hey ppl ...can u plz explain what this destiny means coz i dont get it....i alwayz think 2 my self allah has planned for us what is gonna happen in our lives .......so when a person has done so much sins was that his kismat what allah had put 4 him.coz if it was his kismat then how comes he will get punished for the sins if it was his destiny....
can we control our destiny?
also sm 1 asked me that when a baby is born 2 a non muslim obviously hes gna be a non - muslim so hows he eva meant 2 go 2 jannat .coz allah wanted him/her 2 be born into a non-muslim family....
i dnt get it any 1 elaborate
We control what we do.
However Allah (swt) is All Knowing, and already knows what we will do.
As an example, think of something you did yesterday. Anything. You know you did it, but it does not mean you were forced to do it.
In the same way time is a creation, and Allah is everywhere, He knows what has happened, is happening, or will happen. But He has given us free will to either obey and recognise him, or disobey him.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
yup, and everyone is actually born a muslim. hence why when non-believers turn to Islam, a lot of people use the term 'revert' rather than convert. Islam will come across everyone once in a lifetime, some will take up the opportunity to learn it, whilst others will continue to live in ignorance
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Nuffin in da Koran which suggests people are ‘born Muslims’, Submission is from the heart and the Koran says people are born with no knowledge but with a natural instinct that God exists, Sikhs and Jews believe in one God to…
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
It's all bout free will, like admin said no one forces you to do somethin u ALWAYS have a choice...Allah decides when we are goin to die now its our choice whether we die with our imam intact or not, its our choice to find out about our deen and learn about it...that was just an example.
so the converts that become muslims its actually they choice..and its what they choose and also they destiny.....
does it go like this....once i was going to get run over but i moved away so i contolled my destiny there...or is it an angel put a thought in my mind to move away
Allah (swt) would have know that you would move away. He is all-knowing.
i think im gettin smwhere now![Smile](https://www.therevival.co.uk/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
I hav often thought about this topic 2, i think that this subject draws 2 attention that "Allah (SWT) is very much beyond our imaginations". he truly is exalted and amazing.
Thats his way of saying that he doesn't get it.
person makes their own destiny-by the way they choose to live their life
destiny is changable
But Allah (swt) knows the choices you will make.
never said He didnt know :roll:
Just trying to make things clear for those who are confused.![Dirol](https://www.therevival.co.uk/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/dirol.gif)
Our actions (good deeds etc) shapes our destiny in our favour.
Whilst our sins cause/make bad stuff happen to us.
Nothing alters destiny more in our favour then Sadqa (charity) and Dua.
hmmmm.....i get it and i dont
Look God knows everything
and has written down everything that will happen before we were born
humans are given free will-God wouldnt punish or reward us if we werent given free will
good actions change destiny in ur favour-which God knows about before hand
Simpler still...
We have free will but God knows how we will use it.
right so if im 2 be good or bad thats my choice but allah knows what im gonna choose![Lol](https://www.therevival.co.uk/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/lol.gif)
Yes. What's so funny?
I though it was ignorance that was bliss... :?
nuttins funny its jst that i kinda get it now......
Actually she doesn't get it.
She is only saying it to not appear stupid.
Who does she think she is fooling.
omrow get a life.....u know what why downs u go flush yr head down the toilet maybe it will refresh your brain
Admin Said:
Asalaam alaikum Everyone, just joined the forum and thought I'd make my first post directed at to non other than Admin
Admin, just wanted to mention that Allah(swt) is in not need of a place so saying allah(swt) is 'everwhere' is wrong. Place is a creation of the creator. Learning about Tawheed is very important and it give's us more knowledge of the greatness of allah(Swt). We should say 'Allah exists but is not in need of a place'
Regarding Destiny there are 3 kinds of destiny's, one is fixed - i.e. cannot be changed, such as rizq (what we eat), the other is that can change with our intentions and actions
Just remember a teacher usually has an idea of what his/her pupil will end up like due to the pupils actions....and allah(swt) the creator?.....I'll let you think about it....
