I found myself laughing to myself on my way home from school today (like some crazy woman - ), but to be honest, I often go home with a smile on my face and look forward to the next day.
I'm sure, enjoying your job is a personal thing...couple of new teachers like me have either quit or are more stressed out than they were when they were training.
Share the perks of your present or past job in this thread...
Does 35% staff discount count?
Course it does.
Although Im not currently in employment, in my last job I made a Police Sergeant cry
Back in BLACK
Well... don't leave us wondering how - and why - you could have possibly done that.
Because im just a big meanie.
And yes i realise the above
may not exactly count as a perk. But I will always cherish that memory :twisted:
Back in BLACK
never worked and cant see myself working in the near future either. i just about hack college :?
My sister says that too - she's only in higher education for the sake of it.
And she actually had the nerve to say to my dad the other day that her pocket money should be increased to about £400 a month - as she's not working! But I suppose one of the perks of not working is that the workin people do spend extra on you.
same here, i'm only in college for the sake of it. parents literally forced me to go. not going into further education is not an option for any member of our generation, a degree, job and driving licence is essential (a fardh in our household).
just about living of ema, waiting for the bonus. for the next 2 weeks im not going to have a social life, 1. cz i'm skint and 2. cz i'm bombarded with assignments
I find that kinda mentality very strange.
How do you expect to support yourself after education??
You can only live off mommy and daddy for so long.
Back in BLACK
Not if your a Muslim girl.
You'll always have your dad, brother or partner providing for you.
Personally i'd die of shame if I had to live of someone else like that.
But to each his own.
Back in BLACK
i dunno. probably will have to force myself to get a job. uncles are very generous though, well one is anyway, only cz he's a solicitor and is rolling in it.
hate asking for money of mum, i don’t usually ask for money of dad cz he pays for any Islamic events etc. must find a job!
Seraph, thats cos you're not a Muslim girl. I serioulsy doubt, being a househusband and managing the babies and cooking is even a option for you.
A couple of weeks ago i was told by my manager that I do not respect my job enough.
I had not thought of my actions that way, so that tidbit was enlightening. Best part of the job so far.
Worst part? We got free Christmas dinner last week. Corriander soup followed by (prepackaged, probably microwaved) (halaal) thing that was supposedly turkey. I would prefer to pay for proper food.
Which remind me I gotta take something in for "secret santa" tomorrow. Can't decide between fiver in an envelope or grabbing a box of chocolates on the way down...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
secret santa! haha, i got some xmas hats. no one gets chocolates or gives money!!!
No Admin you have to do better than that!
We'll help you. Inshallah.
Is it a guy or girl you're buying for?
its for tomorrow imaani!
He can get it on his way to work. Depending on what time he's starting actually.
If you go with chocolate, go for Lindt.
Its a Muslim guy who has had a kid recently. I thought I would get him mothercare vouchers over the weekend, but it was too cold so I did not go shopping.
I was supposed to take in something today, but I was late and only had enough time to run it to the train. Somehow this is a daily occurrence.
We have all been given a budget of a fiver. The gift should have been exchanged on friday, but I sorta delayed things.
It'll all be good.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I doubt the local corner shop will have that... do I have to wrap it up too?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
it's all about thorntons imaani. admin, hmmm, if you dont have a 9 o clock start, then go and get something if you have a 9 o clock start then, erm a box of chocolates will have to do!
yah! of course! you've had over a week to get it and the least you can do is wrap it up! im a pro at wrapping presents.
I dont see how thats relevant.
There are plenty of working parents.
Back in BLACK
That might be so, but there are plenty more unemployed housewives in the world.
And society as a whole does not see a problem with that.
Plus, Islamically its the requirement of husbands and fathers to finacially provide for their families - women on the other hand do not have to.
So if they choose to stay at home and not work, thats their perogative
Some perks...
-regular presents of boxes of chocolates and cakes (enough to open up a sweet shop - and keep your stomach soft)
-regular bunches of flowers that keeps your room always looking bright.
-Children that make you laugh.
-Children that give you bear hugs for teaching them something new.
-A child that could barely write his/her name clearly suddenly begins to write extended stories.
-A fab assistant.
-18 week paid holidays a year.
-Two breaks during the day and at home by 3.45/4.00
-No work during the evenings and weekends.
-Being paid to attend picnics, pantomines, toy factories, adventure centres, theme parks, seasides etc
-Innocence of kids.
I really dont understand how women can sponge off their dads/brothers/husbands. Living in the UK in the 21st century household chores can be completed much quicker. So why is it that some women still sponge off their husbands? I know some women who are capable of working but dont coz they are just too darn lazy. Their husbands work 24/7 you should see the state of some of these men i feel soooo sorry for them. They are humans not machines.
I for one could never live off someone elses money. I like to be my own boss, earn my own money and spend it how i like and when i like.
If you want to be treated as an equal then act like it!
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
that IS impressive
Don't just do something! Stand there.
ok maybe not quite 24 hours (but near enough) but defo the 7 days
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
My mum, along with thousands of other mums...cooks, cleans, has brought up 4 kids, decorates the house, entertains guests, picks and drops lil sis from school every day (and has made this trip daily for the last 15 years), does the laundry, manages the finance and educates her kids...I hardly think she's 'sponging' of my dad cos she's not working.
If anything, cos of her dad doesnt need to hire a cook, cleaner, driver, teacher etc etc
And regarding housework taking a couple of hours. Maybe so, but bringing up young kids is a fulltime job which takes years.
my mate does all the above minus 3 kids (she only has a two yr old daughter, Aisha proper cute lil thing) plus a mortgage and a part time job. Some ppl look down on her because they believe that she is neglecting her duty as a mother by working part time. Me i think she is a great mum and an excellent role model to her girl. How many 2 year olds do you know that can recite surat al fatiha?
Plus you cant really compare the first generation a.k.a our parents to the second generation a.k.a. us lot. Our parents came into this country with nothing (well at least my parents did). Our dads worked hard to put food on the table while our mothers did the household work and looked after the kids. The second generation esp women in the UK have the opportunity to get an education so they can get better paid jobs (not a possibility for a lot of girls in Pakistan well at least not from the village). Some ppl take education for granted in this country, dont value it at all.
I have nothing against women of the first generation their story is different all together. What i cant get my head around is how a second generation British Muslim women who is physically able to work and is educated enough to easily get a job chooses freely not to work.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy