnt call out to her even though i was technically her friend as well. then we got to her road and crossed it to get to her side of the road. and behind us a big crash, an old man tripped and fell. by the time i registered adn processed the info she was already acrossed the road and helping the man up. (Y)
today i went outside, by myself. that was quite heroic. i even paid my library fines.
Ate a full bag of maltesers because someone could have choked and died on one
If that's not heroic I don't know what is
Submitted by Suhail :) (not verified) on 9 March, 2013 - 19:52 #5
TPOS wrote:
Is someone who is for example a firefighter or paramedic/doctor etc a hero or are they "just doing their job", or both?
lol Suhail, well done!
no doubt, even though we take them all for granted. Perhaps for them it may just be a job, but they're deffo heroes for the people they help everyday.
I think the people that should be counted amongst the great heroes are the scholars and teachers of the deen. All power is with Allah swt. But we all have a choice and these scholars of old such as ibn kathir and those of the now such as Zahir Mahmood and countless others have made such a noble choice in their lives to serve the ummah, mashAallah, may Allah swt preserve the knowledge they have passed on to the Ummah.
'The life of the Muslim Ummah is solely dependent on the ink of it's scholars and the blood of it's Martyrs' - Sheikh Abdullah Azzam.
I was a hero once. The next day I wan't in work and the day after that when I got in, the manager called me in the office and said the lady had come into the shop yesterday and left me a Thank You card and when I opened it, it also had a £25 HMV gift voucher in it.
And another time I had to leave my car parked at a dodgy angel on a corner and help a man take an elderly woman to her fromt door. When we got there, the man was tired and the woman on the first floor so I had to carry her up the stairs all alone. The mad to shoot off and I waited outside the old lady's house until the ambulence crew got there.
Another time, I shouted a woman who's child had dropped his gloves on a freexing cold day.
Another time, I helped a blind man cross the road.
Another time I slowed my car right down when some sheep were in the road just after a blind bend.
Not to take anything away from anyone's actions but there's being a decent person and then there's being a hero. I think these days people don't seem to expect decency so when they come across it, they think more of it, not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that, but do you agree?
EDIT: Actually, lowering standards isn't a good thing.
But yh, for some people you can be hero just by doing something small; it may be really meaningful for the other person.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I have never ever done anything heroic. The closest to being a hero was helping someone with their work, and that wasn't anything special either, because its something you're expected to do. I still haven't voted yet, and don't think that'll ever happen either :L
A hero is someone you can depend on 24/7 and they never fail you. Someone you benefit and learn from. Someone who doesn't mind your company, and would sacrifice almost anything for you, who'd be there when you need them the most.
Of course the hero's in our lives are not the paramedics, fire-crew or the police. They weren't there to clothe, feed, watch us grow, or shelter us.
Those hero's are none other than the one's who saved us from the day we set foot on earth. Our parents.
It sounds so cheesy, but if there's one thing that I have learnt, its that we can never thank them enough for what they have done for us, whether we realize it or not.
@Lilly "1a person, typically a man, who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities:"
What a sexist definition.
I think a hero is someone who has those qualities but it can be subjective. For example sephy doesn't think his act was heroic but for the parents of that girl may think it was heroic. Also unlike _Me_ I don't think only our parents are our heroes. I don't think a person needs to be present in our lives for ages and always doing stuff for us to be considered a hero. I think firefighters and paramedics who have saved dying people have done heroic acts and I agree with Suhail, anyone who is successful in guiding us on to he straight path and keeping us on it should be seen as doing doing heroic :).
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
@Lilly "1a person, typically a man, who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities:"
What a sexist definition.
I think a hero is someone who has those qualities but it can be subjective. For example sephy doesn't think his act was heroic but for the parents of that girl may think it was heroic. Also unlike _Me_ I don't think only our parents are our heroes. I don't think a person needs to be present in our lives for ages and always doing stuff for us to be considered a hero. I think firefighters and paramedics who have saved dying people have done heroic acts and I agree with Suhail, anyone who is successful in guiding us on to he straight path and keeping us on it should be seen as doing doing heroic :).
