To the guys here who keep beards

To the guys on here who keep their beard and follow this blessed sunnah like me.
How do you take care of your beard, do you shampoo it or sumthin to make it soft? Is it better to comb the beard? And is it better to put oil on the beard, if so which oil?

not that big.....yet....or maybe...dunno

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


mashaALLAH brother, May ALLAH adorn your face with the sunnah, with your body with the sunnah, with your speach with sunnah and with your heart with sunnah. Ameen

Personally, I shampoo and comb it. Rarely put oil on unless its at night and then wash it in morning. Alhamdulillah make dua that ALLAH makes my face noble.

I dunno, I think my best feature is the beard. You know how ALLAH loves those acts which are done consistently innit over thsoe which are done in random bursts? Well my beard is my only consistent act, my salah is sometimes ok-ish, sometimes not, and everything else is also inconsistent, but alhamdulillah I havent shaved and my beard is accrding to some a fist in length but still I aint trimmed it, so alhamdulillah I love my beard.

I find combing it makes it shine anyway, plus my beard is very thick, just like my Ustaadji's. As it is thick it can seem smaller at times when wet so what I try to do on special days, eg friday, or eid is that I dry it with hair dryer and make it more striaght. MashaALLAH I love my beard, may ALLAH make it naseeb for me, ameen.

NB put itr on ur beard, not a cheap one, but a gud quality one and mashaALLAH it further enhances both the colour of the beard and its scent. Stays with u all day, mashaALLAH.

I cud go on and on abt my beard, Oh ALLAH it is Your grace that I have kept this sunnah, accept it and save me from the punishment as the jester of firawn was saved. ameen

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

Ameen brother, may Allah Illuminate our faces on Yawm al Qiyamah for our dedication to the sunnah at such a young age. And may Allah guide other muslims, to adopt the sunnah, as he has guided us. Ameen.

Bro, my beards only about 2 inches long yet and is growing mostly on the chin, Ive still got a long way to go lol


Brother u always manage to bring a smile to my face. May ALLAH keep you happy always.

What I will say is brother stick with it, I dont think u need my advice, rather Im writing for myself. Perhaps our appearance will be the reason ALLAH does not take us to account for the sins that we commit day in day out.

Khawaja Sahib once wrote:

''agar daari ke rakh layne se, chehra badnamah lagta
to phir daari mere aaqa ki sunnat nahi hoti''

That if by keeping the beard, the face is disgraced/demeaned/darkened,
then the beard would not have been my Masters practice.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

There loads of reasons why you have to keep a beard, first and foremost because the Holy Prophet (saws) commanded the believers to do so. But also cuz shaving the beard was seen as imitating the opposite sex, and was done by haemaphrodites. How corrupt our society is today which has the belief that men are more masculine without a beard. Astagfirullah, may keep us safe from temptation.
you should have come down to manchester university bro

bro u shudda come to sheffield or bham!

Ibrar goes to me ur gud guy bro, we meet up somtime inshaALLAH.

lol abt the hermaphrodites bit. Mullah Ali Qari Hanafi rahmatullahi alayh wrote that innit.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

Its true if you think about it bro, men naturally have more testosterone in their bodies which makes their body and facial hair grow. If you remove it your going against your bodies nature (fitrah). Just think nowadays men shave their beards and chest hair imitating women

bro men do a lot of imitating women, its the age of fitnah innit.

Lol, men are meant to practice isbaal, yet it is the women who have the clothes WAY above the ankels and the men who keep the trousers dragging on floor.

For them, men can have earrings and its ok, its cool and in fashion, but for a man to put surmah on they think he's a bit funny. The time is messed up brother, best thing is to stick with good ppl, ppl who remind of ALLAH and Rasul and forget about the rest.

May ALLAH protect us. ameen

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

sorry to duisrupt your conversation:

a question:
Is Islam in the beard or beard in Islam?

Should you judge a book by its cover. If a person has no beard, or has a beard less than a fist...does that make him a bad muslim, less practising than the two of you, less active in the deen etc??

also , accoring to th eulema all teh minor signs of the end of time have in that light, shouldnt teh emphasis be on doing good, forbidding evil, fighting against drugs, alcohol, answering misconceptions, bringing youth to islam etc etc.......... why is it that ppl like yourself ( dont get me wrong, i mean practsing bros here) always bang on about the beard...and see it as more important than almost everything else?

pls dont take my posts the wrong way...the reason why i say the above is because religious / practising bros' are obsessed with beard, always like to talk about beard, size of beard etc
i mean i know its sunnat makkidah/ some say waajib, and the prophet had beard of fist length..... but in teh time and age we are lliving when the fardh acts are beard teh most important issue?

i wont say no more....



Our understanding, well my understanding is that Islam dictates everything. I aint talking about halal or haram, im on abt the fact that in everything Islam has given us an example.

