i think im going to TRY to go dormant for the next two months. i dont know how that's going to work out but im going to miss y'all.
especially all our cute lil newbies!
Me and Hummus and GD and... oh that's it. well y'all feel like an actual team but there's only three of you!
well, after exam we'll have fun coz Nasheedgirl said she's coming back inshaaAllah. you three are going to like her i think. She's fun like you.
and there's also Valkyrie and Lioness of Allah. If they come back you lot are going to take over loool
When do you get study leave?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Err-- I just got called cute!
Well I'm going for study leave this Friday too. I'm glad in a way because i feel more independent and I just can't wait to embrace what lies ahead BUT, i am absoluetly going to miss 'everything' about my school, my friends, the teachers and the building!
Well even though i try my best to avoid visiting this site every day, it seems near to impossible. I just can't resist seeing new comments and posts. It's all interesting and anyway, i need some time to do my own stuff rather than revising all day, so this is good enough!
Good luck for all your exams and may you pass with flying colours (Repeated in my head soo many times!)..
And, how long do you need to be on The Revival to become a general member and not a newbie LOL. I'd love to know!
Ah yes - study leave. Haven't heard that term

for a good many years. Simpler times.. Less grey hair... Less aches and pains... A full set of natural teeth... No slippers and smoaking pipe... No rocking arm chair...
Simpler times indeed.
Awwh, Good luck with all the exams ! x
I really need to be hard on myself too- so after today Its a BAN from using anything that is a BIG distraction- Like this website obviously..
Inshallah though after exam season, I'll be free as a bird! But I guess the hard work is yet to come.
Good luck to EVERYONE who has exams, i'A you'll ace it! Just make loads of duaa' AND remember me
Priorities first though, I'm gonna miss everyone loads even though you won't miss me back but what the heck- its only 2 months.
Till then, better hit the books
Yep, NasheedGirl sure is fun! And all the best to you and everyone else working hard in this dreaded Exam season.
I too, insha Allah will be back once it's all over.
dont think you'll last. plus gcse exam spans over AGES doesnt it? so just have a little bit of revvy everyday or so. instead of full out ban.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
is this what i think it is? *suspicious* IM OFFICIALLY STAYING
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Ok...im just popping it to say 'Salaam'!! ... Lol, so im not officially back yet... just missin revvy soo much. *Damn these exams*
"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters