Birmingham Single Muslims Marriage Event

Stareventsteam mission is to create a networking venue for professional Single Muslims. We understand there is a wide spread issue in the UK with so many Muslims struggling to find there match, Inshallah our aim and objectives is to help single muslims to find their life time partner.

We differentiate ourselves by creating an environment that fosters open communication and a balanced approach between the best of what eastern and western values have to offer.

The tone of our event is set with Islamic Values in mind, i.e; No Alcohol, No Dancing etc. Dinner is also included to make the day complete.

The first 30 female & first 30 male tickets will be sold at £25 each and £20 for associates, £30 there after.

Please forward to all muslim brothers & sisters who are looking for marriage.


The Gables Hotel
Old Damson Lane
B92 9ED

Sunday 13th June 2010 Time: 11am till 5pm

4 course Buffet Meal and drinks Included

For further details and bookings please visit or call alisha on 07737309349 for more info