Did you ever have a time where you wanted to have a lot of friends? Like say wayy back when you were mere teenagers (ok I said that on purpose - cheesy grinnO).
Seriously though when MSN first came out (well became popular) and you had like your entire year added because, well why? I remember that time, I had people I didn’t really talk to on there, I had people I didn’t necessarily like on there – and why? Well I don’t actually know.
Now I don’t use MSN much (hardly ever but maybe once or twice) and I certainly don’t have Facebook (this is not to say that in the future I wont ever have another account) and I found that the number of people that I used to talk to both on MSN and Facebook has cut down. Not really very surprising though– they exist for convenience – I’m not stupid. Duh.
The point is, I decided that anyone who wants to keep in contact has the means to without these – they’ve got my number, ring me or text or ring or text or whatever you know? It filtered out a lot of my ‘friends’, I’m not going to lie. But it gave me some perspective.
Speaking solely of Facebook (the updates and pictures and so on) why give random acquaintances access to the happenings of my life? Yes I know there is some sort of unspoken of competition going about who is doing the most interesting things but why? (By the way this is me talking two thirds sense and is a one third of convincing myself!)
Occasionally (well depending on who’s profile I’m looking at) I see my ‘friends’ having a good time in a club or drinking or out somewhere and I find myself (and know of other people who have felt the same way) feeling as if I’m not doing anything special while Tom, Dick and Harry are just totally living their lives. Annoying feeling that is. Puts you right down. Down to the ground (hey that sort of rhymes!)
Another thing is the ‘looking down’ at other people that occurs. Maybe you don’t know anyone who was a ‘good’ person before and now have ‘gone off the rails’ but I do.
Yes that girl used to wear Hijaab and now wears mini skirts – omg! (Is there a hint of resentment at the fact that you can’t show off too?} OR That guy used to be so decent and now he drinks – OMG!
But these guys are our ‘friends’. We’ve added them, accepted them. I don’t mean to sound all Holier Than Thou (I only use this because I seem to keep seeing the phrase on here and decided to poke a little fun heh) but are these, our friends – friends - reallyyyy? [Sceptical face] The people who we add because we knew them once upon a time or something.
I actually only have a few friends in real life (by that I mean not in cyber world. Loneeeerrrr – yes rather).
I have many acquaintances but only a few friends and why is that? Maybe it’s because I’m mean and no one actually wants to be my friend or maybe it’s because it takes a lot to be a someone’s friend and that’s why I don’t have thattt many, most of the people I know get ruled out.
I used to have quite a few best friends (well the bestest of the best friends - I know I sound like a child!) and now these slots are not empty exactly but some (not all) of these have um changed let's say. (I feel like I sound like I’m Paris Hilton searching for a BFF – Best Friend Forever) and then I think it is true. Sad, really sad, but true, certain friends do come and go.
O know that they are essential, but friends seem like an inconvenience - you have to give them time and use energy etc.
It seems like a lot of hard work.
Not looking down, but its sad that sometimes things do not work out how people expect and then they follow a different line.
Maybe they need good friends here to keep them on the right path...
... it is also a reason why I hate young role models - they haven't lived yet and can still fumble. Surely a role model should be someone who has walked the path successfully and not someone that appeared to for a short period of time before falling into the pits that surrounded him/her?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
baba alis voice popped into my head here after reading 'reallyyyy' as baba ali would say 'are you kiddinggg mee, seriously...' lol
I remember those days, when i used try and look popular! But i've rised above such sillyness now
I actually regularly delete people, who i don't even talk to, off my fb list or i don't accept them in the first place. It so stupid. you talk to a person like once and they add you on fb, wth!
I added a few primary school friends but then i we didn't really talk much after the initial "hey, u ok, hows life, what did u pick for you GCSEs blah blah blah" so all of them, except one have been deleted too.
Saying that,one of the last people i added on fb was only because i wanted to see her pics, what?! i was IN those pics!!
I don't really care if people think im a loner or whatever, at the end of the day you only have a few real friends anyway, what's the point of faking it?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
missed me? I would NEVER not comment on your blog Truth. Just that this one was that tad too long and now being the last ten days and all.
but here i am.
i have ISSUES with friends... Brrr
anyway, i cant delete people off of FB because ( as i was telling Feef) "what if.."
plus, my primary school friends, who i hardly talk to, i am SO SCARED to delete them. Because they are all in France and FB is the ONLY thing that link us. and its just to BE there, nowt happens. except the occasional convo where we reminisce on the good old days, but it hardly ever happens. so...should i delete them? should i delete just the boys? (*sulks* im being bad, but they're the one i dont want to delete as their the ones that are like bigbro to me back in the days and the "truest" friends i've had. (reminisces about her tomboy days)
i dont see the big deal in deleting friends you dont talk to. they're here. i dont talk to them, its not like they are bothering anyone. Why should i delete them? it would be like. hmm... killing an insect just because its there but its not doing anything.
