Al-Hijrah School   Education of British Muslim Children


Al-Hijrah School   Education of British Muslim Children

The government has ordered the takeover of one of England’s first state-funded Muslim secondary schools, an institution where a child died and offensive books were found in the library. An academic library should be free to hold any books, without political sanction -- in line with the principle of academic freedom.

The books stated that a husband can beat his wife and insist on having sex with her. They were found in the library of the Al-Hijrah School in Birmingham, which became state-funded in 2001. The prophet of Islam has 11 wives and none of them were ever beaten by him for any excuse.


Amanda Spielman, chief inspector at Ofsted, the schools regulator, said Al-Hijrah would be taken over by an independent academy trust on the orders of the Department for Education.


What gives OFSTED the right or indeed any Brits, to preach to minority groups about how they should live their lives. This is a cosmopolitan country, the Muslim community have the right to educate their children how they choose. What has being British got to do with your religious belief? In Britain there are Hindus,Sikhs, pagans,Jewish,Buddhists, atheist,Zoroastrians Rasta’s and many more should they all change their religious beliefs because they are British? Studying the Holy Quran will certainly help towards these children becoming fully integrated citizens of the UK.

How can parents safeguard our children, when they are stuck in school, from the intrusion of pretentious business concerns like Ofsted? Well, if I approached a ten-year-old and started talking to her about what lesbians do in bed, I'm pretty certain I'd be arrested. And it would be right to do so wouldn't it? Mind you, it would be no good the inspectors asking me what lesbians do in bed. At my age (7th decade) I still don't know. Have these Ofsted creeps been CRB checked? If so maybe they think it's a licence to perv. A stranger asked me a shocking question when I was an innocent 11 year old.....and I bolted from the creep in disgust. These Ofsted creeps need to be reported.

This is what's behind this: for every Muslim free school put in special measures Ofsted must find a Christian school to put in special measures so it can't be accused of targeting one particular group. The fruits of m/c. I'm not sure I know what lesbians do in bed.... Then, according to Ofsted, you are un-educated and un-British. Were these OFSTED Inspectors "carrying out orders" when they asked these questions, or did they devise them personally ? Do they have a manual of procedures to follow with (say) standard questions ?

The shocking level of targeting of the Muslim community of Birmingham is indicative of the normalisation of the dehumanisation of the Muslims of Britain. Under the pretext of "extremism", criminal undemocratic and unethical abuse of public institutions and the Muslims of the UK can occur without much accountability. This pervasive attitude, especially amongst officials like Michael Gove needs to change. Our schools are truly trying to develop our children to do well at schools so later in life they are able to stand on their own two feet, but if we stop our schools from doing this than our country will have up rise of unemployment, benefit issues, crime levels high, I think its time for you apologize and allow practitioners to do their job right.

It is wrong to assert that a small unrepresentative group of Muslim activists tried to Islamises a state primary school in Woking. The silent majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to state funded Muslim schools. They are not extremists who want to change of ethos of those schools where Muslim children are in majority. It is the democratic right of every Muslim parent to see that their children receive balanced education, so that when their children grow up, they do not find themselves cut off from their cultural roots and linguistic skills. It is a question of common sense, humanity and reason that bilingual Muslim children must be educated in state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. The whole world believes that people who speak more than one language is a vital economic asset. Pupils who speak more than one language do not cause difficulties. It is the politicians and monolingual teachers who are the problems for bilingual pupils. Muslim school will help to cultivate the child into a healthy, fully flourishing individual with a passion for learning. There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies.


Muslim schools should be inspected by Muslim members of the Ofsted. They understand the needs and demands of the Muslim children as well as their parents. Twenty leading educationalists and Muslim leaders have questioned Ofsted's impartiality in the Birmingham 'Trojan Horse' affair, education consultant Robin Richardson reflects on the factors behind its controversial recent inspections. What gives OFSTED the right, or indeed any Brits, to preach to minority groups about how they should live their lives. This is a cosmopolitan country, the Muslim community have the right to educate their children how they choose. What has being British got to do with your religious belief? In Britain there are Hindus Sikhs pagans Jewish Buddhists atheist Zoroastrians Rasta's and many more should they all change there religious beliefs because they are British? Studying the Qur'an will certainly help towards these children becoming fully integrated citizens of the UK. Like many Ofsted stories this is no news. There are lots of schools up and down the land without male teachers. Teaching is so female dominated you wonder why pupils are so poorly behaved. After all feminism blames men for everything and here are the results of female dominance...


God has created diverse human beings to live in this tiny global village of one family. Creation by its very nature is diverse with different species, different communities, different cultures and languages. These differences represent the beauty and wonder but diversity is sometimes not fully appreciated, resulting in all sorts of clashes. The British society and Establishment must learn to respect and accommodate others, as if in a family.


Multiculturalism is not about integration but about cultural plurality. It is not about separation but about respect and the deepening awareness of Unity in Diversity. Each culture will maintain its own intrinsic value and at the same time would be expected to contribute to the benefit of the whole society. Multiculturalism can accommodate diversity of all kinds – cultural, philosophical and religious – so that we can create a world without conflict and strife. Britain can assume the role of accommodation and concern for all peoples, for our planet and indeed for our survival. Multi-Culturalism is even more important and crucial after 9/11 and 7/7. Muslim youths are also likely to feel alienated by a focus on shared Brutishness, rather than multicultural diversity. Rather than promoting a single British “us” teaching should acknowledge that “us” can be diverse and plural. Children should be encouraged to explore differences in appearance, history and religion to reduce social and educational fears.


There should be a positive co-relation between home and school, otherwise, the child would be lost in Western Jungle. A Muslim child needs a state funded Muslim school with Muslim teachers as role models during his/her developmental period. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. I am willing to bet there are lots of Brits who have jumped through hoops to get their children into high performing Catholic or C of E schools yet claim to be atheist. I am also willing to bet they would be the first to complain if their children were offered a place at a school with a high proportion of Muslim children. Faith schools are popular with families across denominations and none. If there was a 'don't like' message they would want a place. The whole problem with the "Trojan Horse" schools was that they were providing the education that parents wanted. Speaking to a head of one of the inspected schools it turns out that one of the failed six schools failed because of negative answers given by pupils. The following question was crucial. " Have you been told that it is morally ok for lesbians and gay men to have same sex relationships?" If pupils answered in the negative this was taken as evidence that the school had not taught tolerance and therefore didn't safeguard against extremist views. I heard a parent of a child at one of the Birmingham schools on News night say something like "as 90% of the children here are Muslim, the school should cater for their needs as Muslims".


A civilisation is measured not by the rights it grants its majority but the privileges it allows its minorities. Muslim families are as entitled as any other religious group to schools that nurture their children's faith. Muslim pupils should be educated in Muslim schools because the current system is marginalising them. Teaching Muslim children in a Muslim school would remove the "problem of them being exposed" to values that conflict with Islamic faith. Muslim pupils are disadvantaged and marginalised in the city's state schools because the cultural heritage of the curriculum is "European and Christian".


DfE must close all state and church schools because all of them are the home of institutional racism and all native teachers are chicken racists. It is a crime against humanity to send Muslim children to state or church schools. Muslim community would like to protect their children from the evils of the western society. Muslim children in state schools with non-Muslim teachers are not in a position to develop positive self-confidence and self-esteem. You better educate your children and let Muslim community educate their children according the needs and demands of the parents.

Muslim schools teach Muslim children that sex outside marriage is a sin. Homosexuality is also a sin. Sex before marriage and homosexuality are western values and Muslims are not supposed to adopt them.

British values, which are said to include respect for legally protected characteristics such as homosexuality, religion, gender change, disability, race and marital status. what a warping of British values, the British values I was taught are respect for the institution of marriage, freedom of religious pursuit, freedom of speech, respect for the monarch. respect for others.

British culture. Watch BBC News about Rolf Harris and his evil deeds for the last 50 years. Muslims feel ashamed of British culture and it values.

Let's not pretend this whole "British values" nonsense is about anything else than targeting British Muslims and pretending that they are somehow different from everyone else in this country. Just as demonising Jews was once the means by which a country unified itself, so now Britons who are being viciously attacked by this Government and its super rich patrons are being asked to unite behind the flag and a vicious campaign against Islam. The neoliberal revolution, as damaging to ordinary people as the enclosures of the more distant past and the industrial revolution of the more recent, is about to claim more victims: our fellow citizens who happen to be Muslim. It is not British values our children will be taught it is simply the values that enable the establishment to continue on, in the same way they make sure that is what is taught in private schools will guarantee the continuation of 'born to rule' clones, brainwashed just as much, as detached from the rest of the population as they can be, fearful that the classes should dare to mix and actually start to understand or even empathise with each other, or God forbid work together towards a more equal society. Yes, it all stinks. Not helped too with the latest news that the only extra funding this Govt deems to fit to pass on to schools is to try and encourage state school children to join military cadet organisations. Now there's a tradition that continues on - providing the next generation of cannon fodder to again continue on what the rest of us in reality should be fighting against.

Indiscipline, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion, homosexuality and gay marriages are part and parcel of British schooling. These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers. 

A couple of Pakistanis have adopted the British values of grooming young children. They are the product of the British schooling with non-Muslim monolingual teachers. I have been doing Jihad in the field of education for the last 45 years so that each and every Muslim child should be in a state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. I would like to see Muslim children developing Cultural, linguistic and spiritual identities so that they could keep themselves away from western barbarity of anti-social behaviour, binge drinking, drug addiction, teen age pregnancies and abortion and lot of other evils but people like you do not want to see Muslim children in Muslim schools in the name of integration. Now you have seen the result in the form of sexual grooming of young children which is a common occurrence in British culture.

The demand for Muslim schools comes from parents who want their children a safe environment with an Islamic ethos. Parents see Muslim schools where children can develop their Islamic Identity where they won't feel stigmatised for being Muslims and they can feel confident about their faith. Muslim schools are working to try to create a bridge between communities. There is a belief among ethnic minority parents that the British schooling does not adequately address their cultural needs. Failing to meet this need could result in feeling resentment among a group who already feel excluded. Setting up Muslim school is a defensive response. State schools with monolingual teachers are not capable to teach English to bilingual Muslim children. Bilingual teachers are needed to teach English to such children along with their mother tongue. According to a number of studies, a child will not learn a second language if his first language is ignored.


