One of my students told this true story to the class today, it's quite amazing, I think you'll agree:
A few years ago he was out fishing, and he dropped his ring into the lake and it started to sink and was swallowed by a large fish. He thought that it was lost forever.
Two years later he went out fishing on the same lake, and caught a huge fish. He took it home to grill it for dinner. He cut open the belly of the fish to fillet it, and when he opened it up, you can guess what he found inside...
Nothing. Either the fish had sold the ring for a profit, or it was a different fish.
That is just SOOO inspiring and amazing! I don't know if it's true or not.
Love it!
And the moral of the story is....
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
That there are plenty of more fish in the sea
Back in BLACK
Good one!!!!
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
the moral of this story is that allah can make miricals happen this also ells you that allh can make the lost apear anouther story is called the fish and the ring but diffrent way
one day a little muslim girl met a hindu girl they both became close frendz. one day the hindu girl saw a ring on thew muslim girls finger the hindu girl was frealy facinated with is lam on the ring it said la ila ha illal la ho mohamdur rasoololalh. the musl;im girl gifted the ring to the outher girl. the hinus girls mum and dad did not like the ring as they were not muslims. so the father through the ring into the sea that day the hindu girl told her mum and dad that she has invited the muslim girl over for dinner so the mother told her to go get some fish the muslim girl new that the ring was missing but then when they were cutting the fish open the muslim girl found teh ring
allah has gave back the ring to the little girl
Lol thanks for that great story Ya'qub
Halimah did the little girl become Muslim? : )
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
But i thought the man was going to find the exact same ring in there? I don't think he should've expected the ring to be in there, (and i don't think i should've expected it to be in there either). In that way he wouldn't have been disappointed when he cut the fish open and found nothing there.
Talking about cutting fish up, i did a dissection of a fish-head this week. It was very bloody and i had a feel of all the different parts, including the gills. SubhanAllah, i'm just amazed by how sophisticated their gas exchange systems are.
the way the story was told made us hope for the ring inside the fish. such a sad world we live in that we look for hope in things like this.
but because it was two years later, i dont think the fisherman was expecting a ring.
i dont understand though why Admin and Sully laughed at this/found it awesome.
dit: why is this story amazing/inspiring? is it because im tired that im not getting this?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
It's funny/awesome because we expect it to be a typical miracle story but it's not. In a way it's making fun of those stories too - which sometimes(a lot of the times?) really are fake and outrageous Well that's what I thought when I read it.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi