Forthcoming Events & Notices in Coventry, West Midlands

Assalámu `alaykum wa rahmatulláhi wa barakátuhu.
May these messages find you in the best of health and Iman Insha'Allah.

Forthcoming Events & Notices in Coventry, West Midlands


1) Coventry City Circle presents:

PICNIC IN THE PARK - Bring along food to share

With Coventry City Circle, members and friends, along with speakers Sheikh
Yusuf Estes,
Dr Jamal Badawi, Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick & Dr Tasneem Zaman...

Date: Wednesday 9th August 2006 (Same day as the conference - see below)
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Venue: War Memorial Park, Coventry (if it rains, alternative venue is the
IQRA Centre,
Allesley Old Rd)

All Welcome. Please bring food and drink to share.

For more information please call 07725 882 144 / 07918 176 367
or email:
or visit:


2) Coventry City Circle presents:


With Sheikh Yusuf Estes [USA]*,
Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick [South Africa]* & Dr Tasneem Zaman [UK]*

Date: Wednesday 9th August 2006
Time: 6pm - 9pm
Venue: Coventry Methodist Hall, Central Hall, Warwick Lane, Coventry CV1 2HA
[in the city Centre opposite the job centre]

Topics covered:
Building the concept of morality in the youth Training of a Daee Narrowing
the generation gap

*USA Yusuf Estes was born into a Christian family in the Midwest and
relocated to Houston, Texas,in 1949. Estes was once a Christian preacher and
involved in gospel music. Estes became interested in the variety of
religious music from different faiths and converted to Islam in 1991. He now
is the national chaplain for American Muslims and travels throughout the
country and the world to educate and communicate the message of Islam. Yusuf
Estes teachings are distributed on video and audio media worldwide.

*ALL WELCOME with light refreshments
Entrance: £1 for adults and £0.50p for children

For more information please call 07725 882 144 / 07918 176 367 or email: or visit our website at


3) The Herbert & Coventry City Circle Presents:

AEROSOL ARABIC WORKSHOPS IN COVENTRY with Mohammed Ali [Aerosol Arabic]*

Dates: Until Tuesday 29th August 2006
Timings: Half day or full day
Venue: The Herbert Gallery, Jordan Well, Coventry CV1 5QP

[The Herbert is in the heart of Coventry City centre, near Coventry
Cathedral and Coventry University ]

Young people from Coventry will be working with artist Mohammed Ali to
create a unique artwork to be screened at The Herbert during the month of
The work will combine graffiti style Arabic text with digital animation and
will be projected onto the side of The Herbert each evening in Ramadan after

dusk, when the daily fast ends. The project has been developed closely
with the
Coventry City Circle and will give young local Muslims a chance to celebrate
positive and powerful aspects of their faith to thousands of people in
Coventry's City Centre.

Activities include: Graffiti, spraying, digital design, animation and more.

*Mohammed Ali has a unique style influenced by both Urban-Street graffiti as
well classical Islamic calligraphy to create "urban spiritual art", and has
exhibited work internationally.

The project has been commissioned by The Herbert, Coventry's Museum and
Gallery, as part of the Festival of Islamic Culture.

For more details contact Jack Shuttleworth on 024 7678 5168 or emailing :


Wassalaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.

Admin - Coventry City Circle

- Coventry City Circle is a community-based initiative that started
in June 2004. We hold Islamic lectures on a monthly basis, and also
organise a wide range of regular events and activities, including
short courses, seminars, workshops and social functions for the
Muslim community in Coventry.

Tel: 07956 365 553 / 07971 468 271