Relationship and Sex Education Lessons

Relationship and Sex Education Lessons

A psychologist who claimed lessons on LGBT+ relationships can “corrupt” children. She a leading campaigner against relationship and sex education lessons. The Muslim convert - who set up the petition calling for parents to be able to opt out of relationships education - was filmed as she said that many young Muslims were “turning to same-sex relationships because they haven’t had the guidance.”  In the video of Dr Godfrey-Faussett, uploaded in December, the psychologist argued that lessons on LGBT+ relationships – which use story books to teach about different families – are part of a “social engineering programme” to corrupt children." She also complained about the “queering of the Muslim community” and urged people to “work psychologically or in a mental health capacity” with Muslims who were attracted to the same sex. Dr Godfrey-Faussett said she felt she’d already been “publicly hung, drawn and quartered” by her professional body.  

The Muslim Council of Wales defended their decision to invite Dr Godfrey-Faussett to speak at the event which they said was to provide "information and guidance" on the proposed changes. It was "reassured that she is committed to respectful and accurate dialogue on the sensitive topic of sex education in schools," a spokesperson told BBC Wales


This is a Sharia law in Islam. And lgbt is never okay. In gynecology, urology & dermatology departments, we often get gay patients with terrible diagnoses. They always come with complaints relate to their sexual activities.


It is outrageous to be teaching tiny tots about sex, regardless of whether you are religious or atheist. Make it optional so that those who want it can have it and those who don’t they can leave it until the final year of the secondary school (15/16 years old). You are either a male or a female or a neutral gender (in some rare cases). Your gender was decided by your genes/cells/biological factors long before you were born. And here we are confusing the hell out of our tiny tots by telling them they can be man or woman or choose to make a big fuss about "gender neutral toilets"? These are nothing but modern attention-seeking horse-manure. Gay relationship, trans-gender relationship...what is all this? Before people start accusing me of ignorance, think about what happened to our society and why our children misbehave and why they don’t respect elders and why so many of them are violent and out of control these days. It’s because decades ago the snow-flake gov introduced policies which vilified parents, which portrayed parents as violent maniacs who have nothing better to do other than beat up their children. Laws prevented parents from disciplining their children and now all parents are crying for help because their kids are out of control and even violent. Teachers are needing counselling because kids do not respect them, they even beat up teachers. Social changes take decades before we see the results of new policies. Today we are teaching them all these mixed up sex/relation education, but in 40 years’ time these kids will grow up with lots of confused ideas about sex and relationship. The natural and the most beautiful relationship in the world is that between a man and a woman.


Children are not the properties of the state, they are "blood" and family members of the parents who spent so many sleepless nights and days sacrificing so much to care for those children and to provide them food, clothes, shelter and to give them a better future. There is no one, absolutely no one, on the face of this planet who would love your children more than you. National curriculum is not some holy book written in stone. Laws are amendments, meaning they are routinely amended. Nat Curr is also something man-made, meaning it contains flaws and it needs revising. It is absolutely pathetic to be teaching 8/9 year olds about sex, regardless of whether you are religious or atheist. Make it optional so that those who want it can have it and those who don’t they can leave it until the final year of the secondary school (15/16 years old).


A sweet fruit of sex education in primary schools. Indiscipline, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of British schooling. These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.


A couple of Pakistanis have adopted the British values of grooming young children. They are the product of the British schooling with non-Muslim monolingual teachers. I have been doing Jihad in the field of education for the last 40 years so that each and every Muslim child should be in a state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. I would like to see Muslim children developing Cultural, linguistic and spiritual identities so that they could keep themselves away from western barbarity of anti-social behaviour, binge drinking, drug addiction, teen age pregnancies and abortion and lot of other evils but people like you do not want to see Muslim children in Muslim schools in the name of integration. Now you have seen the result in the form of sexual grooming of young children which is a common occurrence in your culture.


Sex and Relationships Education up to now has been a disaster.  Despite all efforts we still have one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in Western Europe; one of the highest teenage abortion rates in Western Europe; epidemic level STIs amongst teenagers; frightening levels of child addiction to pornography; unprecedented levels of diagnosable mental illness among children; and police reports of alarming and growing numbers of child-on-child sex abuse, some including children as young as five.  


