Who wrote the Bible? by Reverend Brian Lewis (Church of Engl

Assalámu `alaykum wa rahmatulláhi wa barakátuhu .

I pray that you are under the shade of Allah's mercy,
in the circle of his generosity and in the remembrance
of his habib (saw)insha'Allah,

We would like to invite you to the following:


Islamic Circles Presents:


by Reverend Brian Lewis (Church of England)*

Date: Sunday 11th December 2005
Time: 11.00 am - 1.00 pm
Venue: Froud Centre, 1 Toronto Avenue, off Romford Road, Manor Park,
London, E12 5JF

We have all heard about inaccuracies within the Bible but how many
of us really know anything about it or who wrote it? Apart from a
few R.E. lessons at school, have we actually heard about the Bible
and its teachings from people who believe in it? We hope to cover
the following areas: what is meant by the Bible - New Testament
and/or Old Testament; whether it was revealed or a collection of
events written later; how it was translated; when, how and who
complied the various versions; language of the original Bible;
what is meant by a 'version'; the possibility of amendments in
the future; and the latest understanding in light of discoveries
such as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

If you are interesting in da'wah and inter-faith dialogue, join
us for an informative morning with substance. Please note that
learning the beliefs of the "kuffar" does not mean you will lose
your iman! Rather, it may help you in your da'wah, enable you to
become more open-minded, and help you get rid of misconceptions.

* Reverend Brian Lewis graduated from Canterbury and trained for
the Ministry at St John's College. He has served in the Ministry
of the Anglican Church for the last 25 years and has been a Dean
for several London Boroughs. He is a member of the General Synod
of The Church of England and is currently Rector of St Michael
and All Angels, Little Ilford in the Diocese of Chelmsford.


Buses: 25, 147, 86
Nearest Tube: East Ham (District Line)
Nearest Rail: Manor Park (From Liverpool St)



Road: From the A406 (North Circular), turn off at Ilford and
go towards Central London along the A118(Romford Road). The
Froud Centre is located on the 4th intersection on the right.

Rail: Come out of Manor Park station onto Station Road. Cross
over, turn right and walk to the main traffic lights. Turn left
at this junction onto Romford Road. Walk 300 metres up the road.
The Froud Centre is located on the 5th intersection on the left.

Tube: Come out of East Ham station, cross over to the opposite
side and catch the 147 bus. Ask the driver to drop you off on
Romford Road near the petrol station. When you exit the bus
turn left and walk 100 metres up the road. The Froud Centre
will be on your right.

For more information please contact:
Tel: 07092 032 136 / 07092 032 763 / 07956 436 622
E-mail: info@islamiccircles.org


Wassalaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.

- Islamic Circles is a community-based initiative that has been running
at the Froud Centre since January 2001.We hold Islamic lectures and
Arabic classes on a weekly basis, and also organise a wide range of
projects and activities, including short courses, seminars, workshops
on issues relevant to the Muslim community, social gatherings,
and matrimonial events.