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Yeah Suhail has the best definition of a spiritual hero
Course our parents don't need to always be doing stuff for us, or just be present 24/7 in our lives to be a hero, but you can't deny the fact that they were not successful in guiding us, or keeping us away from 'the straight path'.
A paramedic or a fire fighter is a hero cause its in their job description. That's what they signed up for, and they'll come nowhere near to the heroism our parents acquire. Claiming someone a hero who is there because they 'have to be' is a fake. They save lives, so? We might remember what they've done and thank them for it a short while, but after that? But we're always grateful to our parents cause they do things out of their unconditional love, so no- we can't say they are not our heroes, and they deserve so much better than just branding them as 'our heroes!' -_-
Also I don't see what the word even means. Forget google, why does doing a heroic act, or something that may be seen brave have to be given a tag?! It makes us all a hero then. I think its just a silly excuse for thanking someone.
I never said parents aren't heroes/ don't do heroic stuff.
I disagree with what you said about firefighters. People in such professions don't get into it just for the sake of it, just cuz it's a "job"! And even if they did, Allah says saving one human is like saving the whole of mankind, if that's not heroic, I don't know what is.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
(heroism can also be in the light of duty - just because it is expected doesn't make it less heroic.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I think everyone can be a hero at one point in their life, but because we don't wake up in the morning telling ourselves 'i want to do something heroic today', whatever we do, 'just to be helpful and nice' is seen as insignificant and small in our eyes, but not in the eyes of other people.
Moving broken glass out of someone's way is being heroic, even though we might not be there to see the benefits of our actions. I don't see myself as a hero, simply because i don't think i've ever done enough to reach that stage and i wouldn't be in the position to judge myself. That's for someone who speaks the truth (without exaggeration) to say.
Saved the handi from burning once...phew! Could've turned into ww3
once i was going to my friends house. and her sister had gotten off the bus in front of me. i was walking behind her and being socially awkward didnt call out to her even though i was technically her friend as well. then we got to her road and crossed it to get to her side of the road. and behind us a big crash, an old man tripped and fell. by the time i registered adn processed the info she was already acrossed the road and helping the man up. (Y)
today i went outside, by myself. that was quite heroic. i even paid my library fines.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Is someone who is for example a firefighter or paramedic/doctor etc a hero or are they "just doing their job", or both?
lol Suhail, well done!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Ate a full bag of maltesers because someone could have choked and died on one
If that's not heroic I don't know what is
no doubt, even though we take them all for granted. Perhaps for them it may just be a job, but they're deffo heroes for the people they help everyday.
I think the people that should be counted amongst the great heroes are the scholars and teachers of the deen. All power is with Allah swt. But we all have a choice and these scholars of old such as ibn kathir and those of the now such as Zahir Mahmood and countless others have made such a noble choice in their lives to serve the ummah, mashAallah, may Allah swt preserve the knowledge they have passed on to the Ummah.
'The life of the Muslim Ummah is solely dependent on the ink of it's scholars and the blood of it's Martyrs' - Sheikh Abdullah Azzam.
I don't think you have to be altruistic to be heroic. I don't think people can be truly altruistic.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I was a hero once. The next day I wan't in work and the day after that when I got in, the manager called me in the office and said the lady had come into the shop yesterday and left me a Thank You card and when I opened it, it also had a £25 HMV gift voucher in it.
And another time I had to leave my car parked at a dodgy angel on a corner and help a man take an elderly woman to her fromt door. When we got there, the man was tired and the woman on the first floor so I had to carry her up the stairs all alone. The mad to shoot off and I waited outside the old lady's house until the ambulence crew got there.
Another time, I shouted a woman who's child had dropped his gloves on a freexing cold day.
Another time, I helped a blind man cross the road.
Another time I slowed my car right down when some sheep were in the road just after a blind bend.
I WIN.....

Not to take anything away from anyone's actions but there's being a decent person and then there's being a hero. I think these days people don't seem to expect decency so when they come across it, they think more of it, not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that, but do you agree?
EDIT: Actually, lowering standards isn't a good thing.
