Was having a debate the other day with a guy who claimed that the devil wass not actually evil. What was his crime? Disobeyed God and refused to prostrate before Adam (as)... bcoz he valued God more??
So isnt he just a glorified Jail Warden now? That he ensures whats evil stays in hell. But does that make him evil? Is he even that?
And the truth, that the devil isnt really evil, but people are evil.
One thing is for sure... the devil does not wear prada.
your thoughts?
His crime wasn't not before Adam (as). It was what happened afterwards.
He was given a chance to repent and to change, but he refused and instead blamed God for his infractions. He did not take responsibility for his actions and was defiant.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
He's not /wasn't an angel
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
He was not an angel, but a Jinn: [qs:18:50]
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Angels? :S
Please don't pity the numpty - he knew what he was doing and the consequences of it and he doesn't sympathise for all those who follow him knowingly or blindly, in fact that is his challenge and revenge towards Allah. I pity the fool who pities the fool...actually hold up, I got no time for that, life is too short and I'm better off spending my time in repentance and good deeds
Peace people
And that makes him evil?
Im not saying i pity him or anything.
Back in BLACK
Anyone or any being who defies Allah is bad. What makes them evil is when they do wrong themselves and have the bare faced cheek to then accuse the innocent of THEIR own wrong doings. This is what satan did. Furthermore he had the audacity to then threaten Allah that he would ensure the downfall of His own creation so no shame for disobedience, no thought to the wrongful accusation of turning the blame on to Allah but furthermore He threatens the One who created him - talk about biting the hand feeds you eh! All that only someone evil could think up and carry out. When they will stop at nothing to achieve it and then spend a lifetime vowing to create havoc and wreak sin then they are evil, unfortunately there are far too many humans with such mentalities and attitudes and people will define them as evil so why not satan? Lies, theft, conning, rape, murder, incest etc all start with whispers from Satan - the test is whether humans will succumb to those or whether they will submit to the part of Allah which is within them (as Allah breathed His Spirit into Adam) and thus work with the good in them and overcome the time waster that is satan.