12 Excuses why some Muslims don’t fast

12 Excuses why some Muslims don’t fast

We all know people who don’t fast and others who make excuses not to fast. The excuses below are not an exhaustive list but just some of the excuses which people give not to fast. The objective is not to ridicule individuals who are astray from Islam and victims of the predominant culture around us, but rather for us to be aware that not every single Muslim fasts and they all give different excuses which we should be able to refute and explain to them why they should fast.

In some cases confusion exists about fasting itself, and in others people are confused about their Islamic identity and belief itself.

1. I don’t pray so why should I fast

I normally just about attend jummah now and again and havn’t prayed in ages, well not quite ages, the last time I prayed was my dad’s janazah a few years ago. So why should I fast when I don’t even pray 5 time’s day?

2. it’s my choice, we live in a free country

Yes one of the things I love about Britain apart from its women, clubbing and booze is the fact that everyone can live and behave as they wish. Even parents can’t control your life after 16 and the police can only nick you if you break the law. So yes I choose not to fast, no law against not fasting is there?

3. It clashes with my exams

My exams are so so important, parents got expectations for me to do well and go and study medicine and become a Dr Saaab, and then go back home and marry the politician’s daughter and raise our family’s status sky high. Fasting is tough especially when I got exams, and when I fast I noticed that it’s hard to concentrate and do well in your exams.

4. I have a busy lifestyle and demanding job

My life is so stressful and busy; I got so many projects on the go. I start at 8 and finish at 8, and even work on my laptop on the train as well as bring work home. I suppose when your earning over 85k the company expects you to be fully committed and my boss told me at interview “ this aint a job, this is your life, so treat it accordingly”, and in all honesty I have, so I cant afford to fast a whole month. ‘God why couldn’t Ramadhan be for a few days over the bank holidays ‘

5. None of my mates fast

All my mates are integrated and proud to be British and don’t really bother with backward traditions from bong bongo land, we were born here and this is our country and its traditions are ours and fasting is so silly. “What’s the point of going without food and drink as well as sex for a whole month? “

6. I'm not ready for it yet

At the moment I’m just chilling and enjoying life, I’m only 25 so I got the whole of my life left until I die in my 80s, so what’s the rush for? I’ll start in a few years time and continue how I mean to go on

7. I only fast when the days are short

Fasting in the winter used to be so cool, I mean me and my mates would eat sehri and go to bed really late then wake up about 2pm and its nearly iftar time. We’d put on a DVD and before it’s over you hear the maghrib Azaan. Nowadays fasts are getting longer and even if you wake up at 2pm its still a long way to go. InshAllah when the fasts get shorter again in about 10 years time I’ll start fasting.

8. I've done about 16/17 I think it’s enough

I usually do about 16/17 just over the half way mark which I think is enough sacrifice for the religion, I know some people who do less so I am better than most people I know.

9. Its dangerous to fast and drive

Someone told me that its fard in Islam not to do anything that endangers your life as well as other peoples, so I drive a lot in my job and its dangerous to drive and fast, in case you cause an accident, so that’s my excuse why I don’t fast.

10. I get bad breath, cracked lips and look terrible

Yeah I’m very fashion conscious and cracked lips, bad breath and bags under my eyes make me look like an old bag, despite tons of make up. So I prefer to leave fasting until I get old, in which case looking terrible as a result of fasting wont matter since I will look terrible anyway.

11. I don’t want to put on any weight; I worked so hard in ages to get a figure like this.

I always gain weight in Ramadhan no matter how little I eat for Sehri and iftar and my clothes become even tighter than usual. It seems a waste working hard to get a nice figure and then by fasting a whole month you lose it and its back to square one after Eid.

12. Non-Muslims say bad things and give sad looks

This really ps me off, when non-Muslims feel sorry for you and pity you and say “ ahh, they have to go without food and drink for their God”. Some even give you sad, pitying looks and the nasty ones talk about you in the canteen and say that I’m a fanatic. So to avoid all this I prefer not to fast.

Please list the excuses you have heard and add to the list if you so wish

What is the point of this topic?

If it is just as "backbiting", I think it is best to avoid.

PS Reading the list, I have come to the conclusion that most of those are not real excuses that people use. You also missed the biggest (real) one. They are addicted to cigarettes.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"You" wrote:
What is the point of this topic?

If it is just as "backbiting", I think it is best to avoid.

PS Reading the list, I have come to the conclusion that most of those are not real excuses that people use. You also missed the biggest (real) one. They are addicted to cigarettes.

Do you ask this question in realtion to every single thread, or do you just focus on those I post? Would love to hear your answer inshAllah.

