
For issue 5 of The Revival i am looking to put in the views of muslim youth from across the UK on the question: [b]WHAT ROLE DOES ISLAM PLAY IN YOUR LIFE?[/b]

Inshallah i will include the best and most interesting answers from this thread....

try to keep it short and to the point...no more than 10 lines....no idle talk on this thread pls...


Quite a big Role, I've had to alter my Yard stick on some issues like polygamy and stoning. By deciding that The Holy Prophet SAW and divine law are better yard sticks than what I had previusly thought of on such issues.

It teaches me to try to smile at everyone I meet, it teaches me about Tawakkal. For example having a feeling that goes against your logic, and then events later validating the feeling over your intellect.

It teaches me more than anything else...[b][u][color=orange][size=24]Not TO BE SHYYYY!!!!!!!!!![/size][/color][/u][/b] Lol Lol Lol Dirol Biggrin

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

Actually Islam encourages shyness!

It teaches not to be arrogance.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

That is why you have a couple of months to think!

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:


The Pure Religion of God does not have a role in my life. It is my very life.

God's Sacred Rules govern everything in my existence.

How could I allow anything else to rule me ? I would be a traitor to my Lord.

I have given my soul only to its Creator.

Picking and choosing when I obeyed God would be a sign of my hypocrisy.


"Omrow" wrote:

Picking and choosing when I obeyed God would be a sign of my hypocrisy.

So omro do u do EVERYTHNG required of u in Islam?

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

For issue 5 of The Revival i am looking to put in the views of muslim youth from across the UK on the question: [b]WHAT ROLE DOES ISLAM PLAY IN YOUR LIFE?[/b]

Inshallah i will include the best and most interesting answers from this thread....

try to keep it short and to the point...no more than 10 lines....no idle talk on this thread pls...


Exactly what do you mean by the question.

Anyway i answer to what i think you are applying. What islam has done for me, is give me a balance in my life, kind of a structure where I am now able to have a better understanding what is expected of me. Before i was trying to keep my family happy, my friends,lecturersl, employers, but since islam has become more important to me, I realise that by focusing on pleasing Allah swt everything become secondary and kind of automatically falls into place. I have now a better understanding of the right and responsibility I have to the people around me. Which i believe have made me more of a stable person. It also given me the two most important things which is aims and hope.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."

[url=http//www.guidancemedia.com/videostream.php?id=Burda.mov]Quran[/url](link is external)

What role does Islam play in my life?

Well it should play more of a role than it does but Islam has taught me how to interact with others how to be patient and respectful towards others religion, few years back (didnt diss others religions) just didnt give them the respect that I should have.

It has also made me think about life, why we are here and to live everyday as it comes and not to wait to do all the rewarding things tomorrow, Islam has also given me awareness of death, i think about it more and maybe thats what helps me keep away from sins..

I dont know if thats what Ed was askin :?


i expected greater responce....

come on ppl...

you're Muslim youth....

how does islam affect your life at school, college, uni, work, at home?
does isalm only come in your lives at mosque, when u pray?
what day to day tasks, duties, stuff does islam play a part?
does islam come in your life at all?
does islam dictate EVERYTHING you do?
does islam only affect u on jumma, eid, janazah?
does islam only play a role in terms of berad, hijab, niqaab?
if islam plays a major role in ur life...is the role positive, negative, what does islam give you in your life, benefits, etc.....?

try to put the above points in ur answers pls...




i think i have become more charitable this year as a result of religion.

most times i give money to homeless ppl when i see them or to ppl in the street and for the first time signed up to give money to a charity through my bank account.

didnt really do that before.

a friend said if you always give money to those who need it when you leave the house God will ensure you are never short of money.

Islam plays a major role in my life. What I do and what I want to do in life is all linked to Islam.

Everything else is “part time” and fits around Islam. My Uni and work and even time that I put aside for myself fits around my Islamic timetable….I’ll happily take a day off work or miss a lecture if I have an study circle or important meeting/programme to attend.

I have to lead and prepare two study circles a week. I have to prepare a lecture for mum for her weekly study circles. As well as organising and participating in Islamic programmes, meetings, Islamic websites and working for the Revival from time to time.

However, despite the fact that I have a lot on my plate. I have a lot of Baraka (blessing) in my time too. I don’t feel anything is ever inconvenienced or not done because of my Islamic commitments.

I'm blessed with the opportunity to be involved in a lot of things. I'm very happy and grateful for the way I live my life.

This is because this is where my heart lies. One always goes out of their way to prioritise those things that are close to the heart.

Islam plays a significant part in my life cos of my family.

Every week either I'm attending a programme or a study circle. And reg read Islamic books to mum.

This is cos of my home environment. But it doesnt play a significant part in my heart. Most of the stuff I do is cos I have to.

