Government gives jobs to terrorists

Al Qaeda will easily get the jobs even without interviews.


[b]MI5 launch hunt for bomb expert[/b]

By Elisabeth Steyn
Daily Telegraph - 28/08/2007

In response to recent car bomb threats in the UK and overseas, MI5 officials are seeking a specialist in improvised explosive devices to combat terrorism.

Applicants are expected to have knowledge of car and lorry bombs which can be constructed by extremists using everyday materials.

The decision follows a series of deadly attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan and two attempted attacks in the UK this summer.

In Baghdad seven people were killed on Saturday and dozens more hurt after a car bomb exploded near one of the city's holiest shrines.

Earlier this summer, a Jeep laden with gas cylinders was driven into a passenger terminal in Glasgow airport and two Mercedes containing unexploded gas cylinders were found in London.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, vehicle-born explosives are regularly used with tragic results.

MI5 bosses hope to counter this threat by recruiting their own expert with knowledge of such deadly weapons, including both military and commercial explosives.

The recruit, who will be paid up to £50,000 p.a., must have a military background and will be required to report to the top levels of the government on latest development in terrorist weaponry.

The advert, which MI5 has posted on its website, states that the specialist can "expect to be faced with some of the most challenging and relevant issues affecting national security today".

Applicants are expected to have knowledge of car and lorry bombs which can be constructed by extremists using everyday materials.

MI5 are trying to get the people (who have knowledge in car/lorry bombs) to send their CV's to them so they can spy on them.

It's a trick I tell you!!!