Are You A Spoilt Brat?

I know many spolit brats -and No, I'm not spoilt :roll:

I usually get what I want-as long as its within reason

in most cases I save up my pocket money before I can buy sumin-I have to abide by the rules in my house

and can not get away with being naughty

anyway-were YOU a spolit kid? and aint it true to say that spoilt kids can not function in society?

to me, a kid is spoilt by parents giving in to their every demand, allowing them to get away with bad behaviour, and turning them into a child that nobody wants to play with or mind.

THATS a spoilt brat

i'm crazy about kids-but I often get the strong urge to slap spoilt kids


I know what you mean, i want a spoilt brat, no-one in my family thankfully has been although my brother is the only son so there was some element of spoilt bratness in him when he was younger but not too much, but hes all changed now!

I cant stand it when parents cant discipline their children properly, i know kids who dont have any respect for anything and can get away with murder but their parents dont find it necessary to discpline them

non of the 5 kids in my fam are spolit, WE were kinda spoilt but not badly when were little, BUT since times hav changed...the unmarried ones dont tend to ask for much no more BUT dad alwayz giving us money even though we dont need it,

we dont tend to do fazool kharchi anywayz, mor like save up for something useful,

i HATE kids that act spoilt, like my nephew hes ONLY 14 months and has already started demanding for stuff when with his mum down town, and when he dunt get it hes there lying on floor wailing not willing to budge.

i hope my kids dont be like that, they'll drive me insane..i'll let the father do his job handling em.


A spoilt brat is a kid that can get away with murder…a kid whose parent’s continuously bend for and give in to his/her unreasonable demands….a kid that no one likes and whose parents continuously idolise and ignore the 101 glaring faults of their little darling.

..I am favoured in my household and I’m often singled out…but this is only by my gran…prob cos I’m the first grandchild in my family.

This favouritism irritates me…it means that I usually get served first and served the most in our family gatherings..(which means that someone else has less to eat)….I’m showered with love more then others….my uncles, cousins and aunties and bro/sis are often told to run errands for me…this irritates them and also me….my nan goes out of her way to make life comfortable for me, sometimes at the expense of others…she thinks the world of me.

This favouritism means that she has to be involved in every aspect of my life…this is suffocating for me. I’m not ungrateful…..however, I can’t stand being singled out…and I don’t like to receive anything at the expense of others.

Materially....I’d say that no one in our immediate family is spoilt. We’ve always had to budget and have always spent between our reasonable monthly pocket money…we never pester our parents for stuff…however, only recently I got a good job which means that I can spend money on myself and my family.

But yeah, spoilt kids arevery hard to get along with...


I dunno if Im spoilt or not, I hope Im not. But I dont think any of my brothers are spoilt, my youngest brother and oldest brother sometimes get away with stuff but they not spoilt I dont think.

I definitely aint gonna spoil my kids. Im gonna be a gud father inshaALLAH and bring em up right. Actually I'll deal more with the sons, teach em to be manly and that, their mom can deal with the girls. She can teach em to sew and knit and bake cake and wash clothes by hand and to do mehndi etc, so wifey better know how to do these things herself aswell.

Just read MuslimSisters post abt her granny. I think in some way I am treated as a favourite by my extended family. My grandfather and grandmother treat me well, makes me feel guilty sometimes. I get served quite well at my aunts' homes, after my dad they kinda look to me, but I feel bad for that cos my older brother should be served after my dad.

I dunno, I dont think im spoilt though.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

...I won't spoil my kids either. I'll treat them the way my parents treated us. However, I will be very close to my boys...mums very close to my brother and this has made him somewhat considerate and kind.

Dad was always closer to his daughters (especially my two younger sisters) and this has made us appreciate and understand him too…He’s the one who taught us to ride bikes, pay bills, drive a car, took us Hajj/umrah, he takes me to work etc….on top of that, he’s always brought us clothes, encouraged us to learn how to do mehndi and brought us watches, bracelets etc

Thankfully neither of my parents are stereotypical

Spoil Brat stem from the fact that parent tend to give their children what they [b]want[/b] instead of what they[b] need[/b]. In fact if i look back on my childhood, the moment that really stand out in my mind are the occasion where there was struggle as this was the time that i develop and grow as a person. The time i got all my present and my way all the time, didn't benefit me at all, looking back at it so I agree with lilsis statement about it may be possible that spoil brat may struggle in society, too a certain extent.

When I am a parent, I am going to make sure that my kids suffer some hardship and I not going to protect in all the situation, because it a important learning curve IMO. The problem stem from the fact that parent tend to give everything that they may not have had too their children, but at the same time forget the things that they did, which made them the people that they are. I hope i didn't come across as harsh, because I will still having a loving relationship with them inshallah.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."

[url=http//]Quran[/url](link is external)

"yuit" wrote:
Spoil Brat stem from the fact that parent tend to give their children what they [b]want[/b] instead of what they[b] need[/b].

Yeah... but whose to say what they exactly need??

Who are we to stand in the way of simple economics (Demand-->>Supply).

If you want something you must learn to take it.

Ofcourse its never a good thing to always get what you want, bcoz then you have no value for the things you have. A Rich person doesnt value his possessions as much as a poor man would, why bcoz the rich guy can always buy more, the poor man has much more to loose.

Back in BLACK

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
I know many spolit brats -and No, I'm not spoilt :roll:

Could we get an opinion poll on that?

"Constantine" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
I know many spolit brats -and No, I'm not spoilt :roll:

Could we get an opinion poll on that?

loooooooool, i knw which way id vote!

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
"Constantine" wrote:

Could we get an opinion poll on that?

loooooooool, i knw which way id vote!

Maybe after you can demand a recount just to rub it in.

Back in BLACK

I am not spoilt i think my second youngest bro (he gets everythin regardless of the price) and my older sis gets everythin too, but havin said that whenever i ask my parents for somethin they give it to me plus when i was in school we used to get a bursary so there was no need to ask dad money for anythin...

i was unemployed for 2 months during summer and my dad paid for my driving lessons...i dont ask dad for money now as i am workin but i feel bad when i dont have money on me and i am runnin late so i cant go to the bank so i ask dad but he never takes the money bak which is why i feel bad to ask him in the first place

All in all my dad is the best mashallah and he gives all we want and more. May Allah bless him.

"Seraph" wrote:
"yuit" wrote:
Spoil Brat stem from the fact that parent tend to give their children what they [b]want[/b] instead of what they[b] need[/b].

Yeah... but whose to say what they exactly need??

Who are we to stand in the way of simple economics (Demand-->>Supply).

If you want something you must learn to take it.

Ofcourse its never a good thing to always get what you want, bcoz then you have no value for the things you have. A Rich person doesnt value his possessions as much as a poor man would, why bcoz the rich guy can always buy more, the poor man has much more to loose.

Like a playstation 2, a child doesn't need it. Like that extra chocolate cake, the latest DVD. There million of things that a child doesn't need but parent feel that they should have it. I not against them having it, but they don't really need to have it.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."

[url=http//]Quran[/url](link is external)

"Seraph" wrote:
Maybe after you can demand a recount just to rub it in.

lol i'm american - it's a given.

It's just... what we do

nah I'm not spoiled-I'd admit it if I was

I never make demands for money or stuff

dad does favour me in my family but he would NEVER let me get away with murder

sis is favoured in our extended family-but she is genuinly nice to everyone-she be's nice to people in our family even if they are evil

but if I hate someone-I make no effort with them at all

a kid aint always spoilt due to material possessions if if he/she is allowed to get away with murder

If you are spoilt, you will not admit it.

You will get what you want most of the time, but still think the world is against you.

Thus I do not expect anyone to admit to themselves being spoilt...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
If you are spoilt, you will not admit it.

You will get what you want most of the time, but still think the world is against you.

Thus I do not expect anyone to admit to themselves being spoilt...

True, but if a LOADS of people u personally know said it to ur face or behind ur back-this should give a person a rough idea

not really...

I am spoilt. But I know so, so any spoilt habits I have I am on the lookout for.

I try to prevent them from becoming apparent.

I am the anti-thesis of spoilt though... I know the rules and break them. Or atleast I try to.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

ur anti thesis is weak...I'm not spoilt-AT ALL

I never make demands or kick up a fuss regarding anything, in fact in my family I'm known as the most complacent one

yet in this forum-I go OUT OF MY WAY to act like a spoilt, rude, immature brat

has ur expertise in this subject saw thru my act yet?


You not kick up a fuss?

You only go out of your way because there are no real losses. Most people here you will never meet. So you can say what you like...

Are you spoilt?

I do not know.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:

You only go out of your way because there are no real losses. Most people here you will never meet. So you can say what you like...

yep this forum gives me confidence to say what I feel/think

I dont see the need to put a lid on it-like u said

I dont know anyone here

My parents were so ridiculously stupid when I was a kid.

They would give me all this stuff so they wouldn't have to be parents and whenever I did something they didn't like they would call my spoiled.


All the same we developed a lovely relationship - I do my thing, they do theirs, we interact for social occasions.

It's a nice arrangment.

Just wish they would actually stick to it once in a while

...Lol-I'd call u snobby, spoilt Dave but I wont

truth is-I dont really consider u spoilt

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
...Lol-I'd call u snobby, spoilt Dave but I wont

truth is-I dont really consider u spoilt

lol I guess we couldn't tell unless somebody took away all my stuff.

I like my stuff.

And i'm not snobby.

"Constantine" wrote:

lol I guess we couldn't tell unless somebody took away all my stuff.

I like my stuff.


i think ANYONE would feel that

i dislike staying away from home cos I'm so used to my stuff

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i think ANYONE would feel that

i dislike staying aay from home cos I'm so used to my stuff

Stuff is pretty cool innit?

lol what are you going to do when you move out? Take all your stuff with you?

That's tasky

"Constantine" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i think ANYONE would feel that

i dislike staying aay from home cos I'm so used to my stuff

Stuff is pretty cool innit?

lol what are you going to do when you move out? Take all your stuff with you?

That's tasky

of course

I spent all my life collecting stuff

my books is sumin I can never part with-that and my make up

aint too fussed about anyting else

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

of course

I spent all my life collecting stuff

my books is sumin I can never part with-that and my make up

aint too fussed about anyting else

lol couldn't live in a house without a library.

Books are really nice because they are like conversations you can take up at leasure.

Why do you need books when you have google?

Soon all books will be scanned into google as part of its library plan for world dominatio.... erm good service.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
Why do you need books when you have google?

Soon all books will be scanned into google as part of its library plan for world dominatio.... erm good service.

Yes Mr Admin. Google is the best. All hail Google. Why read book when we have google.

There, there relax down, Books are no match against Google.

Your right. Why read books when u have Google.

(pssssst dont aggravate Mr Admin,he's a bit googled up in the head. let him think google is the best) :twisted:

"Admin" wrote:
Why do you need books when you have google?

Soon all books will be scanned into google as part of its library plan for world dominatio.... erm good service.

lol do you know who Steve Balmer is?
