is instant messaging a guy or girl you know harram????

it's allways occured to me that technically you are talking to the guy or girl and thats harram :evil: but your not face 2 face???
lets see what you have to say
:oops: suprise me

Read this.

Depends on the purpose, methods used.

It is something to be wary of at the least.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

islam4eva is a friend from school, you can see from her choice of topic ive influenced her slightly...


i know...................but sometimes the subject moves on and the direction changes
also what is with that strange poem

it's not that I'm always right.....
I'm just never wrong

in which way have u influenced me?
i have got to hear this Lol

it's not that I'm always right.....
I'm just never wrong

We actually wrote an article on this in a previous issue.

If you wanna read the article you can find it here.

Back in BLACK

hmmm...its a tricky 1 but...i used 2 chat 2 a guy on msn n nw we wanna get married soo...i dunno

well done??

no not really but to say to someone 'we met through msn' lol mkes me laugh but its true

muslimah1234 wrote:
hmmm...its a tricky 1 but...i used 2 chat 2 a guy on msn n nw we wanna get married soo...i dunno

Meaning you're not already... come back once you HAVE actually gotten married.

Back in BLACK

muslimah1234 wrote:
hmmm...its a tricky 1 but...i used 2 chat 2 a guy on msn n nw we wanna get married soo...i dunno

This comment probably answers your question Islam4eva..

Without wishing to sound like a misandronist, quite a number of guys (I use this term loosely) "chat" on msn etc. for reasons I neednt need explain :evil: In fact, my good friend warned me never to use msn for this reason :?

Ya'qub wrote:
muslimah1234 wrote:
no not really but to say to someone 'we met through msn' lol mkes me laugh but its true

You might like this then: is external)

Its not hilarious, it's HIGH-larious.

I take my hat off to maniac muslim, honestly, his articles never fail to make me laugh! Dirol Maybe the Revival should consider writing articles along the same lines?? :-pp

Heres another article along the same lines: is external)

May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.

that was the fuuniest nikkah way i will ever see!!!! lol Biggrin

it's not that I'm always right.....
I'm just never wrong

everytime I come on here SOMEONE has started a ____is haram??? thread


its bloody annoying now

Some peopl just make me kill it!

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

I think you can talk when you need to.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

1R4M wrote:
everytime I come on here SOMEONE has started a ____is haram??? thread


its bloody annoying now

I agree.

Islam is NOT just a list of dos and don'ts.

Its a personal relationship with our Creator.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

No offence but guys that chat on MSN are not the type to commit they only want to have some fun before their parents take them back home and get them married.

Theres a Muslim girl at work who has been going out with a guy for 4 years. He has been stringing her along all these years saying he wanted to marry her. When she asked him to ask his parents and turned around and laughed at her. He told her that it wasnt in their family tradition to bring home girls (basically they have all had arranged marriages and thats the way it gonna stay).

Guesss where she met this guy. Wimmy road!!! Some women really are deluded.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Such shame .......... Sad to hear that such guys exist

BM Smile wrote:
Such shame .......... Sad to hear that such guys exist

Are you telling me you didnt already know?

My msn always stays on 'appear offline'... i only really use it to monitor my mail. I rarely use it for chatting.

Back in BLACK

I normally chat to family and friends on there.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Naz wrote:
No offence but guys that chat on MSN are not the type to commit they only want to have some fun before their parents take them back home and get them married.

Theres a Muslim girl at work who has been going out with a guy for 4 years. He has been stringing her along all these years saying he wanted to marry her. When she asked him to ask his parents and turned around and laughed at her. He told her that it wasnt in their family tradition to bring home girls (basically they have all had arranged marriages and thats the way it gonna stay).

Guesss where she met this guy. Wimmy road!!! Some women really are deluded.

If I was her I would wave bye-bye to him!

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

yeah so sad, but yet so true!
i know this muslim girl who is only in year 7 and she has had 6 boyfriends, she even told me 2 my face that i concentrate too ,much on my religion, is it a good or bad thing to be pious?
some people think so, but others dont!

Pretty_Muslim01 wrote:
yeah so sad, but yet so true!
i know this muslim girl who is only in year 7 and she has had 6 boyfriends, she even told me 2 my face that i concentrate too ,much on my religion, is it a good or bad thing to be pious?
some people think so, but others dont!

A year 7 whose had 6 boyfriends?

Either she's lying to big herself up... or shes really that easy. And therefore not someone you should be taking that kinda advice from.

Being pious is not a crime... infact its a virtue. People who arent as religious will see you as a constant reminder of what they're not. And as a result will try to put you down.

My advice, dont listen.

Back in BLACK

Seraphim wrote:
Pretty_Muslim01 wrote:
yeah so sad, but yet so true!
i know this muslim girl who is only in year 7 and she has had 6 boyfriends, she even told me 2 my face that i concentrate too ,much on my religion, is it a good or bad thing to be pious?
some people think so, but others dont!

A year 7 whose had 6 boyfriends?

Either she's lying to big herself up... or shes really that easy. And therefore not someone you should be taking that kinda advice from.

Being pious is not a crime... infact its a virtue. People who arent as religious will see you as a constant reminder of what they're not. And as a result will try to put you down.

My advice, dont listen.

good advice


Tell her that you're not getting hooked up with anyone, cos you'll break up and there's nothing that she can say or do that'll change your mind.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

islam4eva wrote:
it's allways occured to me that technically you are talking to the guy or girl and thats harram :evil: but your not face 2 face???
lets see what you have to say
:oops: suprise me

Well simply put like this if your speaking to someone from the opposite gender for e.g. a guy speaking to a girl he should speak to her as if he is speak to his mother, meaning with the same respect this was theres not flirting, joking about which leads to haraam thoughts and even haraam actions. Since your at the age where all the boys and girls around you would be into mixing and talking online messing about in class you need to remember to refrain from that find a group of friends who dont engage in that or if you cant find that then stay away from them completely but you'll realise after that they where silly and immature and remember what is right isnt always popular and what is popular isnt always right.

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...