Babar Ahmed Campaign


The [url= Ahmed Campaign[/url] is on The Revival homepage.

But what is it about? I did not know; all I knew was Ed was screaming at me to put it on homepage. I did.

Who is Babar ahmed? Why is there a campaign about him? what is the campaign about? I was not sure.

I asked Ed.

He Said there was this guy called Babar Ahmed, who was arrested and given no reason for the arrest. Now he is to be deported to the US for interrogation, but he (and the public) still has not been given a reason as to why. The home office will decide soon as to wether to extradite him.

an extract from the actual campaign:

‘America wants to take one of our brothers without even proving his guilt.This is the first time this is happening if he (Babar) goes then none of us are safe. We must let the government know our feelings on this, hence petition’. Also, you could mention, ‘if anyone thinks he’s guilty test him in this country, why send him to America?’

Do you lot know more?

What is your opinion on this affair?

That is so sickening, some people are so inhumane, that is absolutely disgustin...those coppers are like vicious animals!! Sad

"angel" wrote:
those coppers are like vicious animals!!

Now you had to say that, didnt you. It seems to be increasingly true that cops and asians jst dnt mix. Asians seem to know the law inside out so we cant say shit like:
"Im sorry officer i didnt know i couldnt do that"
no no no... even b4 we're about to do something wrong another asian will jump outta no'where and say "Noooo dont do that bro, thats 5-10!" and cops know that we know the law. shit we could all be paralegals.
But we'd never call the cops coz we're afraid of them... nothings wrong with that but its true. If we rang them saying our house was being robbed they'd come over and arrest us and say:

Police: "Oh my god! hes still here" wack you over the head.
Police: "Open and shut case, saw this in my first year asian guy broke into a house and hung up pictures of himself and his family everywhere. Well lets sprinkle some crack on him and get outta here."

Thats police brutality... everyone knows about that now... its common knowledge. Back in the day no1 believed that, altho they should have suspected something after discovering all every dead asians guy found has a little crack sprinkled on him. Comeon ... who gets shot and sprinkled crack on themselves.

Back in BLACK

i read about that in the MPAC website

so has anyone actually done anything about it?

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i read about that in the MPAC website

so has anyone actually done anything about it?

Yeah we got togeather and held a concert called "Bad Cops" to raise awareness. But nothing was achieved.

Back in BLACK

"Seraph" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i read about that in the MPAC website

so has anyone actually done anything about it?

Yeah we got togeather and held a concert called "Bad Cops" to raise awareness. But nothing was achieved.

I'm sure that if you didn't raise awarness, you must have at least raised eyebrows.

"irfan" wrote:
I'm sure that if you didn't raise awarness, you must have at least raised eyebrows.

Yeah... unfortuneately eyebrows were only raised coz we said their'd be free food and there wasn't.

Back in BLACK

Hello all.

According to the BBC news website, Babar Ahmed was arrested under the Terrorism act for soliciting support for "acts of terrorism" in Chechnya and Afghanistan using websites and emails.

That's the official line, what he's specifically alleged to have done I have no more idea than you guys, but here's the link to the BBC site.

I would be very interested to hear where Yashmaki got his info from about Mr Ahmed's arrest, was this from a non-partisan source, or a website that is constantly trying to tarnish the police and authorities?

I'm not disputing that his house was raided by armed officers, but I would seriously doubt he was deliberately roughed up by them in an unprovoked attack. A single complaint about this sort of treatement would result in a very serious investigation by the authorities and generate a lot of trouble for the officers involved.

"Jack Dante" wrote:
Hello all.

According to the BBC news website, Babar Ahmed was arrested under the Terrorism act for soliciting support for "acts of terrorism" in Chechnya and Afghanistan using websites and emails.

That's the official line, what he's specifically alleged to have done I have no more idea than you guys, but here's the link to the BBC site.

I would be very interested to hear where Yashmaki got his info from about Mr Ahmed's arrest, was this from a non-partisan source, or a website that is constantly trying to tarnish the police and authorities?

hello to you to but Yashmaki is a female not a male!! neway whether someone is arrested for terrorism doesnt mean you beat the utter crap out of the person and scare his wife in the process!??

hello yashmaki and jack - u guys new members here? (i've got a feeling i've seen 'Jack Dante' on the old revival boards tho...)

admin where hav u been, Muslim News has had extensive coverage of babar ahmed's case! surprise surprise tho mainstream media are choosing to ignore him. :roll:

edit: o jus read another thred - yashmaki = maryam Smile



I attended Babar Ahmad's circles and knew him personally for many years.

Its completely scandalous what they have done and continue to do to him. Even if the allegations are true, since when is helping people defend their own country against imperialistic invaders a crime??

Furthermore the deportation of Babar to the US brings shame onto the British Judical system, casting it as an inadequate system to put Babar on trial here in the UK even though all the allegations took place in this country.

We should all take a strong stance for Babar Ahmad and actually do something, otherwise I fear this becomes the first of many cases.


"angel" wrote:

hello to you to but Yashmaki is a female not a male!! neway whether someone is arrested for terrorism doesnt mean you beat the utter crap out of the person and scare his wife in the process!??

Hello, my apologies to Yashmaki for mistaking her name and yes Aasiyah is correct in that I have posted on the old boards in the past.

Anyway, back to the topic in hand. Firstly, we only have the word of Mr Ahmed's family that he was beaten up and/or abused by the police. I would be very dubious about such claims, as if true the human rights lawyers would have a field day, which would severly harm the authorities case if they were looking to detain him.

I am quite willing to entertain the fact that he was forcibly manhandled whilst being taken into custody, as police don't mess around when aprehending somebody they are told is wanted for questioning on acts of terrorism. All well and good complaining about them bursting into his home, but for all they know he might be armed.

Of course I've no more idea on what the exact charges against him are than anybody else, and am unable to say whether he has done anything wrong until the full facts come out.

But I would be more willing to bet that the claims of police brutality have been exageratted by the Ahmed family who believe they are being victimised.

As a closing thought, IF Mr Ahmed has done anything wrong then how come the Americans are after him? Surely he should be tried in this country?

"Jack Dante" wrote:
As a closing thought, IF Mr Ahmed has done anything wrong then how come the Americans are after him? Surely he should be tried in this country?

that is what I thought and he might have the life sentence so we should campaign and follow those steps in the website.

"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim