The Revival, initially a NEWSLETTER, and now a MAGAZINE and WEBSITE has been aroung for about 10 years....
so the question I have is :
DO you/have you read the magazine? Has it had any kind of an impact in your life in any way?
Or have you never seen or read a copy?
Or you have read it now and then and you didnt make much of it?
Do you think The Revival caters for the issues facing you/ Muslim youth?
Are you a regular on the website/forum?
Has it benefitted you in any way?
Or is it just a social thing?
Do you think The Revival is doing a good jon in trying to be THE VOICE OF THE MUSLIM YOUTH?
How do you think the revival mag/site can improve in any way?
Be as honest as you want, please. I've recently been accused of being a government stooge, secular, apostate and hypocrite.... so I'm used to abuse:-)
Ed you don't get many posts on your forum topics and things so i thought i'd talk i feel like rambling today.
What has the revival done for exception? Well since i've bin on here commenting on the forums ect. I have learnt so much. Islamically even when i'm very quiet and don't post much i'll read the forums & comments & well i get alot out of that. Ive learnt about somethings i never really knew before spesh recently with Anonymous1 kind of tearing my blog to peices but i don't mind that because well i learnt alot from the english language to humanism and like loads in between.
It's helped me, I well show my views and opinions on here i'm nbot sure how many people read them or see them or visit this site., But well it feels like i'm bieng heard so that good. What have i got out of it? Critisism, knowledge, understanding on islamic topics i might nhever have heard of before.
Yes i'm like more regular on here than i was to start with. but yes it gets kind of addictive but not in a badway.
THE VOICE OF THE MUSLIM YOUTH,. well yes it is to an extent, but i think more kids , teenagers a little younger a little oler, need to be more involed, the youth, well most issues as a youth you face as a teenager right? So it should be reaching out towards us, as a group of people the muslim teeangers ,. & to do that well maybe have some surveys talk to the youth , keep in touch with us, I have to say the latest magazine was aiming at children too young, in a way it seemed like there was alot of older people trying to hard to reach out to the youth, but that doesn't mean it was bad mashallah it was very good, & infromative but it didn't reach out as much as older versions. SO yeah the youth? KEEP IN TOUCH WITHH US, if you already do this all then my badd, maybe i should hushh upp.. and go noww.
I've read the magazine and looked at the site - I appreciate the efforts you are making and hope Allah rewards you.
Constructive criticism wise, the articles come across with a strong modernist slant - it is disappointing for those used to traditional perspectives on Islam and there doesn't seem to be a fair balance of different perspectives and viewpoints. It makes it difficult to recommend the site to people unless one already adopts a modernist perspective and it can be off-putting which is a shame as there often are some interesting points and discussions raised.
Concerns raised don't seem to be sensibly addressed some of the times - I've noticed yourself especially tending to get very emotive and personal from your posts, rather than staying neutral and responding to points professionally. Emotion and passion for Islam is good but can be a little distractive when you need to get a point across to someone who may just as passionately disagree with you.
Finally, there seems to be a dislike of other muslims and groups, may I even venture to say even a prejudice or hatred. This is not good as we all need to work together and try to show tolerance for different views and rahmah to each other... especially when Islam is attacked so strongly by the politicians, media and right wing groups like BNP and EDL...
They're my thoughts for what they are worth.
I think that lack of tolerance of other opinions is down to me - I ahve gone from being very tolerant to well... hating everyone equally.
Saying that, I am not really a part of The Revival and am in it more for the social interaction. CBA with other stuff really - everyone can find their own way, do their own things. If they want to jump off a cliff all I ask is for some popcorn and a good viewing angle.
Probably a little too old to be chilaxing wid da yoof too, but sometimes the place needs someone who keeps it ticking over til the next burst of activity.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
urgh...I thought i already commented on this...but i guess i didnt, so here goes
havent read the magazine in ages but being on the Website regularly lately
the revival is a source of advice, support, it gives me a feel of community, somewhere where i can ask questions and get answers with a religious side to them without feeling judged or looked badly upon for my ignorance/shortcomings or for not being too religious.
It keeps me off websites that wouldnt be too good for me, It keeps me in touch with my Muslim side. It makes me think critically, i learnt a lot about myself.
and loads more i can't think of at the moment.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
//Be as honest as you want, please. I've recently been accused of being a government stooge, secular, apostate and hypocrite.... so I'm used to abuse:-)//
I wouldn't ever say you were a hypocrite, apostate or stooge astaghfirullah - secular maybe as a lot of the political/social issues tend not to really be thought through and do reflect a secular style of thought... which can genuinely lead to questions that some posters have raised of links to the government or its policies and initiatives.
Once Muslims are tainted with the latter it raises trust and credibility issues - something the Salafis have been burdened with for decades because of funding from Saudi which renders them suspect by most muslims and not neutral. I guess it's a judgement issue - does one want the money and possible mistrust or the independance and credibility?
Thanks for the comments and the feedback so far
what would you like to see the revival doing more?
what issues/topics should we be dealing with in future?
would you say the revival is making a significant contribution to the muslim youth in the uk?
Anonymous1 (not verified) - your comments can't be taken seriously.
Or you can give her a voice. Get her to write for the magazine.
Maybe even one on voting or something. I won't take part though, but maybe a "big debate" style article between her and Funzo?
There does not have to be only one voice...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
thanks but no thanks
HT is not the voice of anyone but a few so we dont need to confuse the youth with their extreme views.
It could be fun.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Two points:
- I have no ties with HT - I agree with their views as I do with many other scholars eg Tahir al-Qadri - just because I agree with some of their views does not make me HT or Qadri.
- You should let go of your hatred of other Muslims - I would kindly suggest you write to them with your concerns and discuss them so you understand what they actually say - it's good therapy when you disagree with someone.
(Also is it good cop, bad cop, going on or am I becoming paranoid on this site?)
its not good cop bad cop. I am anti everyone. So some that that makes me against you, some times against 'Ed probably depending on who posted last.
Its the price of independent thought.
I think 'Ed is still narked off by them comparing him to qadiyanis because he used the dreaded words "British Muslim".
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I dont have hatred for any Muslims; unlike yourself who is quick to call Muslims secular, hypocrites, government stooges and so on as in your emails to me!
I have a problem with you because if anyone disagrees with you then it means one must be misguided or secular or a modernsit or follows a puppet scholar- you cant accept the fact that majority of scholars/mosques/organisations disagree with HT and there are valid views other than yours.
Sorry but you are HT in the sense that your views are 100% like theirs and you are really reading from their manual and you do quote their founder every now and then.
Maybe you can provide a citation where I call you a hypocrite? Or is this a fabrication?
You are secular in your political outlook - I stand by that and ask you to refute it.
You are also promoting the British version of Islam whether you like it or not.
It all depends on your definition of secular.
if by it you mean that other religions or people regardless of religions have rights, then does that make Islam secular?
If you mean that in the sense of anti religion then no.
As for promoting "British Islam" - there is no such thing. there are British Muslims, but Islam is not not British or Arab or limited to any other subset of humans. This is a false allegation and it would be more accurate to say "you are promoting the interpretation of Islam that is the scholars of all the major organisations promote, but a few randoms disagree with."
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
By secular I mean those who marginalise Islam from political matters, replace the Islamic socio-political bond with nationalism (nation based identities), and reject the Caliphate model of governance, introducing secular western ideologies in its place.
The Editor fits this understanding well - read his latest rantings of how proud he is to be a British Muslim - of which he thinks being british is having a british passport! LOL
British Islam is the latests frankenstein the govt and her sycophants are busy constructing by re-engineering Islam unashamedly! Traditionalists and conservatives like Hamza Yusuf, Abdul Hakim Murad, Micheal Mumisa, Deobandis, many Sufis, Wahabites etc oppose this nonsense.