But yh, for some people you can be hero just by doing something small; it may be really meaningful for the other person.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
agree with TPOS, you dont have to be selfless to be a hero.
if we didnt care abt anything we wouldnt do anything.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I'm a yellow bellied coward.
I have never ever done anything heroic. The closest to being a hero was helping someone with their work, and that wasn't anything special either, because its something you're expected to do. I still haven't voted yet, and don't think that'll ever happen either :L
A hero is someone you can depend on 24/7 and they never fail you. Someone you benefit and learn from. Someone who doesn't mind your company, and would sacrifice almost anything for you, who'd be there when you need them the most.
Of course the hero's in our lives are not the paramedics, fire-crew or the police. They weren't there to clothe, feed, watch us grow, or shelter us.
Those hero's are none other than the one's who saved us from the day we set foot on earth. Our parents.
It sounds so cheesy, but if there's one thing that I have learnt, its that we can never thank them enough for what they have done for us, whether we realize it or not.
so apart from parents, and without counting superheroes. what is a hero?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Resuscitated someone who tried to hang herself.
Dont think it makes me a hero, just in the right place at the right time.
Back in BLACK
@Lilly "1a person, typically a man, who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities:"
What a sexist definition.
I think a hero is someone who has those qualities but it can be subjective. For example sephy doesn't think his act was heroic but for the parents of that girl may think it was heroic. Also unlike _Me_ I don't think only our parents are our heroes. I don't think a person needs to be present in our lives for ages and always doing stuff for us to be considered a hero. I think firefighters and paramedics who have saved dying people have done heroic acts and I agree with Suhail, anyone who is successful in guiding us on to he straight path and keeping us on it should be seen as doing doing heroic :).
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
@Lilly "1a person, typically a man, who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities:"
What a sexist definition.
I think a hero is someone who has those qualities but it can be subjective. For example sephy doesn't think his act was heroic but for the parents of that girl may think it was heroic. Also unlike _Me_ I don't think only our parents are our heroes. I don't think a person needs to be present in our lives for ages and always doing stuff for us to be considered a hero. I think firefighters and paramedics who have saved dying people have done heroic acts and I agree with Suhail, anyone who is successful in guiding us on to he straight path and keeping us on it should be seen as doing doing heroic :).
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Yeah Suhail has the best definition of a spiritual hero
Course our parents don't need to always be doing stuff for us, or just be present 24/7 in our lives to be a hero, but you can't deny the fact that they were not successful in guiding us, or keeping us away from 'the straight path'.
A paramedic or a fire fighter is a hero cause its in their job description. That's what they signed up for, and they'll come nowhere near to the heroism our parents acquire. Claiming someone a hero who is there because they 'have to be' is a fake. They save lives, so? We might remember what they've done and thank them for it a short while, but after that? But we're always grateful to our parents cause they do things out of their unconditional love, so no- we can't say they are not our heroes, and they deserve so much better than just branding them as 'our heroes!' -_-
Also I don't see what the word even means. Forget google, why does doing a heroic act, or something that may be seen brave have to be given a tag?! It makes us all a hero then. I think its just a silly excuse for thanking someone.
But yeah, each to their own I guess.
I never said parents aren't heroes/ don't do heroic stuff.
I disagree with what you said about firefighters. People in such professions don't get into it just for the sake of it, just cuz it's a "job"! And even if they did, Allah says saving one human is like saving the whole of mankind, if that's not heroic, I don't know what is.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I al allergic to heroism.
(heroism can also be in the light of duty - just because it is expected doesn't make it less heroic.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I think everyone can be a hero at one point in their life, but because we don't wake up in the morning telling ourselves 'i want to do something heroic today', whatever we do, 'just to be helpful and nice' is seen as insignificant and small in our eyes, but not in the eyes of other people.
Moving broken glass out of someone's way is being heroic, even though we might not be there to see the benefits of our actions. I don't see myself as a hero, simply because i don't think i've ever done enough to reach that stage and i wouldn't be in the position to judge myself. That's for someone who speaks the truth (without exaggeration) to say.