Dutch MP’s Anti- Quran Film: Is this the road to Integration?


By Majed Iqbal-

It was on September 30, 2005, when the Danish daily newspaper Jyllands-Posten’s, published cartoons depicting the Prophet of Islam in an attempt to “test the level of tolerance of Muslims” living in Danish Society.

Two years on from the international furor created by these publications, a sequel with an even more loaded message to this issue is about to re-kindle another international situation.

Dutch lawmaker, MP Geert Wilders, who last summer called for the Quran to be banned in the Netherlands has now made a movie, entitled “Fitna”, to support his contention that the Koran inspires “intolerance, murder and terror.”

Wilders, leader of the Freedom Party had long threatened to release a film exhibiting, in his words, “the violent and fascist elements of the Muslim faith”.

On previous occasions, Wilders equated the Quran with Mein Kampf (Adolph Hitler’s manifesto) and called for both books to be banned and suggested that the 1 million Muslims living in the Netherlands renounce aspects of their faith or leave the country.

Writing on his blog, Wilders said “The film will be released. Soon you will be able to see with your own eyes why the Koran is such a terrible book and why it is necessary to fight hard against Islamization.”

Unsurprisingly, the Film has struck on a raw nerve in the Islamic world and throughout Europe’s 22 million Muslims who see the consistent provocations made about Shariah Law, the sanctity of Prophet Muhammad and the Quran as systematic attempts of “Islamophobic” attacks on their religion.

Despite the contentious nature of the Dutch MP’s aspirations to broadcast the 15-minute documentary on TV and over the Internet, it would be naïve to look at this situation in isolation. Similar remarks, speeches and campaigns, have found huge audiences throughout Europe in recent years justified in the name of fighting the War on Terror and combating extremism.

French interior minister and presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy defended a weekly Newspaper for printing the Danish cartoons and said he would prefer “too many caricatures to an absence of caricature”.

In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative party was accused of stirring up hostility when stating that the country’s 3.2 million Muslim immigrants “must accept German culture”.

In Austria, far right leader Jörg Haider called for a ban of building a mosque in his province of Carinthia stating that the town “will be a pioneer in the battle against radical Islam for the protection of our dominant western culture.”

In Italy, the mayors of Bologna and Genoa last month delayed planning permission for mosques with one of the leaders, threatening to take pigs to “defile” the site of the proposed mosque in Bologna.

In Britain, draconian laws, stop and searches, spying on students, banning non-violent groups, comments on Niqab by politicians, silencing debate on Foreign Policy, all have targeted Muslims specifically.

Europe’s attempts to force a set of values on the Muslim community dubbed as “Universal” or “Global” values that all peoples should subscribe to have not sat well at all. Flemming Rose, Jyllands-Posten’s culture editor commented on this when he stated:

“The modern, secular society is rejected by some Muslims. They demand a special position, insisting on special consideration of their own religious feelings. It is incompatible with contemporary democracy and freedom of speech, where you must be ready to put up with insults, mockery and ridicule. In Denmark we criticise everything… Muslims have to accept that”

If the road to Integration and cohesion is built on ridicule and contempt with a “if you don’t like it, then get out” attitude, it doesn’t make it surprising to see why a particular set of people feel disenchanted with Western culture and what it has to offer both domestically as citizens of a state and internationally in the shape of the War on Terror which heavily focuses on the Muslim world.

In light of this one has to question what exactly will the release of the film “Fitna” achieve. Will it be dialogue or legalised abuse and ridicule of a set of people?


Majed, mate, all Geert Wilders and the far right want to do is make life miserable for the Muslims. All we should do is speak out against their cheap, pathetic and sad disses, answer their accusations and hope. And you can do that by voting, lobbying, demonstrating, you name it (as long as it's legal). Apathy isn't an option.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

Thanks courage. I agree. Apathy is never an option. However, as the article mentions, there are plenty of politicians throughout Europe who seem to be jumping on the bashing agenda as the so called "War on tERROR" has provided them perfect political capital to galvanise the masses for their campaigns.

I would have to diagree with you that joining the political Process will bring out the desired change required. Take for example the Muslim MP's in Britain. Some of them voted for the war in Iraq, supported increased detention laws under the new anti-terror legislation and voted for gay rights. In fact Sayeda waarsi went as far as saying that the BNP have some pretty legitimate views!!

I believe in a form of Political activism which challenges the status Quo. e.g No politican in Europe spoke out against the Cartoons amde against the Prophet because freedom of Speech is considered a central tenet to western liberalism over which no compromise can be made. the type of activism i am involved in challenges the notion of freedom of Speech and highlights how it fragments a nation, works agaisnt community cohesion and opens vulnerable minorities and groups to ridicule.

Added on to such a discussion would be how Shariah is always displyed as barbaric. My form of activism would work to show how Islam was able to convey its message to all peoples in the world in ts glorious history and had state policies in giving non-muslims a position in the national assembly (majlis al0ummah), it gave priests autonomy over their communiites, nobody swore allegience to a ruler, their blood was seen as valued as mulsim blood, and in fact non-muslims loved and defended the islamic system and its application.