British schooling is the home of institutional racism and native teachers are chicken racists. Teachers and head teachers turn a blind eye to bullying, it's a fact!! Even if there is an anti-bullying policy it doesn't mean they'll act upon it when they see a pupil being bullied. Schools do NOT tackle bullying by ejecting the bullies themselves but will gladly sweep the problem out of sight in case it blots their Ofsted rating which has become more important now than the education and well being of the pupil. Bullying is unacceptable. The bullies should be targeted, not the victims.Just watch 'Educating Yorkshire' to see how senior staff tiptoe round the bullies trying not to offend them. Also a general point - there are many teachers these days with a strange psychological need to interact with the trouble makers and retain them within their schools. They tell everyone how caring they are for keeping the badly-behaved in their schools, when in fact they are keeping a bad person who is causing misery and stress and anxiety to the other children. Not so caring after all, as they keep claiming they are. Teachers are supposed to protect your children, not indulge the bullies and allow them to reign in schools. The statistics for bullying are damming as are the statistics for the quality of education in this country............ever down we go.............where is the bottom of the pit? This is what I hate about schools in general. Many of them turn a blind eye to bullying. If they do catch a kid bullying another kid, they either do nothing at all or give the bully a slap on the wrist. What's worse is that kids are now turning to Facebook and other social media to continue the bullying outside the classroom. So actually, even a kid who transfers to another school can easily be bullied by the same kids they tried to get away from. When will schools listen to people and understand that bullying is serious?

British schools are not doing enough to tackle racism and promote race relations. Many teachers are unaware of racist attitudes amongst pupils. Schools have a responsibility not only to deal with racist incidents but also to prepare pupils for life in a multicultural and multiracial society.


A report by the Institute for Community Cohesion found that native parents were deserting some schools after finding their children out numbered by pupils from ethnic minorities. Schools in parts of England are becoming increasingly segregated. The study focused on 13 local authorities. Many of the schools and colleges are segregated and this was generally worsening over recent years. This is RACISM because British society is the home of institutional racism. My statement regarding Muslim schools where there is no place for non-Muslim child or a teacher is based on educational process and not on racism. Muslim children need Muslim teachers during their developmental periods. For higher studies and research, Muslim teacher is not a priority.


There is the increase alienation of the UK’s British Muslim population, through stigmatism and increasing inflammatory anti-immigrant/foreigner propaganda – which is doing more to marginalize than to integrate its citizens. A fact of life is that these are descendants of the former British Empire/Commonwealth on which the sun never set, many that have lived in the UK for generations, but have kept their religious beliefs, cultures and traditions, remaining largely within their own communities perhaps because the UK itself has its own highly stratified class system with little integration flexibility between its own ranks which has left its former colonies somewhat side-lined. The anti-Muslim drumbeat is relentless. In the wake of the “Trojan horse”onslaught against mainly Muslim state schools in Birmingham, which branded conservative religiosity “extremism”, politically directed Ofsted inspectors have now turned their attention to east London. Six Muslim schools in Tower Hamlets have been failed and a majority-Muslim state secondary school with good results has been put in special measures because of risks of “extremism”.

Children from minority groups, especially the Muslims, are exposed to the pressure of racism, multiculturalism and bullying. They suffer academically, culturally and linguistically: a high proportion of children of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin are leaving British schools with low grades or no qualification.

Native Brits must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. The needs and demands of the Muslim community are different from those of natives. Muslims are in Britain not to give up their cultural heritage. They must integrate in their new home country, learn new languages and apply for political representation -- without forgetting their cultural heritage. It is important to learn Standard English, but their languages should not be neglected. Muslim children not only need halal meat or Eid Holidays but they need state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their development period also. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. This is nothing to do with a Islamic Madrasas in Pakistan. The needs and demands of British Muslims are different from Muslims living in Pakistan.

Speaking English does not promote integration into British, American and Australian societies, and broaden opportunities. English speaking Muslim youths are angry, frustrated and extremist, thanks to state schools with monolingual non-Muslim teachers and English language. English language is not only a lingua franca but also lingua frankensteinia. Human right are also covers linguistic right. Cultural and linguistic genocide are very common. British schooling is murdering community languages like Arabic, Urdu and others. English is today the world killer language. Linguistic genocide is a crime against humanity and British schooling is guilty of committing this crime. Language is not just a language. It defines one's culture, identity and consciousness. It defines how we think, communicate and express ourselves. The fact is the most South Asian Muslims have come to know Islam by way of Urdu, the children's alienation from the language that connects them the heritage of their parents and grandparents is disturbing. As a matter of fact, one has to get to know his mother tongue well if one is to master any other language.

Bilingual Muslims children have a right, as much as any other faith group, to be taught their culture, languages and faith alongside a mainstream curriculum. More faith schools will be opened under sweeping reforms of the education system in England. There is a dire need for the growth of state funded Muslim schools to meet the growing needs and demands of the Muslim parents and children. Now the time has come that parents and community should take over the running of their local schools. Parent-run schools will give the diversity, the choice and the competition that the wealthy have in the private sector.

There are hundreds of state primary and secondary schools where Muslim pupils are in majority. In my opinion all such schools may be opted out to become Muslim Academies. This mean the Muslim children will get a decent education. Muslim schools turned out balanced citizens, more tolerant of others and less likely to succumb to criminality or extremism. Muslim schools give young people confidence in who they are and an understanding of Islam’s teaching of tolerance and respect which prepares them for a positive and fulfilling role in society.





Al-Hijrah School Education of British Muslim Children

Published by Iftikhar on 17 August, 2017 - 18:18

Al-Hijrah School Education of British Muslim Children

The government has ordered the takeover of one of England’s first state-funded Muslim secondary schools, an institution where a child died and offensive books were found in the library. An academic library should be free to hold any books, without political sanction -- in line with the principle of academic freedom.

The books stated that a husband can beat his wife and insist on having sex with her. They were found in the library of the Al-Hijrah School in Birmingham, which became state-funded in 2001. The prophet of Islam has 11 wives and none of them were ever beaten by him for any excuse.

An academic library should be free to hold any books, without political sanction -- in line with the principle of academic freedom, Yes I can agree, up to a pint, but if these books are used to reinforce the right for a man to rape and beat his wife and that because it is allowed under Sharia Law. Then it is unacceptable. This practice used to go on in the UK and was tolerated and ignored by both Church and State and treated as simple domestic violence. Also the Old Testament, like the Quran stated that a wife was the chattel of the husband. But UK society, and the world, as moved on and this is no longer tolerated by society.

True 11 wives and some were preteens, or taken as war booty? Is this still acceptable in a civilised society? Plus if genders are of equal numbers [and status] If a man takes four wives instead of one, what happens to the male population that find it impossible to find a wife?

Amanda Spielman, chief inspector at Ofsted, the schools regulator, said Al-Hijrah would be taken over by an independent academy trust on the orders of the Department for Education.

What gives OFSTED the right or indeed any Brits, to preach to minority groups about how they should live their lives. This is a cosmopolitan country, the Muslim community have the right to educate their children how they choose. What has being British got to do with your religious belief? In Britain there are Hindus,Sikhs, pagans,Jewish,Buddhists, atheist,Zoroastrians Rasta’s and many more should they all change their religious beliefs because they are British? Studying the Holy Quran will certainly help towards these children becoming fully integrated citizens of the UK.

OFSTED as the right because a]It is the Law of the land to inspect all and every school, regardless of faith. b]Brits? By this do you mean white British? If so this could be deemed as racist and intolerant to the many Asians, Africans Indians etc who have taken British citizenship and are proud, indeed demand to be treated as and called British. c]Anyone of any faith, or none can practice their faith without fear or favour. What they cannot do is ignore the common law of England.

Queen Elizabeth the first on coming to the throne in 1558, after the religious turmoil in her sisters Mary’s reign. Stated “care not how you pray, or if you are Popish or Church of England. What I do care is that you obey my laws and are loyal to England”.

Not to mention the school in question tried to ban the naming of the school and the publication of the report.


Khalid Mahmood, Labour MP for Birmingham Perry Barr, said: ‘This is a victory for open justice. The Daily Mail has worked on behalf of the pupils, the parents and the people of Birmingham, to inform them what is happening. I am grateful to the paper for taking this battle up.

How can parents safeguard our children, when they are stuck in school, from the intrusion of pretentious business concerns like Ofsted? Well, if I approached a ten-year-old and started talking to her about what lesbians do in bed, I'm pretty certain I'd be arrested. And it would be right to do so wouldn't it? Mind you, it would be no good the inspectors asking me what lesbians do in bed. At my age (7th decade) I still don't know. Have these Ofsted creeps been CRB checked? If so maybe they think it's a licence to perv. A stranger asked me a shocking question when I was an innocent 11 year old.....and I bolted from the creep in disgust. These Ofsted creeps need to be reported.

True if you, or I approached a ten year old as asked them about lesbian, or for that matter any kind of sexual conduct, we would be arrested, and rightly so.

But I think that you will find that a] OFSTED staff who carry out these inspections are CRB checked, and b] have strict guideline of what questions to ask. So that all schools are treated in the same manner. If you read the report, it gives both criticism and advice.

Ofsted report, Inspection dates 2-3 December 2015


This is what's behind this: for every Muslim free school put in special measures Ofsted must find a Christian school to put in special measures so it can't be accused of targeting one particular group. The fruits of m/c. I'm not sure I know what lesbians do in bed.... Then, according to Ofsted, you are un-educated and un-British. Were these OFSTED Inspectors "carrying out orders" when they asked these questions, or did they devise them personally ? Do they have a manual of procedures to follow with (say) standard questions ?

Yes they [OFSTED Inspectors] do have an instruction manual and training on how to carry out inspections. Plus if you care to check OFSTED Inspectors are mainly ex-school teachers, or academics and come from all religious, racial and social backgrounds.

The shocking level of targeting of the Muslim community of Birmingham is indicative of the normalisation of the dehumanisation of the Muslims of Britain. Under the pretext of "extremism", criminal undemocratic and unethical abuse of public institutions and the Muslims of the UK can occur without much accountability. This pervasive attitude, especially amongst officials like Michael Gove needs to change. Our schools are truly trying to develop our children to do well at schools so later in life they are able to stand on their own two feet, but if we stop our schools from doing this than our country will have up rise of unemployment, benefit issues, crime levels high, I think its time for you apologize and allow practitioners to do their job right.

Are you on some kind of guilt trip, or are you playing the hard done by I am an offended Muslim card? If so get over it, most people don’t care what religion you follow, so long as it as no impact on their lives.

It is wrong to assert that a small unrepresentative group of Muslim activists tried to Islamises a state primary school in Woking. The silent majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to state funded Muslim schools. They are not extremists who want to change of ethos of those schools where Muslim children are in majority. It is the democratic right of every Muslim parent to see that their children receive balanced education, so that when their children grow up, they do not find themselves cut off from their cultural roots and linguistic skills. It is a question of common sense, humanity and reason that bilingual Muslim children must be educated in state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. The whole world believes that people who speak more than one language is a vital economic asset. Pupils who speak more than one language do not cause difficulties. It is the politicians and monolingual teachers who are the problems for bilingual pupils. Muslim school will help to cultivate the child into a healthy, fully flourishing individual with a passion for learning. There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies.

Interesting you star your article on an OFSTED report on a Birmingham school then introduce a Woking school?