But I wear hijaab and avoid haraam out of my own choice.

When I'm older I'll be a better muslim. ATM Islam is part time in my life.

thats very honest lilsis what you are saying is: though your life clearly revolves around Islamic duties your heart doesn't,

do you think this is a realistic analysis or would family members disagree with you?

The thing with my sister is that she moans a lot...but she is never forced to do anything that she don't want to.

My brother manages to get out of all Islamic programmes/meetings etc

She too could get out of stuff if she wanted to. But she never does...she attends all that we tell her to but she also moans about it at the same time. :?


It appears that that our little furbal has a very little, or no love for God.

However, she is honest.

Thats the most important thing.

Moreover, she is courageous.

And, she is not a hypocrite. She does not go on pretending that there is no problem.

She has an ability of correct analysis. Very rare quality in a woman.


"Don Karnage" wrote:
Hello lilsis.

Hello Mr Sn.oby Dave :twisted:

So....What role does Islam play in YOUR life?

(aprt from the 4 hours that u religioulsy spend on this forum a day)

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:
Hello lilsis.

Hello Mr Sn.oby Dave :twisted:

So....What role does Islam play in YOUR life?

(aprt from the 4 hours that u religioulsy spend on this forum a day)

It provides me with delicious food when i'm invited to Eid celebrations, and I know lots of friendly muslims.

Also it provided me with 4.0 in weighted credit hours for this semester (I got an A, 108% - YAHTZEE!)

That's pretty much all I can think of.

How is your day going?

lovely jubbly

had exam in morning-easy peasy

came home

mum had a religious circle going on

had loads of annoying aunties in my house

sis just came back frm work-I listened to her tell me her lifestory (the students did this, the student said that blah blah blah)

I managed to get out of doing the washing up

I'm hungry

naughty kids are in my house atm (mum teaches then Arabic)

my rooms a mess

and I'm looking forward to chilling on the sofa with tea and cakes when the kids go home

anything else u want to kno?

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
lovely jubbly

had exam in morning-easy peasy

came home

mum had a religious circle going on

had loads of annoying aunties in my house

sis just came back frm work-I listened to her tell me her lifestory (the students did this, the student said that blah blah blah)

I managed to get out of doing the washing up

I'm hungry

naughty kids are in my house atm (mum teaches then Arabic)

my rooms a mess

and I'm looking forward to chilling on the sofa with tea and cakes when the kids go home

That sounds insane. The cake is definitely a plus though. Are we talking real cake or some kind of gay british thing like dundee cake?

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
anything else u want to kno?

lol not so good at small talk I see.

we're talking lemon cake from Greggs

do u guys have a Greggs

btw stick to the topic-Mr Ed is very senstive to people going of HIS topics :roll:

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
we're talking lemon cake from Greggs

do u guys have a Greggs

btw stick to the topic-Mr Ed is very senstive to people going of HIS topics :roll:

What the hell is Greggs?

We have Piggly Wiggly if that counts.

lol I can't stick to the topic - staying on topic isn't something i'm capable of doing.

Not to mention it doesn't relate to me.

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
just for you


Please educate urself in Btictish Culture


lol thanks, but I don't recall not knowing what Greggs was effecting my adversly during my previous visits to "Great Btictian"

"Don Karnage" wrote:

lol thanks, but I don't recall not knowing what Greggs was effecting my adversly during my previous visits to "Great Btictian"


Thats a badly constructed sentence.

Please reiterate

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:

lol thanks, but I don't recall not knowing what Greggs was effecting my adversly during my previous visits to "Great Btictian"


Thats a badly constructed sentence.

Please reiterate

lol thanks, however in past years when I have visited "Great Bticitian" I have found little difficulty interacting with the locals due to not knowing what "Greggs" was.

"Don Karnage" wrote:

lol thanks, however in past years when I have visited "Great Bticitian" I have found little difficulty interacting with the locals due to not knowing what "Greggs" was.

That prob cos being the sn.ob that u are-u hanged round with the Hor 'devours lovers of "Great Bticitian" rather then the cake lovers :twisted:

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:

lol thanks, however in past years when I have visited "Great Bticitian" I have found little difficulty interacting with the locals due to not knowing what "Greggs" was.

That prob cos being the sn.ob that u are-u hanged round with the Hor 'devours lovers of "Great Bticitian" rather then the cake lovers :twisted:

Hors Doeuvres... it's Hors Doeuvre.

Whats wrong with them anyway?!

In the last few month its started to play a stronger role in my life. Things were bad so I turned to God and he helped me get through my problems. Before that I was far from Islam. Now I enjoy being with people and reading things that make Islam seem easy to practise.

BTW when is the next issue coming out? Dont let your fans down.