This world is obsessed with Sex and Sexuality. Leave children to be children and let them enjoy it. Faith and Religion are very important together with Education. The two can work side by side. Please let children retain their innocence as long as they are able. I was shocked and horrified when I heard from the Coalition for Marriage about the behaviour of Ofsted with regard to the questioning of young pupils about marriage. If this is 'Modern Britain' we had all better be on our guard! They seem to show little of the tolerance they would urge on us. I am disgusted at this type of questioning put to children of such young ages. In my opinion it is not necessary, let children be children. They have to grow up quickly as it is, let them have some time when sex doesn't have to rear its ugly head at them. It shouldn't happen, certainly not at school. It is just another occasion of Ofsted interfering in faith schools.


What 4yr old (reception class) is going to understand anything about sex? I wonder how would you teach a 4yr old in a main stream school let alone a special needs school. Good luck with that plan. Why does society feel the need to sexualize children so young, the media,  music industry do it already and idiotic parents let their kids watch and listen to sexual programs and music like holyoaks and Beyonce and wonder why their kids get knocked up so young. Kids don't need to be burdened with this. Seriously it will really destroy their world of pure innocence. They don't understand this and it will hamper their bonds with parents as they may not be able to digest the info properly. They just don't need this on their tiny minds. Let them enjoy childhood and the freedom that childhood brings with no worry of any of the things adults go through. This is just grossly unfair.


Let children be children. Tougher sentences for child abuse! Hang the Pedo not teach kids as tough as 4 about sex. Why can`t children be left to play, without being bombarded with all this sexual garbage?


What’s the point of the legal age being 16 when you are being taught at school that it’s ok as long as you practice safe sex. Nothing about love, respect, serious relationships or more importantly abstinence! Oh and something needs to be done about BOYS, too! Girls can’t be the only ones responsible for resisting pressure you know. More sex education in schools = more teenage pregnancies= more abortions. One of the problems is that now in schools we are taught safe sex at an early age, and not abstinence. The message was basically that sex at a young age is fine as long as it’s practiced safely. It should be taught that at such a young age, neither protected or unprotected sex is ok. The message is simply not clear enough.  


It would seem that Ofsted are themselves intolerant and discriminatory. These questions are personal and intrusive. These idiots should be more concerned about the academic achievement and the wellbeing of the children. Schools should instruct their pupils that if they are uncomfortable with the questioning they should tell the inspector to mind his/her own business. Children are told to say no if inappropriately touched so they should be able to say no to inappropriate questions.  What is happening is that the Government wishes to deal with the 'Trojan Horse' schools but fears being labelled 'anti-Muslim.' Using Ofsted to 'get at' Jewish and other religious schools that have not bought into the idea of SSM will enable the Government to 'clamp down' on all religious schools. In this way it hopes to avoid the charge of Muslim bashing when it finally makes some further ineffectual move against Muslim extremists running schools. Faith and education are compatible. Removing faith of any sort from education would be a logical impossibility. “Multiculturalism isn’t about conforming to one standard, but celebrating differences of perspectives, and so long as they are founded on tolerance and mutual respect, should be valued and protected.


The demand for Muslim schools comes from parents who want their children a safe environment with an Islamic ethos. Parents see Muslim schools where children can develop their Islamic Identity where they won't feel stigmatised for being Muslims and they can feel confident about their faith. Muslim schools are working to try to create a bridge between communities. There is a belief among ethnic minority parents that the British schooling does not adequately address their cultural needs. Failing to meet this need could result in feeling resentment among a group who already feel excluded. Setting up Muslim school is a defensive response. State schools with monolingual teachers are not capable to teach English to bilingual Muslim children. Bilingual teachers are needed to teach English to such children along with their mother tongue. According to a number of studies, a child will not learn a second language if his first language is ignored.


Indiscipline, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of British schooling. These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.


Muslim schools teach Muslim children that sex outside marriage is a sin. Homosexuality is also a sin. sex before marriage and homosexuality are western values and Muslims are not supposed to adopt them.


There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.