The silent majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to state funded Muslim schools. I think that you find that this is already a fact that most Muslims send their children to state funded Muslim schools; The reason being that most Muslims self-segregate themselves from main stream British society. Then again they do this in whatever country they happen live in.

There are exceptions, my niece goes to a C of E High School, whilst not many, there are a few Muslims, with Muslim males in the majority?

You mention problems with monolingual culture as a reason for having Muslim only schools. In this I believe that you are using the term bi-lingual Muslim schools [Urdu and English] and that monolingual teachers are the main problem with low education standards. Where I live many schools have pupils from many countries and with many languages and they seem to cope?

Muslim schools should be inspected by Muslim members of the Ofsted. They understand the needs and demands of the Muslim children as well as their parents. Twenty leading educationalists and Muslim leaders have questioned Ofsted's impartiality in the Birmingham 'Trojan Horse' affair, education consultant Robin Richardson reflects on the factors behind its controversial recent inspections. What gives OFSTED the right, or indeed any Brits, to preach to minority groups about how they should live their lives. This is a cosmopolitan country, the Muslim community have the right to educate their children how they choose. What has being British got to do with your religious belief? In Britain there are Hindus Sikhs pagans Jewish Buddhists atheist Zoroastrians Rasta's and many more should they all change there religious beliefs because they are British? Studying the Qur'an will certainly help towards these children becoming fully integrated citizens of the UK. Like many Ofsted stories this is no news. There are lots of schools up and down the land without male teachers. Teaching is so female dominated you wonder why pupils are so poorly behaved. After all feminism blames men for everything and here are the results of female dominance...

Muslim schools inspected by Muslims only? Do you mean Muslim OFSTED Inspectors will not be allowed to inspect none-Muslim schools? As for OFSTED’s right to inspect, I have answered this earlier, not to mention the British racist slur again.

Studying the Quran will certainly help. This I totally agree, but the Quran should be taught in full the bad bits alongside the good bits. Not taught selectively. A for instance it is Islamic teaching that whilst Muslims are in small numbers in a non-Muslim country they are to be tolerant and observe the countries laws, Also it is acceptable to lie to Infidels [Taqiyya] but once there are sufficient numbers to do so then Sharia laws should be followed and imposed where possible on the host nation.

I could go on, the Quran as in the Old Testament, or the Jewish Torah. All have many passages that can be used to silence, impose sanctions, or give a reason to do harm to others.

God has created diverse human beings to live in this tiny global village of one family. Creation by its very nature is diverse with different species, different communities, different cultures and languages. These differences represent the beauty and wonder but diversity is sometimes not fully appreciated, resulting in all sorts of clashes. The British society and Establishment must learn to respect and accommodate others, as if in a family.

The above is very true, but problems always arise when different cultures live in close proximity and whilst expecting tolerance of others, they do not tolerate others views. As for Britain learning to respect others? By this do you mean minority cultures within Britain, I believe compared to Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, Britain as a pretty good record.

Multiculturalism is not about integration but about cultural plurality. It is not about separation but about respect and the deepening awareness of Unity in Diversity. Each culture will maintain its own intrinsic value and at the same time would be expected to contribute to the benefit of the whole society. Multiculturalism can accommodate diversity of all kinds – cultural, philosophical and religious – so that we can create a world without conflict and strife. Britain can assume the role of accommodation and concern for all peoples, for our planet and indeed for our survival. Multi-Culturalism is even more important and crucial after 9/11 and 7/7. Muslim youths are also likely to feel alienated by a focus on shared Brutishness, rather than multicultural diversity. Rather than promoting a single British “us” teaching should acknowledge that “us” can be diverse and plural. Children should be encouraged to explore differences in appearance, history and religion to reduce social and educational fears.

Multiculturalism was the term used in the 50’s and 60’s to silence dissent by ethnic British when they complained about mass immigration. They were told to accept it or be accused of racial intolerance. Laws were made and we were told that we would all have to learn to live in a multicultural Britain.

Now that as been changed to diversity, and it is acceptable to live separate lives, Or to use the sound bite “Strength in Diversity”.

Multiculturalism and Diversity did bring some benefits to British society, different foods and mixed marriages and toleration between races. Indeed if you look at the English language it is made up of words borrowed from around the world, unlike lots of languages it is constantly being added to. But the main exception appears to be with Muslims, who are intolerant of mixed marriages [especially if it is a woman marrying a non-Muslim] not to mention the insistence of living in separate communities.

There should be a positive co-relation between home and school, otherwise, the child would be lost in Western Jungle. A Muslim child needs a state funded Muslim school with Muslim teachers as role models during his/her developmental period. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. I am willing to bet there are lots of Brits who have jumped through hoops to get their children into high performing Catholic or C of E schools yet claim to be atheist. I am also willing to bet they would be the first to complain if their children were offered a place at a school with a high proportion of Muslim children. Faith schools are popular with families across denominations and none. If there was a 'don't like' message they would want a place. The whole problem with the "Trojan Horse" schools was that they were providing the education that parents wanted. Speaking to a head of one of the inspected schools it turns out that one of the failed six schools failed because of negative answers given by pupils. The following question was crucial. " Have you been told that it is morally ok for lesbians and gay men to have same sex relationships?" If pupils answered in the negative this was taken as evidence that the school had not taught tolerance and therefore didn't safeguard against extremist views. I heard a parent of a child at one of the Birmingham schools on News night say something like "as 90% of the children here are Muslim, the school should cater for their needs as Muslims".

There is no place for a non-Muslim child, or a teacher in a Muslim school? Back to what could be a racist intolerant remark.

What about the non-Muslim child who because of circumstance just happens to live in a Muslim majority area? Must the family be moved out of the area to a non-Muslim area? Or denied an education? What if a Muslim teacher, or doctor was forbidden to teach or treat non-Muslims?

If I was to be a conspiracy theorist, I could argue, the use of Muslim only children, teachers and inspectors. Could be a cover for radical Islam, or a cover for cultural apartheid?

A civilisation is measured not by the rights it grants its majority but the privileges it allows its minorities. Muslim families are as entitled as any other religious group to schools that nurture their children's faith. Muslim pupils should be educated in Muslim schools because the current system is marginalizing them. Teaching Muslim children in a Muslim school would remove the "problem of them being exposed" to values that conflict with Islamic faith. Muslim pupils are disadvantaged and marginalized in the city's state schools because the cultural heritage of the curriculum is "European and Christian".

“A civilisation is measured not by the rights it grants its majority but the privileges it allows its minorities.” Very true and looking at what happens to minorities in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, plus a few other Muslim majority countries. Compared to Britain they are not civilised countries?

DfE must close all state and church schools because all of them are the home of institutional racism and all native teachers are chicken racists. It is a crime against humanity to send Muslim children to state or church schools. Muslim community would like to protect their children from the evils of the western society. Muslim children in state schools with non-Muslim teachers are not in a position to develop positive self-confidence and self-esteem. You better educate your children and let Muslim community educate their children according the needs and demands of the parents.

Two different values a] you want Muslim only schools [paid for by the State] yet b] you want to deny this same right to non-Muslims? Or indeed the right of Muslim parents to send their children to non-Muslim schools if they so wish. The Quran teaches there is no compulsion in Islam?

Muslim schools teach Muslim children that sex outside marriage is a sin. Homosexuality is also a sin. Sex before marriage and homosexuality are western values and Muslims are not supposed to adopt them.

British values, which are said to include respect for legally, protected characteristics such as homosexuality, religion, gender change, disability, race and marital status. What a warping of British values, the British values I was taught are respect for the institution of marriage, freedom of religious pursuit, freedom of speech, respect for the monarchy. Respect for others.

British culture. Watch BBC News about Rolf Harris and his evil deeds for the last 50 years. Muslims feel ashamed of British culture and it values.

Muslim schools teach sex outside of marriage is a sin, but it is alright to have multiple wives. or state that a woman’s testimony in court is only worth half of a mans. Also to avoid not having sex outside of marriage. Muttah in Shiite Islam Or Misyar in Sunni Islam [short term marriage contracts] can be used. Is this not the pot calling the kettle black, or is it another case of Islamic double standards?

But British schools whilst teaching about sex, Birth control, Sexual diseases, or in deed sexual orientation. Church schools also do this [it is the Law] they also teach that sex should be within marriage, if not, at least you should be in some short of long term stable relationship. Whether you like it or not, honest open values and respect and tolerance for individuals.

Let's not pretend this whole "British values" nonsense is about anything else than targeting British Muslims and pretending that they are somehow different from everyone else in this country. Just as demonising Jews was once the means by which a country unified itself, so now Britons who are being viciously attacked by this Government and its super rich patrons are being asked to unite behind the flag and a vicious campaign against Islam. The Neoliberalism revolution, as damaging to ordinary people as the enclosures of the more distant past and the industrial revolution of the more recent, is about to claim more victims: our fellow citizens who happen to be Muslim. It is not British values our children will be taught it is simply the values that enable the establishment to continue on, in the same way they make sure that is what is taught in private schools will guarantee the continuation of 'born to rule' clones, brainwashed just as much, as detached from the rest of the population as they can be, fearful that the classes should dare to mix and actually start to understand or even empathise with each other, or God forbid work together towards a more equal society. Yes, it all stinks. Not helped too with the latest news that the only extra funding this Govt deems to fit to pass on to schools is to try and encourage state school children to join military cadet organisations. Now there's a tradition that continues on - providing the next generation of cannon fodder to again continue on what the rest of us in reality should be fighting against.

“Let's not pretend this whole "British values" nonsense is about anything else than targeting British Muslims and pretending that they are somehow different from everyone else in this country”

Targeting British Muslims? Most of the terrorist attacks appear to be done by Muslims, [in some cases on young people who are pretty tolerant lot] so one can expect some sort of backlash. If not violence then a drop off in custom by people who use Indian, or Pakistani restaurants [Yes, I know you are different, but to westerners you are deemed the same. Similar to French, German and English are seen as Europeans] A similar thing happened to my friend who just happened to be Irish when the IRA and UDA was doing their thing. Plus keeping watchful eye on people who appear to be Muslims? Then again how can you tell if a person is a Muslim? He/She can be Black, White or Brown, Islam is a religion not a race?

Interesting potted history of Britain, History should be taught learned from and used to avoid repeating the same mistakes again. Like the History of the events leading up to and after Independence and partition in India. India with its caste system and Islamic Pakistan with its intolerance of the Hindu religion. At least India whilst still a country of extreme wealth inequality is trying to put an end to the caste system. Or the fact that the Anglo Indian community that were accepted by neither communities [unless it suited] An half decent film about this is Bhowani Junction (1956) Official Trailer h##ps:// sorry I can only get the trailer, but if you can get the film it is well worth the time to watch, even if a bit dated.

Indiscipline, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion, homosexuality and gay marriages are part and parcel of British schooling. These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.

I think that you will find it is a symptom of looking back through rose coloured glasses how things where much better in your younger days? I am probably just as guilty. As for the % of Muslim children and schooling I think you might [because of Muslim self-segregation] the numbers are the opposite. Majority of Muslims go to Muslim majority schools it is only as they get older do things change [or should Oxbridge become Muslim only?]

A couple of Pakistanis have adopted the British values of grooming young children. They are the product of the British schooling with non-Muslim monolingual teachers. I have been doing Jihad in the field of education for the last 45 years so that each and every Muslim child should be in a state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. I would like to see Muslim children developing Cultural, linguistic and spiritual identities so that they could keep themselves away from western barbarity of anti-social behaviour, binge drinking, drug addiction, teen age pregnancies and abortion and lot of other evils but people like you do not want to see Muslim children in Muslim schools in the name of integration. Now you have seen the result in the form of sexual grooming of young children which is a common occurrence in British culture.

What a load of bull, A couple of Pakistani men have adopted British values of grooming young children?

It was hundreds of Pakistani men, who abused, and sold on these young girls [Oxford, Rotherham, Newcastle etc] Plus these facts were ignored and if brought to the notice of the police these men were called Asian men. In some case no prosecutions were brought because of fear of upsetting the Pakistani community.

Indeed it was only after many complaints by the non-Pakistani-Asian community Sheiks, Indians, Sri-lankans Malayans, Chinese and many others of Asian culture, did the BBC finally state that they were men of Pakistani heritage.

Indeed when a Sarah Champion stated that it was a culture problem within the Pakistani community, she had to resigns as shadow equalities minister |

Sajid Javid, whilst not totally agreeing with her did say that there was problems within the Pakistani community and that Jeremy Corbyn 'wrong to sack Sarah Champion'

The demand for Muslim schools comes from parents who want their children a safe environment with an Islamic ethos. Parents see Muslim schools where children can develop their Islamic Identity where they won't feel stigmatised for being Muslims and they can feel confident about their faith. Muslim schools are working to try to create a bridge between communities. There is a belief among ethnic minority parents that the British schooling does not adequately address their cultural needs. Failing to meet this need could result in feeling resentment among a group who already feel excluded. Setting up Muslim school is a defensive response. State schools with monolingual teachers are not capable to teach English to bilingual Muslim children. Bilingual teachers are needed to teach English to such children along with their mother tongue. According to a number of studies, a child will not learn a second language if his first language is ignored.

If a child is born to 2nd,3rd or indeed 4th generation Pakistani just when does he/she start to use English and not Urdu as a first language? There are many descendants of migrants who may learn their parents or grandparents language out of interest, and in their own time. But use English as their first language.

British schooling is the home of institutional racism and native teachers are chicken racists. Teachers and head teachers turn a blind eye to bullying, it's a fact!! Even if there is an anti-bullying policy it doesn't mean they'll act upon it when they see a pupil being bullied. Schools do NOT tackle bullying by ejecting the bullies themselves but will gladly sweep the problem out of sight in case it blots their Ofsted rating which has become more important now than the education and well being of the pupil. Bullying is unacceptable. The bullies should be targeted, not the victims. Just watch 'Educating Yorkshire' to see how senior staff tiptoe round the bullies trying not to offend them. Also a general point - there are many teachers these days with a strange psychological need to interact with the trouble makers and retain them within their schools. They tell everyone how caring they are for keeping the badly-behaved in their schools, when in fact they are keeping a bad person who is causing misery and stress and anxiety to the other children. Not so caring after all, as they keep claiming they are. Teachers are supposed to protect your children, not indulge the bullies and allow them to reign in schools. The statistics for bullying are damming as are the statistics for the quality of education in this country............ever down we go.............where is the bottom of the pit? This is what I hate about schools in general. Many of them turn a blind eye to bullying. If they do catch a kid bullying another kid, they either do nothing at all or give the bully a slap on the wrist. What's worse is that kids are now turning to Facebook and other social media to continue the bullying outside the classroom. So actually, even a kid who transfers to another school can easily be bullied by the same kids they tried to get away from. When will schools listen to people and understand that bullying is serious?

Bullying? If one starts a mass protest and threats of violence against society for a perceived [by them] of an Insult. Could this be seen as bullying, or intimidation?

British schools are not doing enough to tackle racism and promote race relations. Many teachers are unaware of racist attitudes amongst pupils. Schools have a responsibility not only to deal with racist incidents but also to prepare pupils for life in a multicultural and multiracial society.

A report by the Institute for Community Cohesion found that native parents were deserting some schools after finding their children out numbered by pupils from ethnic minorities. Schools in parts of England are becoming increasingly segregated. The study focused on 13 local authorities. Many of the schools and colleges are segregated and this was generally worsening over recent years. This is RACISM because British society is the home of institutional racism. My statement regarding

Muslim schools where there is no place for non-Muslim child or a teacher is based on educational process and not on racism. Muslim children need Muslim teachers during their developmental periods. For higher studies and research, Muslim teacher is not a priority.

British Schools are not doing enough to tackle racism? Some would totally disagree, indeed it as reached the point were people are too frightened to state openly what they think, because of all the racial in-equality education they have had in school, laws that have passed or in the media indoctrination.. Non-Muslim Immigrants appear on the whole integrate without too many problems. As Muslims represent maybe 10-20% of the 2nd/3rd generation migrants whilst the other 80% or so get along it looks like the fault may lie with the Muslims?