Hence, these types of discussions need to come out in debates ans seminars as well as protests and demonstrations when these issues arise in the media. this will aid the muslim community in Britian in defending Islam and showing wider society theri abilities to dialogue and discuss, and not resort to emotion and ridicule like politicians are doing.

majedbhai wrote:
Thanks courage. I agree. Apathy is never an option. However, as the article mentions, there are plenty of politicians throughout Europe who seem to be jumping on the bashing agenda as the so called "War on tERROR" has provided them perfect political capital to galvanise the masses for their campaigns.

I would have to diagree with you that joining the political Process will bring out the desired change required. Take for example the Muslim MP's in Britain. Some of them voted for the war in Iraq, supported increased detention laws under the new anti-terror legislation and voted for gay rights. In fact Sayeda waarsi went as far as saying that the BNP have some pretty legitimate views!!

I believe in a form of Political activism which challenges the status Quo. e.g No politican in Europe spoke out against the Cartoons amde against the Prophet because freedom of Speech is considered a central tenet to western liberalism over which no compromise can be made. the type of activism i am involved in challenges the notion of freedom of Speech and highlights how it fragments a nation, works agaisnt community cohesion and opens vulnerable minorities and groups to ridicule.

Added on to such a discussion would be how Shariah is always displyed as barbaric. My form of activism would work to show how Islam was able to convey its message to all peoples in the world in ts glorious history and had state policies in giving non-muslims a position in the national assembly (majlis al0ummah), it gave priests autonomy over their communiites, nobody swore allegience to a ruler, their blood was seen as valued as mulsim blood, and in fact non-muslims loved and defended the islamic system and its application.

Hence, these types of discussions need to come out in debates ans seminars as well as protests and demonstrations when these issues arise in the media. this will aid the muslim community in Britian in defending Islam and showing wider society theri abilities to dialogue and discuss, and not resort to emotion and ridicule like politicians are doing.

OK I get that. But ask yourself this, what will happen if we don't vote? Won't the BNP get in? We've got local elections coming up, and London has the GLA and Mayor elections. This guy said that: "For every Muslim that doesn't vote the BNP get two votes." meaning that you had the chance to check the BNP but because you didn't vote they got one vote + another because you didn't vote against them.
Yeah true that no matter who we vote for we're not going to agree with them 100%. That's life, mate! You don't agree with me 100%, nor do I agree with you 100%, but if we let that get in the way then no one would talk to anyone else!
I think we should vote for the least bad/best candidate for our constituency, in some that might Respect, Lib Dem, Green or even Labour and Conservative. But we have the option to lobby them and occassionally "threaten" them with our vote.
Don't underestimate the power of the ballot paper, mate! Look at Oona King, a big Blairite. She lost her seat to George Galloway. Look at the Brent East by-election. Labour got a kicking by the Lib Dems and Sarah Teather managed to HOLD it in the 2005 election! It doesn't always work, but the ballot paper is an MP's greatest fear!

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.

What is the difference between Labour and BNP? Some would say next to nothing! In fact, check all the parties out and i would like to see what difference there is between them and the BNOP, especially in the climate were living in!

The muslim community did not use the ballot box to set up Masjids, Madrassahs, charity organisations, Islamic Political Groups, Youth and womens Groups. A cursory glance would highlight that these tasks were handled outside of the political process and have therefore remained intact and made the community strong.

Many of our parents and relatives and friends became governors of schools to directly influence the decision making process in their childs education which they valued.

Others who took the other line of depending upon the political process have reaped little.

Which party in this country will speak out against Geert Wilders?

Which party in this country will speak out against Freedom of Speech?

Which party in this country will speak out to say terrorism in this country is due to British Foreign Policy?

in fact

Going back to the title of the article- "Is this the road to integration?", that is exactly the question we need to pose to politicians, media and our community.

I tried to do this in Rochdale by organising a discussion on Extremism- The MP for Rochdale who initially agreed did not bother showing up to the event where 200 people came down to hear his views on issues related to the muslim community.

Hence the above is an example of the activism i talk about which will be true to its agenda and not shift to suit the political interests and photo oppurtunities of Politicians.

I write regulalry, expressing my ideas about various issues. Check my site on www.majedsblog.wordpress.com

What is the difference between Labour and BNP?

Good question. What was is the government's biggest threat? Labour backbenchers! The independant minded ones have to stay!

Which party in this country will speak out to say terrorism in this country is due to British Foreign Policy?

Many parties have! And they're not all the same. Read their manifesto and you'll see the difference. Look, I know you're not gonna agree with them 100%, that's why we have the lobbying tool. Your vote is their biggest fear! There are many parties who might have a dig at Geert Wilders if we lobby them.
I never said just depend on voting, but use the tool, it's there. Use it, you might get somewhere. Leave it, then you'll start to loose control. I agree with freedom of speech as long as it means freedom of debate, and not inciting hatred/gross offence.
Majed mate, it's your choice whether you judge for yourself which party you might want to vote for, or you can let the BNP get seats by not voting at all. Your choice.
You have about 5 hours. Your choice. Tick tock, tick tock.......

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.