Worshippers at a Muslim shrine in western India have been dropping babies from a tower for good luck.The "good luck babies" are thrown from a height of 50ft on to a cloth sheet in a bizarre ritual that is thought to bring them good health.
Baby dropping has taken place at the shrine in Solapur, in the state of Maharastra, for over 500 years. It also takes place on special days in other parts of the country.
The ritual is practised by couples who are blessed with a child after taking a vow at the Baba Sheikh Umar Saheb Dargah or temple.
http://news.uk.msn.com/Article.aspx?cp-documentid=8211775(link is external)
Unfortunately there isn't a smiley that conveys utter dismay.
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Saw this on the telly last night.
They is also a very common practice in Egypt. You see ppl throwing their young kids up into the air and then catching them. Apparently its suppose to make them fearless (yeah right!)
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Isn't that what most people do? Throw and catch their babies, then drop them and never do it again.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
And I thought Michael Jackson was bad....
If i saw someone throwing their kid in the air id call the social on them!
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
If you do try to get involved ie use your voice they tell you to mind your own business.
At my last work place some woman was having ago at her kid for no apparent reason (he hadnt done anything it was obvious that she were stressed about something else and she were taking it out on the poor kid). Some old guy was going past and butted it. Started having ago at the women. The woman proper laid into the old guy telling him to mind his business. In the end security had to come down and sort it.
Then there was another time when a woman had come into the store and told me that she had left her new born baby in the car coz it was asleep. :shock: She justified what she was doing by saying she had left the car window open a little bit. She must have been in the store for about an hour!!!
And just last week was on the bus and some women got on with two kids, one in the trolley the other one walking. The kid was crying saying he wanted his drink which was in the trolley. He reached out and got it and she yanked it out of his hand and put it back in the trolley. The kid was proper crying his eyes out and the whole bus was looking at her. The woman sitting opposite me had a look of disgust on her face and was nodding in disapproval.
If you cant be bothered to look after your kids properly or they are a burden why have them in the first place.
ps sorry about the waffle as you can probably tell i feel very strongly on the issue of parents treating their kids like they are some sort of punch bag.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
whats wrong with that?
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
They bang on about how you should respect your parents, but what about respecting your children? They always say that "Paradise is at the feet of the mother" I'm not saying you should disrespect her or anyone, but what about "Children being a barrier from Hell" if you treat them right?
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
If it were a fizzy drink then i can understand but denying your kid juice on a really warm day is cruelty.
Coz after she threatened to thump the living day light out of him if he dared to get the drink from the trolley she left both her kids at the front while she sat at the back on the bus. As she walked to the end of the bus the woman sat in front of me her eyes followed the woman to the back of the bus. Hence my assumption.
Exactly respect is a two way thing. If you disrespect your kid when theyr lil then when they grow up the aint gonna respect you.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
ive got children, one is approaching the terrible 2's and his behaviour is changing drastically, i'm beginning to enforce discipline more harshly because he is coming to understand right and wrong, rewards and punishments.
As for children crying and parents denying themselves, i think its far too easy to make assumptions about parents.One part of being a good parent is laying down the law, punishing when its necessary and rewarding when necessary this applies within and outside the home.Most parents are very good disciplining kids inside but outside they become embarrassed because of onlookers. Any good child practitioner,nanny etc will tell you a good parent needs to ignore onlookers. It's your child, and you should discipline your child if they throw a tantrum or do something to hurt another even if it is in the supermarket. ignoring the behaviour gives the child an instant power trip,and they continue to act it out repeatedly with relish, whilst the parents wonder how their angel turned into a monster over night, well duh you turned them into one coz u were more concerned about your public image.
So when my kid walks past the aisle where his fave walkers crisps are i let him cry it out, i don't run to shut him up in case other ppl look. let them look. I try and shift his attention get him to help me put things in the trolley.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
The way you handle it seems to be good, but you have to remember that many parents are 50 times more draconian than Musharaf! Well, maybe not!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.