I dont get it.
we're muslims, but we have to be from Somewhere! Islam doesn't mean ignoring cultures and traditions as long as they dont go against religious teachings.
what about reverts? People who are born in Britain, whose parents are born in Britain, who's grandparents are born in Britain? are they not British? and saying that being "british muslims" cannot be...isnt that just going to put people off Islam?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
The discussion is not about where we are from - there is no dispute that it's ok to say I'm from Pak, Somalia etc or I'm from Cairo, Jeddah, Mirpur etc Use of terms in a geographic sense like Mirpuri, or Somalian or Pakistani is no problem - as they can be used in a geographic sense.
The problem that arises is that such innocuous terms have deeper meanings and usages. Read theories about ideologies like nationalism that have led to the creation of nation states in the last two centuries. They have tried to replace society wide bonds that existed, usually based on religion, with corrupt bonds based on nationalism - uniting people within fixed borders of nation states, but dividing them from those outside the borders.
Islam came with a more profound and beautiful bond to bind Muslims together - it was the relgious bond of Islam. Anyone who enters the faith is part of a global ummah who are united through faith.
Islam requires Muslims to also ensure that their socio-poitical lives are regulated by Islam and the Prophet(Saw) condemned bonds in this area of life (asabiyya) analogising them with dung that dung beetles push. We are Muslims and that is our bond - we are not british as we do not fit into that bond - no Muslim believes in or has pride in British history, or their culture, or their political authority/symbols/institutions or their limited geographic homelands with their hallmarks.
To say they do is easily said, but becomes undone when their leaders, imams, writers etc condemn them in private and are exposed by undercover journalists or individuals from the same community. All Muslims are then left looking like liars and two faced - so the few discrediting the rest of us and increasing hatred of Muslims and making harder to carry the message of truth to non-Muslims as all credibility is lost.
Honesty is the best policy - and we simply need to promote Islam - without having to pollute it with foreign ideas and ideologies.
according to HT Islam most Muslims today are secular so nothing new in that attack!
'British version of Islam'- what jahiliyah! If you cant tolerate the fact that calling yourself British doesnt mean you compromise in your deen in any way or have a 'britsh 'version of Islam then you have lost the plot!
Still no proof that I called you a hypocrite - you'll then moan people call you a fabricator... rightly so!
I'm inclined to believe the poster who said you admitted being funded by govt and questions who the editor actually is... if it had been a Muslim no doubt Islamic arguments would have been presented - totally lacking - replaced by vitriolic hatred of other Muslims esp. groups like HT which is all I've heard you attack. Interesting how the govt wants to ban them too - coincidence? I don't think so...
Looks like you enjoy slogans and cannot engage in a discussion of issues so here you go:
Yes you are secular - BritishIslam, BiritishMuslim, HinduIslam, HinduMuslim... anything I've missed?
Same old accusations.
Islam requires proof. Or do you only follow it when it suits you? Are you only a Muslim when it suits you?
If was as conspiratorial as you, I would question if you were a Zionist mole planted within the Ummah trying to stop Muslims from becoming effective. Because your approach really does help their and other Non islamic groups calls.
I remember even one of your earlier assertions of duplicity within the Muslim community striking a cord since the EDL had suggested the same thing before... whereas I believe that us Muslims are not being duplicitous or playing a double game. Surely only an outsider to the Muslim community would think such a thing?
(the accuser did not say that 'Ed admitted being funded by the government. more that he - the accuser - thought that was the case, but was unable or unwilling to provide evidence).
I went off the offensive to give you the benefit of the doubt and to also offer you a a more similar welcome that I give others. Apparently that was a bad idea.
You wouldn't know what Islam was if it came and slapped you in the face.
At the time of the sahabahs there were also people who use to question the sahabahs and consider them to be misguided. People attacking those that do right is nothing new. The Kharijites always thought they were more pious and knew better. Ask yourself how far is your apple from that tree?
If you were present at the time of the sahabahs you would probably accuse them of following kufr ideology whenever they allowed (parts of) the status quo because they did not find it necessary.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
same old crap
as You mentioned you're nothing but an extremist with an attitude, doing the job for the likes of the BNP and the Zionists by dividing the ummah, now shooh and stop hijacking this topic; i want constructive feedback not hatred and fatwas from crackpots like you.