As I said before Muslims are practicing cultural apartheid, and to say that Muslim only schools is not racism is wrong and proves that most of these Muslim only areas are populated by people of Pakistani descent reinforces your views on cultural apartheid. While I did state it was a Muslim problem it might indeed be a Pakistani problem? Turks, Lebanese and Moroccans, who are Muslims appear to integrate?

There is the increase alienation of the UK’s British Muslim population, through stigmatism and increasing inflammatory anti-immigrant/foreigner propaganda – which is doing more to marginalize than to integrate its citizens. A fact of life is that these are descendants of the former British Empire/Commonwealth on which the sun never set, many that have lived in the UK for generations, but have kept their religious beliefs, cultures and traditions, remaining largely within their own communities perhaps because the UK itself has its own highly stratified class system with little integration flexibility between its own ranks which has left its former colonies somewhat side-lined. The anti-Muslim drumbeat is relentless. In the wake of the “Trojan horse”onslaught against mainly Muslim state schools in Birmingham, which branded conservative religiosity “extremism”, politically directed Ofsted inspectors have now turned their attention to east London. Six Muslim schools in Tower Hamlets have been failed and a majority-Muslim state secondary school with good results has been put in special measures because of risks of “extremism”.

Children from minority groups, especially the Muslims, are exposed to the pressure of racism, multiculturalism and bullying. They suffer academically, culturally and linguistically: a high proportion of children of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin are leaving British schools with low grades or no qualification.

I suppose the above proves that it is mainly a Pakistani or East Pakistan/Bangladeshi and not solely a Muslim problem? As for failing schools in Tower Hamlets, was there not a problem with the Mayor of Tower Hamlets who was eventually convicted for fraud and corruption? Who just happened by chance to be a Muslim from Pakistan?

As for low grades could this be a reason whilst some parents [if they are able] are taking their children from mainly Muslim schools and moving them to secular state run schools?

Native Brits must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. The needs and demands of the Muslim community are different from those of natives. Muslims are in Britain not to give up their cultural heritage. They must integrate in their new home country, learn new languages and apply for political representation -- without forgetting their cultural heritage. It is important to learn Standard English, but their languages should not be neglected. Muslim children not only need halal meat or Eid Holidays but they need state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their development period also. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. This is nothing to do with a Islamic Madrasas in Pakistan. The needs and demands of British Muslims are different from Muslims living in Pakistan.

One might say that the native Brits have had a bellyful of being told to be more tolerant to those who are different, whilst the majority of migrants reciprocate it. It appears that the more that is given to the Muslim population [Pakistani especially] the more they demand.

This is nothing to do with a Islamic Madrasas in Pakistan. The needs and demands of British Muslims are different from Muslims living in Pakistan.

So whilst after having an education in mainly Muslim schools in the UK, why do Pakistani men seek wives from Pakistan, or indeed go to Madrasas in Pakistan to finish of their religious education. Also why is it more and more young Pakistani girls are not accepting arranged marriages to Pakistani men, especially those men who currently live in Pakistan?

Speaking English does not promote integration into British, American and Australian societies, and broaden opportunities. English speaking Muslim youths are angry, frustrated and extremist, thanks to state schools with monolingual non-Muslim teachers and English language. English language is not only a lingua franca but also lingua frankensteinia. Human right are also covers linguistic right. Cultural and linguistic genocide are very common. British schooling is murdering community languages like Arabic, Urdu and others. English is today the world killer language. Linguistic genocide is a crime against humanity and British schooling is guilty of committing this crime. Language is not just a language. It defines one's culture, identity and consciousness. It defines how we think, communicate and express ourselves. The fact is the most South Asian Muslims have come to know Islam by way of Urdu, the children's alienation from the language that connects them the heritage of their parents and grandparents is disturbing. As a matter of fact, one has to get to know his mother tongue well if one is to master any other language.

Speaking, reading and writing in English does not promote integration into society, but it does help. Would it not help if we followed the example of Muslim/Arabic conquest of the Middle East and North Africa [which was mainly Latin or Greek speaking at that time] by insisting that all dealings with the authorities, both written and spoken is done in English. That might explain whilst most of the people who live in these areas now, use Arabic? There is no compulsion in Islam?

Just for arguments sake how many generations before Urdu is no longer a British Pakistani native tongue?

Bilingual Muslims children have a right, as much as any other faith group, to be taught their culture, languages and faith alongside a mainstream curriculum. More faith schools will be opened under sweeping reforms of the education system in England. There is a dire need for the growth of state funded Muslim schools to meet the growing needs and demands of the Muslim parents and children. Now the time has come that parents and community should take over the running of their local schools. Parent-run schools will give the diversity, the choice and the competition that the wealthy have in the private sector.

Some would say that there should be less religious schools and more secular schools in Britain, not more. As the cultural/religious apartheid is not the answer for an tolerant society. I may be wrong but when the C of E and Catholics had the whip hand [before the rise of secular schools] there was very little mixing of both sects.

Which brings me back to Muslim State funded schools, will they be mixed in both gender and religious sects [Shiite and Sunni] Or can we say religious intolerance springing up between Muslims in the UK? As was the case once between Catholics and C of E

There are hundreds of state primary and secondary schools where Muslim pupils are in majority. In my opinion all such schools may be opted out to become Muslim Academies. This mean the Muslim children will get a decent education. Muslim schools turned out balanced citizens, more tolerant of others and less likely to succumb to criminality or extremism. Muslim schools give young people confidence in who they are and an understanding of Islam’s teaching of tolerance and respect which prepares them for a positive and fulfilling role in society.





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