So for us the beard, the way hair is cut, the way nails are cut, the length of the thobe, the colour of the thobe, the length of the turban, the manner of eating, the manner of sitting, the manner of purifying, the manner of walking, the manner of talking are all told to us in islam. I aint arguing with any1, im just talking about myself.

Now the beard is a wajib, so for people to speak about the beard it is not that they are speaking about mustahhab act which is of less significance. Unfortunately because I or we talk about the beard people assume that we dont give importance to other issues. Alhamdulillah, I would think or atleast hope that I do. We worry about usury, we worry about alcohol, and drugs, and prostitution. Its not exclusive.

People think that we 'practicing' ones harp on about non issues, well if the beard a wajib act is a non issue then so is salah and zakah. The religious technicality is different between salah and beard, but PRACTICALLY, they are the same. Neglect your salah and you are a fasiq whose testimony is not acceptable, whose witness is not acceptable, shave or trim ur beard and u are a fasiq, ur testimony or witness or imamat is not acceptable.

So wheras some may hint at me or us being too into the technical stuf like beard when there are 'more important' issues like drugs etc, then the way I see it they are being too technical in making a huge distinction between salah and beard. Technically they are in different categories, practically they are the same.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
mashaALLAH brother, May ALLAH adorn your face with the sunnah, with your body with the sunnah, with your speach with sunnah and with your heart with sunnah. Ameen

Personally, I shampoo and comb it. Rarely put oil on unless its at night and then wash it in morning. Alhamdulillah make dua that ALLAH makes my face noble.

I dunno, I think my best feature is the beard. You know how ALLAH loves those acts which are done consistently innit over thsoe which are done in random bursts? Well my beard is my only consistent act, my salah is sometimes ok-ish, sometimes not, and everything else is also inconsistent, but alhamdulillah I havent shaved and my beard is accrding to some a fist in length but still I aint trimmed it, so alhamdulillah I love my beard.

I find combing it makes it shine anyway, plus my beard is very thick, just like my Ustaadji's. As it is thick it can seem smaller at times when wet so what I try to do on special days, eg friday, or eid is that I dry it with hair dryer and make it more striaght. MashaALLAH I love my beard, may ALLAH make it naseeb for me, ameen.

NB put itr on ur beard, not a cheap one, but a gud quality one and mashaALLAH it further enhances both the colour of the beard and its scent. Stays with u all day, mashaALLAH.

I cud go on and on abt my beard, Oh ALLAH it is Your grace that I have kept this sunnah, accept it and save me from the punishment as the jester of firawn was saved. ameen

yea like u should try writing a book about your beard Smile

"naj" wrote:

yea like u should try writing a book about your beard Smile

lol, yeh I cud, but who'd wanna buy it?

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

u could try banging doors dwn aloo rock, oh an yea try giving em out free of charge u'll be all ova in no time Biggrin

OII what u trying to say abt my aloo rock?

I aint gonna hand em out there, we r fine as we r. I think its ppl up in burnley who need the book, so im gonna go banging doors there.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

i mentioned before PATHANS are tough people...u'll get busted LOL

"naj" wrote:
i mentioned before PATHANS are tough people...u'll get busted LOL

hardly likely, I look, walk and talk like a big Mawlana. If these pathans up in burnley saw me, they wud be respecting me cos they gonna think Im a big mawlana. so yeh, gonna hv to torment the ppl in burnley.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
Our understanding, well my understanding is that Islam dictates everything. I aint talking about halal or haram, im on abt the fact that in everything Islam has given us an example.

So for us the beard, the way hair is cut, the way nails are cut, the length of the thobe, the colour of the thobe, the length of the turban, the manner of eating, the manner of sitting, the manner of purifying, the manner of walking, the manner of talking are all told to us in islam. I aint arguing with any1, im just talking about myself.

Now the beard is a wajib, so for people to speak about the beard it is not that they are speaking about mustahhab act which is of less significance. Unfortunately because I or we talk about the beard people assume that we dont give importance to other issues. Alhamdulillah, I would think or atleast hope that I do. We worry about usury, we worry about alcohol, and drugs, and prostitution. Its not exclusive.

People think that we 'practicing' ones harp on about non issues, well if the beard a wajib act is a non issue then so is salah and zakah. The religious technicality is different between salah and beard, but PRACTICALLY, they are the same. Neglect your salah and you are a fasiq whose testimony is not acceptable, whose witness is not acceptable, shave or trim ur beard and u are a fasiq, ur testimony or witness or imamat is not acceptable.

So wheras some may hint at me or us being too into the technical stuf like beard when there are 'more important' issues like drugs etc, then the way I see it they are being too technical in making a huge distinction between salah and beard. Technically they are in different categories, practically they are the same.

well that was the typical answer i expected.
firstly salah is in no way the same category or at the same level or at the same importance as the beard. the first thing you will be asked on qiyamat is your salah, not your beard.
med said:
shave or trim ur beard and u are a fasiq, ur testimony or witness or imamat is not acceptable.
i dont know where you get your info from?Probably the mullah of the taliban. The above might be true for a shaving person regarding Imaamat but why should it matter if you have a beard regarding your testimony or you being a witness. These are to do with being truthful and trustworthy....having a beard doesnt make you become that, its jsut an external appearance.
Also trimming the beard, doesnt make you a fasiq...and yes you can lead the prayer if you have a trimmed beard. There is ikhtilaaf in this issue...but there is no difference of opinion where you come from. For you its massive beard=pious person! For you its what you hav ebeen taught is correct, any other view is wrong.