The best preacher is the conscience, the best teachers are time and experience, the best book is the world, the best friend is God
[b]Fate -Taqdeer[/b]
1. Allah has the knowledge of everything before its creation.
2. Allah has given human beings the willpower and the ability of doing good or bad.
3. Allah's knowledge of what good or bad one would do even before one is created is called TAQDEER or FATE.
4. All favours are by Allah's will alone and no misfortune can happen except by the will of Allah.
5. Therefore we should not despair over any misfortune or boast over any favour. This teaches us that we should he thankful to Allah for his favours and patient over any misfortune.
[b]Frequently asked questions regarding Determinism and Free Will[/b]
The question of Determinism and Free Will, as understood from the Holy Qur'an was concisely stated earlier (in reply to a question). Further questions arising out of this view can now be discussed once the degrees of determinism imposed by cosmic arrangement and degrees of human freedom have been understood in the context of three different spheres.
[b]Once we establish the fact that man is accountable for his actions in his earthly life, we immediately face the following paradoxical questions:[/b]
[u]Knowledge of God:[/u] Taqdeer in Muslim theology means the Knowledge of God. If everything is in the knowledge of God even before it happens, it means that things have been completely predetermined because God's knowledge is always true. Whatever is to happen, according to His knowledge, will definitely happen. This means that man is not free to act. Conversely, if we hold that man has freedom of action, it means that whatever we do in this world was not within the prior knowledge of God, which is absurd.
[u]Nothing happens without God's will:[/u] The Holy Qur'an and the Hadeeth literature often states that nothing can happen in the world without the will of God. This means that everything is predetermined and man is helpless in the world. Moreover, it means that even if one commits a sin, it is so because God had willed it. In other words, God becomes responsible for evil in the world, which is again absurd.
[u]If man is free, can he do everything: [/u]If man can do whatever he wants, then man would destroy the order on the earth leading to chaos.
[u]Influence of the environment:[/u]Why is man accountable for his conduct when he is born in environments predetermined by God? Obviously, to a great extent, the environment and the moral ambiance determine our moral conduct. If the cosmic determinism is there, we should not be punished or rewarded for what we do under the conscious or unconscious influence of our environment.
I would try to address each of these questions here.
[b]1. Knowledge of God:[/b]
Some people present the issue of taqdeer (Religious Determinism) in the following manner:
Taqdeer is another name for Ilm-e-Ilaahi (Knowledge of God). Now God knows everything before hand, which also includes our future. Suppose God knows that Mary will get good marks in the spot test but Daniel will not. Now God's knowledge cannot be incorrect. Therefore Mary is pre-determined to get good marks and Daniel is pre-determined to get bad marks. Their results are already determined whether they work hard for the test or ignore it. The same can be applied to sin or piety. A person commits a murder because it was already written in God's knowledge; a person helps a poor sick lady because it was already written in his Taqdeer. But this view fails to answer the question that why should a sinful person be punished and a pious person be rewarded on the day of judgment when they were not doing it out of free will? One can go further and say why should a murderer be sentenced to death when it was actually not his doing, but the result of his Taqdeer, and why should Mary get a prize for getting good marks when it was actually her Taqdeer that did it?.
It is true that God knows everything. He knew that John will make up his mind to murder his friend. But the question is 'Did John make up his mind to murder his friend because God knew it? or God knew it because John was to independently make up his mind to murder his friend?
A couple of illustrations may help us answer the question. Let us imagine that white ants are eating away the wooden pillars of a shed. We can say, "Look ! This roof will fall down." Finally the roof falls down. The question is "Did the roof fall because we said so" or "We said so, because the roof was about to fall due to other factors?"
If I drop a glass from the top floor of a high rise building, you would immediately predict that within a few seconds, the glass will crash on the ground. Did it crash because you predicted so? or it it that you said so because you knew it would so happen on the basis of your knowledge about falling bodies?