More slander... making accusations of people calling you a hypocrite and not being able to substantiate it! Disgusting in my opinion that you have to play politics with your answers!
It's most strange how you are an editor - I a most inclined to believe the previous poster that your picture is of someone else as you don't even sound like a muslim from your posts - no wonder the editorial is so dsgracefully promoting the same identity the BNP promote - shame on you!
oh shurrup you fool
bored of your rubbish
now saying im not a muslim eh!!!!
that picture is not me or supposed to be me; its suppose to be 'a british muslim'.
go and sell ur fatwas somewhre else
funny you mention the BNP -its likes of you or your clan that keeps them alive with your dodgy views
So the previous poster was correct - pictures of others rather than yourself. Being truthful and frank is always the best policy.
And the more you degenerate in your discussion, the more abuse you come out with - disgraceful.
No wonder you are unable to intellectually defend your slogan "pride in britishness" - having to resort to emotion.
I'm sure you can do better - I'm sure your funders don't fund you to abuse Muslims.
I am sure the primary reason people dvertise is because they want the adverts to be seen... it me or are you carefully phrasing your sentences in order to both make accusations and at the same time be able to say "Well, I didn't REALLY say that... (I just suggested it)".
This has never been denied. More, how do you expect that that person found out? (I am quite sure I confirmed it too... but that exchange with the mad man was a few weeks ago... thinking of him... he did like to use similar examples to you... "Qadiyanis did X. You do X." but he was not as subtle as you of saying "I am not saying but... doesn't it make you think? I am merely suggesting that such as allegation is present")
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
more fatwas?
u are the one who has accused me of being a govt stooge, secular, mutazilite, hypocrite (yes- u did mnetion that in your emails which i dont save im afraid!! i never forget when im called a hypocrite!!) and alot of other trash....
PROVE who funds me otherwise as usual you will be proven as a liar?
if u say the government is funding the revival PROVE it?
ur quick at accusing me of everything with NO PROOF
u say nationalism is haram in all forms but cant PROVE IT
u say saying british muslim is kufr but cant PROVE IT
ur a joke
a disgrace
a farce
you shame the muslim community
your like make it difficult for the muslim community
only the bnp/edl smile because of u guys
if u wanna be taken seriously here then register as a forum member
You do realise that all she will now need to add is a line on "prove I have said that" where if it has been said, it will probably have been written in a carefully phrased manner where atleast two different meanings could be taken...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
erm... BS.
The BNP's slogans are along the lines of "lets kick Islam out of the UK" while the editorial was the exact opposite.
However you may find rhe EDL/BNP position remarkably close to yours when you have stated that you think Muslims have been duplicitous in their aims in the UK where they say one thing but are actually working towards another...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I leave that to you - the BritishMuslim - can I add Hindu to your identity? It seems there is no problem with it using your rhetoric so I should maybe start addressing you as the BritishHinduMuslim
Maybe you should read what I read carefully as you cannot prove your allegations - you are promoting the same BritishIslam that the govt is carefully creating.
Yes this is true - read my lips - you are SECULAR. Anyone who calls themselves a BritishMuslim is secular. If you don't want to be called secular prove the British identity is permitted - and not, just becauase you have a british passport does not mean you have a british identity - you have british nationality which is a different concept.
You are the modern equivalent of the mutazalites and I can see the analogy holds - they were however Muslims and you shouldn't be too offended.
This is little more than a fabrication and you cannot prove it yet you repeat it. And oh dear, you can't find the emails - convenient!
So you've been called it by others eh? LOL Maybe you're confusing me with them!
Maybe you should stop abusing and insulting others and stop promoting secular views blended with kufr ideologies and others may stop calling you that - you appear not to learn!
It's actually the other way around - you have not shown it to be permitted and I have proven it to be haram. When you think parliament and man made laws are supreme and the one who believes that is kafir and the ideology that promotes that identity which one is asked to unite around is called kufr.
so can we assume that you are saying he is a hindu now?
opr are you going to say "no I didn't really say that. please quote me where i called him a hindu".
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.