Anti-smoking ad 'scares children'

A government advert aimed at convincing parents to give up smoking upset children and broke several rules, the Advertising Standards Authority says.

The independent regulator ruled that the "I'm not scared" TV advert, which attracted 51 complaints overall, should not be shown before 7.30pm.

In it, a girl says she is not afraid of spiders, clowns or bullies, but does fear her mother - a smoker - dying...

Read more and watch the ad @ BBC News

I am quite sure the ad was MEANT to frighten people and get them to think about quitting or not start smoking.

If the smoking distresses their children, surely the better solution would be to stop smoking instead of getting them to not see the ad?

I'm glad this is scaring people. Normally some adverts are pathetic and they use silly ones because of ethical issues. If this is having an affect why are people complaining?


but... but... but... its been banned from being shown before 7.30pm as its scaring children!

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Scaring children? Maybe it might mean they don't smoke when they grow up.

Is it the advert itself that is scaring children or the prospect of their Mum or Dads dying due to smoking? If its the second one..doesn't that mean less people are going to smoke? People are going to think before they put a cigarette into their mouths?

banned before 7.30pm? That's wierd. I was reading something about how people wanted things like Hollyoaks and Emmerdale to be banned before 7.30pm because of the 'adult' scenes.