The Revival Issue 11
In This Issue:

By Irfan Jalil
This article never made it into issue 11 due to space concerns. It is now available as an extra bonus for our online readers.
So, what events affected Muslims in 2007? No, the Danish cartoons were 2006. So was Jack Straw's niqaab hoo-ha. If you think the only thing that happened in 2007 was Benazir Bhutto's assassination then you really haven't been keeping up with news, have you?
All the major World Religions have been charged with Crimes Against Humanity, and it is up to ace (trainee-) lawyer Ya’qub Bell to defend Islam:
People who are Religious are following something that is not true. There is no proof for it.
It is not a ‘fact’ whether any religion is true or false. People are free to choose to believe in what they think is right. A teaching of Islam is that ‘there is no compulsion in Religion’. In terms of ‘proof’ for God’s existence, Allah (swt) is so much Greater than a human, that it is impossible someone to even imagine what He looks like, this is why Allah (swt) doesn’t show Himself to us. Instead He shows us ‘signs’ (ayat) of His Existence.
By Sajid Iqbal & Alveena Salim
So you’re married. You’ve completed one half of your Deen. You’ve got your parents off your back and now you’ve got a lifetime to look forward to with the love of your life. You’re sorted innit? Ah, but are you clued up on the rights your partner has over you and the rights you have over your partner? Yep, ‘rights’! In order to make your marriage a success Allah (swt) has prescribed a list of guidelines for husbands and wives, which if followed properly can lead to marital bliss and fewer nights banished to the sofa. Islam teaches that marriage is ‘half of Deen’ because it fulfils so many basic needs of an individual and of society. But y’ know, most of the problems in Muslim families nowadays are to do with marriage, coz we don't have a clue how to get married Islamically and as a Muslim partner what our rights and responsibilities are. Well ladies & gents, don't worry, as you will learn all this right here, right now!

Can a person wear perfume/aftershave that contains alcohol? If so can they pray with that on?
Answer by Shaykh Salim Ghiza

What is the best way to dispose of literature which contains Islamic terminology, Ahadith or verses of the Qur’an etc? Is it OK to shred them and then throw them away or should we stick them in the recycle pile or burn them?
Answer by Shaykh Salim Ghiza
In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Merciful. All Muslims are unanimous that the Qur’an is no ordinary piece of writing and therefore a person needs to be in ritual purification i.e. ablution to touch the words of Allah. Therefore a process of respect has to be followed when one needs to dispose old pages of the Qur’an. Also, if the pages are not from the Qur’an but contain Islamic writings i.e. Hadith, Fiqh, supplications etc then again they must also be disposed of with respect and honour.

As an East London girl, it wasn’t unusual to see crowds of Muslim guys standing outside libraries waiting to try it on with any girl that passed through the door. Nor was it unusual to see groups of Muslim guys standing on top of street corners making comments at girls that walked past.
It definitely wasn’t unusual to see a guy drive round the same block at least four times just to take another look at a girl. Guys chased the girls. The girls played hard to get. But a couple of years down the line, I don’t see that any more. Why? Coz guys don’t need to chase girls any more.
Can this be sent to my masjid?
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
You will need to contact the editor, either by PM or by [url=]e-mail[/url].
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
About Time An All.. Ppl in my school been asking for them! lol i even got teachers reading it XD
If you desire Allah to be persistent in granting you the things you love,, be persistent in doing the things that he loves - (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
lol too right. Seems like ages.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
What a great mag! Especially the article on, single, muuslim and pregnant
Great job peeps great job. Keep it up!
Is this it or more articles 2 cum??
This is it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAt R u serioussssss??? ^o) am sorry 2 say buhhh dis one is poor
That is co we are poor (i.e. we don't have enough money).
You could donate if you want to see a bigger mag in the future
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I would if i could buh am poor myself!!!!
Nybdy knw wen the next issue is coming out??
very soon...
Back in BLACK
Assalathu wasalamu alika ya rasoolulah
Assalamualikum warakmathullahi wabarakathuku.
I am so happy to read the 11th issue of The revival. I am able to know the prevailing islam in the western countries. I am also following the same policies of the islam wat your magazinee is trying to reveal to society. Even thoug I am far awy from your nation As ayouth of 23 years I am so glad to have your servive. May almighty Allah grant you Jannathul Firdows.
Mohamed Sabben Sharic
Sri Lanka