These illustrations are only partially and incompletely analogous to the knowledge of God. Our knowledge, on the basis of which, we predicted that the shed will fall down or the glass will crash on the ground is learned and acquired knowledge. This knowledge was not acquired through any supernatural means. It is based on the study of physical bodies and laws of nature. God's knowledge about future is of a different nature. We have no understanding of God's ways. But one thing is certain. God knows that a certain individual would perform a certain act, but the individual would perform the act out of his will. God only knew it in advance. Therefore, if John murders his friend, he does that with his free will. Although it is correct that God already knew it. John has not murdered his friend because God knew it; rather God knew it because John was to murder his friend out of his free will.
Therefore John should be held accountable for his act.
[b]2. Nothing happens without God's will:[/b]
It is true that God is the only effective force in the world. He has full control over the universe and not a single particle is beyond his command and control. However this does not mean that God is responsible for every evil in this world.
Here a distinction between God's 'Sanction' and his 'Liking' must be understood. Everything that happens in the universe follows God's sanction or permission for it. Nothing can happen unless God allows it to happen. However, it does not necessary mean that He also likes whatever He sanctions.
This world is a place where all men are being judged. Human actions are being watched and recorded for final judgment on the Day of Judgment. Since this life is a test period, men must have the freedom to choose between evil and good. God would not interfere with human choices, nor would manipulate them, because this would defeat the very purpose of a test. This world is like an examination hall. A supervisor passes by a student and finds that the student is writing down an incorrect reply to the question asked. Should the supervisor ignore this mistake or should he tell the student that he is not attempting the question correctly? Obviously, we think that the correct conduct of the supervisor entails that he should ignore the student's mistake. If the student is checked right during the examination, the very purpose of the examination is defeated.
Similarly, God allows us to make moral choices at our will and does not interfere through angels and divine powers when we are pursuing an immoral path. Thus we create evil in the world by reckless behavior and by making wrong moral choices. God is not responsible for this evil. He has only permitted it, but surely, does not like it.
3. If man is free he can do anything[/b]
Man is free to make up his mind and to build intentions to perform good or bad acts. He is free to wish, intend and plan - but he is not always free to implement his plans. To carry out our intentions, we need the cosmic harmony to go along with us. But the number of forces acting in this world may obstruct our plans and thwart them. Our frustrated designs (whether good or bad) show that the cosmic determinism does not necessarily go along with our intentions. Carrying out our good or bad intentions is often beyond our control. God's superimposed rule over everything fixes boundaries for possibilities open to us in the realm of carrying out actions. Through his power over everything, he plans and designs the universe. His plans clearly and unquestionable overrule ours.
Thus, when it comes to human actions we must know that although we are not free to carry out our plans in life, but we are free to make up our mind to do anything. In other words, we are free to have an iraada (intention) but not free to implement it.
But the final judgment is to be passed not on our ability to do something but to intend and strive to do it. We shall be punished or rewarded for something that we are free to choose. We would not be punished or rewarded for something that is beyond our control. We are perfectly free to choose and make up our minds to do something. If the intended action is good we would be rewarded, irrespective of the fact whether we are able to carry it out or not. The same is true of evil intentions and efforts also.
[b]4. Environment[/b]
Among other factors that affect our lives, the environment (family, peers, media, literature, society and state) is the most obvious. Religion does not argue whether the environment has any influence or not, and if it does affect our moral choices, to what extent can we resist or succumb to it. It however establishes a rule that we would only be held responsible to the extent that we were free to choose. The conscious or unconscious influences that might have shaped our choices would be accounted for in the hereafter. One would only be held responsible for his choices that he was perfectly free to make, and to such extent only.
u remind me of someone... :?
and for the record when a person says God is everywhere they dont mean it literally
just like when the quran speaks about god being closer then ur juguler vein-we do not take it literally
i agree with what u said bout destiny tho
mr ed jazakallah so much.......i totally understand now and will be able to explain 2 others i know who did not really get this subject.....that was 1 detailed explanation in simple words
Thanks for that.
It should teach me from making sweeping statements late at night!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
admin bout time u realised was jst about to mention