You say beard is waajib, i say it is sunnat e muakkidah. I have heard many scholars say that aswell. Yes beard is good to keep...but it is not the be and end all of deen.
To you it may be as important as salah and zakat and even probably jihad....but to me its not.
To me your iman/belief and your fara'iz like salah, fasting, zakat, hajj come first. then its respecting of parents, learning the deen, doing good, forbidding evil etc......
your beard grows when your iman grows. you cant force a beard on a man. the stronger your iman becomes you will see the beard automatically grows aswell. its a process my friend.

To you the whole deen may be the me it is not., its a small part.


guyz you seriously started a whole topic on how to keep your beards in shape? Biggrin

what is the world coming to

We've had threads on tattoos, saris, piercings etc. Why not beards?

cos I know we already have a beard thread here somewhere

geez how many threads do u need to discuss facial hair? :roll:

"Salma" wrote:
guyz you seriously started a whole topic on how to keep your beards in shape? Biggrin

what is the world coming to

exactly. i suppose to some its the most important issues in the world... they probably need two or three different threads on it. i'd rather talk about something else


"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
cos I know we already have a beard thread here somewhere

geez how many threads do u need to discuss facial hair? :roll:

as many as of these girly threads you have :twisted:

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

i dont know where you get your info from?Probably the mullah of the taliban.

This is addressed to the general public, not to the person above.

I thought I was inciter of sectarianism, the slightest comment i made viz Ahlul Bidah, where no1 is specified etc I am accused of sectarianism.

However, when another makes a specific mention of Taliban, and of the Mullah of Taliban db that is not sectarianism? I cant say I am surprised by the double standards.

Let me change one word in that quote

i dont know where you get your info from? Probably the mullah of

then no doubt, a whole mob of people will jump on me for being so disrespectful, and then asking is that what my teachers teach, oh i am so arrogant then blah blah blah.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

that was uncalled for bro

ed aint even a minhajian, why part shots at the ones who are?

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
that was uncalled for bro

ed aint even a minhajian, why part shots at the ones who are?

no im not saying anything abt minhaj. I was illustrating a point, but why is it that my shot was uncalled for, did I mention anything about taliban? why were they shot at ?

Hayder, brother, this is exactly what i am on abt. I just made a statement to illustrate my point and u got offended when I said it to illustrate a point, yet u fell for it. U start on me, wen i only used it to make a point, u stil have yet to comment on any1 potting shots at taliban. But I dont expect you or any1 to even see this attempt at sectarianism by certain person because apparently its always me and only me who does this type of thing. Suffice for me to say that those comments made abt the Mullah of Taliban are nothing to do with me.

SubhanALLAH! It has always been the way that the true men of ALLAH are maligned and insulted and debased. Can there be a man today who has fulfilled the sunnah that happened at the time of the unfufilled umrah? But there is one, who made that sunnah alive, there is one who made those verses of Quran alive in an age when no1 else can make them alive. SubhanALLAH. Those who understand the incident of the unfulfilled umrah and the Quranic verses pertaining to it will understand. May ALLAH have mercy on the ones who fulfill the sunnah in the age of fitan. ameen

May ALLAH save me from nifaaq ameen and make me amongst the ulama who were warriors.ameen.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

indeed you didnt

but neither did i

what he and you said was uncalled for

i dont feel for the taliban personally, so i have no reason to defend them

but you mentionin minhaj in such context clearly tells what you think, not as you were saying, merely illustrating a point

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
that was uncalled for bro

ed aint even a minhajian, why part shots at the ones who are?

he was giving an example. i dont think it was a potshot at anyone in particular.

and for a change Ed, i think Med's standpoint is also valid - there IS a scholarly opinion which says the beard is wajib. therefore u cant pegionhole him on this one, saying he's talibanish or wotever.

and anyway, i find this whole thing a bit silly: Ed, ur the one who started this discussion. the point of this thread was not to discuss the beard's importance - a bro wanted to know about maintaining his beard. yet u brought this up. y? just accept there's a difference of opinion and leave it.

edit: oh, then AFTER introducing that discussion on whether the beard is important or not, u post THIS:

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"Salma" wrote:
guyz you seriously started a whole topic on how to keep your beards in shape? Biggrin

what is the world coming to

exactly. i suppose to some its the most important issues in the world... they probably need two or three different threads on it. i'd rather talk about something else



i agree on what you both say about Ed's comments, fair point

why would he use that as an example? its got intent written all over it

anyway, not gona take this further

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.

