grooming and the muslim community- question time

The">]The recent conviction of muslim asian men from rochdale/oldham of grooming, sexually abusing white girls has become national/intrenational news

it was discussed tonite in Oldham on Question Time:

so do you think this case was a race issue, asiam muslim men attacking girls cos they were white eg easy meat?

or were these guys just perverts/peadophiles?

does muslim/asian community have deep -rooted issue sor is this a one off?

all thes emen but 1 were from pakistan, so is this an issue about pakistani men seeing women as inferior and they can treat them as they wish?

these men were morally and spiritually dead, no concept of halal an dharam- why?

is the msulim community responsible now in educating, highlighting and eradicating this issue?

TheRevivalEditor wrote:

does muslim/asian community have deep -rooted issues or is this a one off?

It's not a one off. They are pervs who need to be chopped into little bits and fed to the pigs. The only reason they got caught is because they decided to pick on the white girls.

I personally know three girls (two cousins and a friend) who had stuff done to them by male family members. On one occasion, the adult women were aware of what just happened but chose not to do anything about it.

How did we get here? Personally, I think it has something to do with the breakdown of the family unit.

I read an article once called "it takes a whole village to raise a boy" the article was explaining how everyone in the village has a role to play in raising a child. If any one of these people doesn't play their part, things can go seriously wrong. Tribes have a better functioning society than we in the "civilised" world do. The reason for this is because their survival depende on raising the children in the right way. Ours doesn't. We knoe the state is there and we can buy help in our katter years.

I remember in the second episode of Make Bradford British the white chap who was paired up with the muslim brother said that the muslim guys morals and values are not a million miles from what his own grandparents values and morlas are (i.e taking care of your parents, not using bad language and all those good things that we all know but none of us do)

These Pakistani pedos selected the girls very carefully. What criteria were they looking for? I don't know anything about the girls or where they come from etc, but if I was a gambling man, I'd put all my money on to say they were from a broken family background, father never known or in prision or always at work so emotionally unavailable etc etc. I'd also bet their mothers were doormats, letting guys trat them like crap etc etc.


TheRevivalEditor wrote:

is the msulim community responsible now in educating, highlighting and eradicating this issue?

It's not NOW. It ALWAYS has been but we neglected this responsibility and this is the tragic result.

In an ideal world we say to them "for the love of God stop this crap and see the error of your ways" and they become fully spiritual over night. But as we live in the real world, we do need a middle man. These guys ARE spiritually dead. They will not be fully alive over night. The process needs to be gradual for it to last. There needs to be stepping stones. We need someone who's on their level, but not as bad them to change where they draw the line, then someone who's slightly closer to the destination to move the line a bit closer and so on and so on until they are fully revived spiritually evolved Muslims. It's going to take the involvment of the whole community to fix them and the process we may even fix a few of the ones that hhave the potential of becoming monsters like these guys.


The media chooses to publicise what they like and keep hidden that which is disliked! It plays a huge part in giving information out. Maybe, it has been happening for some time, (regardless of ethnicity), but it has been brought up now due to an increase in Asian men and their doings!

I think Asian men must see something in White girls, hence they do such stuff! Maybe they don't find satisfcation in their 'wives'? Or its because white girls are the ones who are out of their homes, on the streets and 'just there'!

And about the whole community helping to raise a child.. Well, family is where the upbringing begins and i think you don't really need 'everyone'. At the end of the day, your family are always going to be there and because of respect, they wouldn't share any of your mistakes to the whole community/tribe! Its none of their business and it might want to be kept secretive! You should only trust a few! Word spreads too quickly!


These men are sick  and they should be looked up for ever, they took advantage of venerable girls

I’ve read that the girls were getting free alcohol cigarettes and food from them

Why did the girls take free stuff from them?   

My English is not very good

Yeah I heard about this sickening thing 

Apparently one girl got raped 20 times by different asian men? :S

It just blackens the name of the asian community tbh. The eldest guy (59 i think) has only got 19 years sentence!? 

Anyway I'm surprised its been going on for quite some time too..



Evil is everywhere, in lap dancing clubs where all sorts of middle class white males go etc etc did we really expect Asians to be any different, why the shock, isn't this the oldest profession, no one community is clean from it, be they Muslim Hindu or atheist.  You must realise that this is not a Pakistani issue but an age old issue of males exploiting females. The strong exploiting the weak.  The better off exploiting those worse off, it's a universal problem.

laila wrote:

Evil is everywhere, in lap dancing clubs where all sorts of middle class white males go etc etc did we really expect Asians to be any different, why the shock, isn't this the oldest profession, no one community is clean from it, be they Muslim Hindu or atheist.  You must realise that this is not a Pakistani issue but an age old issue of males exploiting females. The strong exploiting the weak.  The better off exploiting those worse off, it's a universal problem.

Apt way of deflecting responsibility?
We're not the others. We can't change the others.
What this article is questioning is - now that it's come to light that the problem exists in our community too, are we going to just start making excuses like we do with most things or are we going to do something about it.
If we're going with the latter, what is it that we can / are going to do?
I'm not sure if you're a professional in the field, I know I'm not. But it is you and mr that need to accept there is the problem in our community and sit with the professionals and sort things out?
(just my thoughts)



"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

There is a big difference between consensual sinning where all participants are willig and wanting to sin with where one party is taking advantage of another, grooming, forcing etc.

The two are not equal. The first is the individuals own responsibility, the second is something that swociety needs to fix.

so @ laila, I disagree and I cant equate lap dancing clubs with the evils that these types of stories are about and would suggest that the comparison is offensive.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

This isn't a matter of agreeing or disagreeing with each other this is a criminal matter and the law will deal with it.  Of course communities if able should stop this behaviour in its tracks.  But this behaviour  is in all communities in all times.  Sex trade especially involving children is disgusting but endemic to all societies unfortunately.  

Hummus wrote:

'For them, it doesn't matter what colour they are, whatever culture or whatever country they come from, they don't care as long as they just get it' - Relative of one of the recent offenders.


What the hell is wrong with these people!!