ANYWAY IGNORE IF THIS DOESNT MAKE SENSE. when i start talking "friends" i always go awry...
Friends, the good ones, are hard to keep and to "maintain" like i have this what you could consider "best friend" in france. i need to email her, or SOMETHING. because, she's nice and i like her.
you said the "BFF" place was empty. i kinda ripped off the BFF sign, jumped on it a thousands time, and threw it away(not even in the recycle). i dont believe in BFF, they're the one who get under your skin and hurt the most. <--sounds tough, but im not letting anyone come that close...Humans arent worth it.
i might build a new BFF sign for my Husband. that would be nice.
have a lot more to say, and questions to ask, but again. I NEED TO GO PRAY!! :O
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
You: Yes they can be hard work but we need them and it's frustrating (and upsetting) when you expect something from them and you don't get it.
Suhail: "Ask Baba Aliiii!" He's cool
TPOS: Hear, Hear, why fake it? I used to have a lot of problems in school because some people hated me (don't ask) and couldn't seem to accept it kinda thing. It was as if they had to pretend to like me because other people did - it was the worst feeling ever. Sometimes i would prompt them to tell me that they hated me but they never did which was also very annoying. (Sometimes it used to be 'don't hate me cz you ain't me' thing but that was um rare, i wasn't too horrible in school.. i don't think)
Lilly: Yes i missed you! Lol
That's so true and I know that if i ever get the chance to leave the country or move away i may actually go back on Facebook or something or maybe The Revival will be the Spot, who knows. But while I am in the country and not impossible to reach, well hey, let them reach me if they need to. (and Vice Versa of course!)
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
OMG! you should have done a little "@" because i WAS so confused for a moment here! i thought you were roleplaying us into this crazy convo and i got REALLY confused. ROFL
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I have a thing about using the @ sign, it feels awkward - I don't really know why.
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
then write AT!
im a simpleton, things like this confuse me deeply and could affect me later in life.
you dont want to be the reason of a trauma of some sort do you now? o.O
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Trauma eh?
'At' kinda sounds weird too. But i see why the colon could have confused you (I used that in my Play so yeh i get you) maybe a dash would be better - like so - - - - yep feels safe. -
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
i think lilly and truth should do a comic strip on TheRevival together instead of the usual
omg stop spamming lol
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I think Feef needs to be part of this too.
My mind usually goes blank when im SUPPOSE to do stuff.
Two minds is better than one!
Can you draw Feef?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
errrrm truth AND lily...i swear they're two different minds!
i can't draw to save my life. I can't be creative in any way, shape or form...actually i can colour-co ordinate my outfits if i want to
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
hmm...playing on words are we?
well...THREE minds is better than TWO! obviously!
colourcoordinated outfits, soooooo neeeeeekyyyyy
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
LOL - TPOS, we'll accept stick men, won't we Lilly? Oh and S.b.f can colour them in!
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
No, no, noddy's actually a good drawer! i'll colour if you want

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Yes!! i like that!
Stick men are fun! but we'll hava a basic requirement of beard and kameess for guys
and hijaab and "baggy" clothing for girls (you might find a jilbaab, also called a rectangle) to be your easiest option.
Well.. if Power of silence coordinates her otufit then i think she can do the colouring...
but then our stickbros and sis will look neeky...
(its neeky to admit it!)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I've already contributed.
I posted the idea three times.
That is true - what would we write about.. ok so stuff that concerns the youth right? It really would be hilarious with the stick people from the Land of um Stick
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
the Land of MUSLIMStick.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
MuslimStick seems like a place within The Land of Stick, kinda like a road or a street or a holiday destination Grinnno
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
or soemthing like chinatown.
so muslimtown. on the EAST coast of StickLand.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
LOL totally - the image is painting itself in my head
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
or maybe stickland is a khilafah (that should make some hapy) HENCE Muslimtown is in the center!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Interesting - I see you're chuffed with that!
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
now im going to start daydreaming about stickland (which by the way, need a more islamic name) the perfect land, and not like Reality even more than i already do.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
You know what i think - about this i mean, i think that, ok i'm not sure how to put this without it sounding really bad.. um ok so sometimes (like now with the land name) we should have a non muslim name with muslim people since that's our reality! We live in a non-muslim enviroment so we can relate to it, whereas a muslim city with muslim people isn't something we can really relate too and can seem a little condescending.
Maybe, perhaps - disagree if you'd like.
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
Or if you want to use a super hero example, Superman is crap because he is so powerful and everything that there is really no threat to him ever.
In the same thing, you do not want things to be too good or perfect.
There needs to be a clash somewhere to give character.
Like in the case of Batman.
He can bleed. He is better than Superman.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I totally agree!
Of course!
NO WAY! Superman has kryptonite!
BUT back to the topic, You took the words right out of my mouth! (except his latter comment!) Good Job!
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)