Tafsir of Surah Fathiah one day intensive course from Utrujj

Tafseer of Surah Al Fatihah
15th November
10 am to 6pm
Birckbeck University, Central London
Taught by Shaykh Haytham Tamim
Cost £29 employed, £19 uneemployed

website - www.utrujj.org
tel no 0845 644 0619

'We have given you the seven oft-recited verses and the whole glorious Qur'an'
(Surah Al Hijr: 87)

This opening chapter of the Qur'an is described as the 'seven oft-repeated' verses and known as the Essence of the Qur'an. Its special status is demonstrated through its recitation in our daily prayers, and it is one of the very first Surah’s we learn to recite as a Muslim. We may know its translation, but to study its explanation will take us into the realm of deep knowledge, understanding, and reflection, enabling us to unlock the wisdoms in the Surah and nourish the soul with what it seeks.

In these seven verses, the Surah covers essential aspects of faith, such as knowing Allah through His Attributes, Tawheed, Gratitude, Guidance, and Judgement. This one-day course will provide an in-depth analysis of each verse, providing you with a deeper understanding of this short, but concise Surah, enabling you to develop and strengthen your connection with Allah as you comprehend, beyond words and beyond translation, exactly what you are saying as you converse with Allah in prayer. Surah Al Fatihah is a gift from Allah to us and this course will enable us to take steps towards understanding its importance and reaping its fruits in this life and the Hereafter.

Learn the Surah's themes and derive important lessons from within it
Appreciate the deep wisdom, beauty and power of the Surah
Develop the ability to reflect upon the verses with deeper understanding when reciting, thereby increasing the quality of our daily salah
Learn the importance of the Basmalah (saying 'Bismillah')
Study the attributes of Allah as He has revealed Himself
Learn about The Straight Path and our means to it
Appreciate the subtlety in the verses of the Qur'an and learn techniques that will enable us to read between the lines
Find comfort and reassurance in the Quran, and feel more connected to Allah