I don't think its backbiting since many people use some of these excuses and no ones anme is mentioned. If you want examples of backbiting I can show you some examples from this forum, which you may have missed.

As for being addicted to cigarettes thats a valid point you make and jzk for that.

[url]www.7cgen.com[/url], the place to be

Ive not heard of any of those excuses except for no.10. I think most ppl dont fast because they cant be bothered to get up so early in the morning, love their food too much or as rightly pointed out cant go without a cig. I think if a person choses not to fast for no apparent good reason then thats there own business. They will have to explain themselves to Allah (swt) on the day of judgement.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Showkat" wrote:
Do you ask this question in realtion to every single thread, or do you just focus on those I post?

Where else have I posed the same question except for this very topic?

Please do not try to portray yourself as a victim.

And it is a valid question. Seems like a topic to make one feel better about themselves at the expense of others. Question is do I have it wrong? how?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

These are some of the excuses which people give who do not fast, maybe you havn't come across them, which is fine, but many other people have.

[url]www.7cgen.com[/url], the place to be

and what good does it do to know what the excuses are? Can't really force someone to fast if they are not of a mind to. As far as I know there is no criminal punishment for not fasting.

Of course as you said, if there are misconceptions, it is best to clear them up.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I know teenage kids whose parents dont allow them to fast cos of their studies. I dont agree with that.

I also know a couple of people who dont fast cos of their diabetis. I dont really agree with that cos..I have quite a few severe diabetics in my family and they all fast.

However, cos I'm not a diabetic myself. I dont think I'm in a position to judge.

But generally I've found that people are pretty good when it comes to fasting...even the non practsing lot make an effort this month.

assalamu alaikum,

i haven't come across the excuses on that list, but i have family members who cannot fast due to ill health.

one is a diabetic and very frail, plus she's fainted on several occasions when she's not eaten on time out of ramadan, hence docs say she's not to fast for fear of her health.

another my mum she;s also not permitted to fast she has a severe illness for which she needs daily medication. she;s also got diabetes and needs a jab before she consumes food, this needs to be done twice a day so i don't see how she can fast coz she needs food immediately after.

i have a brother who shouldn't really fast due to a long term condition,but he does, and every ramadan i fear for him. but if he wants to nothing we can do to stop him.

apparently there are some schools, least in my town i've been told, wherein the school authorities don't permit children to fast because they've noticed lapses in concentration due to the hunger pangs. Hence in some primary schools in my town kids aren't allowed to fast, what do you think of that? I understand the teachers concerns but i'd be concerned as a muslim parent that my child who was of "age" could not fast and was possibly sinning because of school rules. how would you get around that?

It's new to me and i've asked around my old school still permits fasting so maybe it's a new thing in primary schools? anyone else heard of this?

"yashmaki" wrote:
apparently there are some schools, least in my town i've been told, wherein the school authorities don't permit children to fast because they've noticed lapses in concentration due to the hunger pangs. Hence in some primary schools in my town kids aren't allowed to fast, what do you think of that? I understand the teachers concerns but i'd be concerned as a muslim parent that my child who was of "age" could not fast and was possibly sinning because of school rules. how would you get around that?

At a primary school, I would sort of agree with the concerns over summer fasts, especially for the younger years. (Primary is 6year olds to 11 y/o is it not?)

At secondary, less so.

One thing parents/schools cannot control though is kids that want to fast. There are many who will do it against the wishes of both. Because grown ups fast.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

@ yashmaki noep not heard of schools not allowing kids not to fast maybe its just round your end. Ive found that since i have been fasting i can actually concentrate better in lectures. I think when your belly is full of food you get a bit lazy and sleepy (well thats how i feel after iftar lol).

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"yashmaki" wrote:

apparently there are some schools, least in my town i've been told, wherein the school authorities don't permit children to fast because they've noticed lapses in concentration due to the hunger pangs. Hence in some primary schools in my town kids aren't allowed to fast, what do you think of that? I understand the teachers concerns but i'd be concerned as a muslim parent that my child who was of "age" could not fast and was possibly sinning because of school rules. how would you get around that?

It's new to me and i've asked around my old school still permits fasting so maybe it's a new thing in primary schools? anyone else heard of this?

I havent come across Primary Schools that forbid children from fasting. Most Primary schools down my end have lunch time provisions for such children - i.e. prayer room/room to play games etc

However, young primary aged children should NOT be fasting. I know too many 6year olds struggling to get through the school day cos their parents made them fast.

But if a child is in year 5/6 and at that age that they 'should' be fasting now. I dont believe a school is in a position to make them eat. Should that ever be an issue, the parents should always just take the child home for 'home dinners' and not let the teachers know that he/she is fasting.

Kids shouldnt really be fasting until they realise what it is that they are doing.

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