Assalámu `alaykum wa rahmatulláhi wa barakátuhu.
Utrujj, Knowledge & Creativity Presents:
Sidi Abu Aliya [Jawziya Institute]*
Shaykh Abu Muntasir [JIMAS]*
Dr Kamal El-Helbawi [Former President of MAB]*
Shaykh Haytham Tamim [Utrujj Foundation]*
Date: Saturday 1st April 2006
Time: 10am - 6pm
Venue: Room B36, Birkbeck College,University of London,
Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7HX
“Just as the blood revives the
mind and circulates through
the body and to the heart, the
same analogy can be used for
those individuals who revive
the nations of people, reboosting
the society around them by
regenerating the minds and
intellects.” (Shaykh Haytham Tamim)
This one day course will look at the concept of ‘revivalism
and how certain individuals from the past and present have
made a significant change to the society at large. Renewal known
as Arabic as Tajdeed is bound by certain conditions and limits.
This course will unravel many revivalists from the past and
present who have made a noteworthy contribution to the world
we live in today. Revivalism in Islam is to come back to
the true spirit of the faith through facing many challenges
and obstacles.
Objectives: By the end of the course students will be able to;
• Students will feel encouraged to make change
and apply what they have learnt practically by
looking at the revivalists who have made an impact on our world.
• To improve their quality in conduct and character.
• To feel motivated to make change by looking at those
in the past and present who are known as revivalists.
• To understand how to face challenges and obstacles
and not be deterred from striving to make change
through the spirit of optimism.
• To connect students to role models of the past
and not those role models who can mislead us in the present age.
• How the Prophet made change through following the rules of this life
• The conditions followed by the Prophet when making change
• Revivalism in context to educational, spiritual and political achievements
• To learn about the characteristics of the revivalists and understand their reality
• The conditions of revivalism and change in general
• Analysis of the circumstances which were around the revivalists’
• Historical view on the revivalist mujaddidoon and the concept of revivalism Tajdeed
• Islam and Citizenship
• Islam in the west today
An overview of selected revivalists from the past and present;
The Prophet
Umar bin Abdul Aziz (ra)
Imam Ghazali (12th century)
Ibn Abd’ Al-salam Izz al-din
Ibn Taymiyyah (14th century)
Mohammad Iqbal
Malcom X
and others
*Notes will be provided.
*Nearest Tube: Euston Square, Goodge Street, Tottenham Court Rd
*Map: is external)
Fees: £5 if pre-booked otherwise £10 on the door
To book a place or for more information please contact:
Tel: 0845 644 0619 / 07960 324 325
Email: sends e-mail)
Website: is external)
Wassalaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.
- The blessed Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned
that 'The believer who recites the Qur'an and applies
it is like the utrujja (fruit), whose smell is fragrant
and taste is sweet .' (Bukhari)
Utrujj is based upon the teachings of the above Hadith in
seeking to equip you with the sacred knowledge of Islam,
while simultaneously training you in it's implementation in
your daily lives. As a result of this dynamic approach your
personality should insh'Allah come to personify this
sacred knowledge.
The change this creates will be witnessed by those around you
as they smell the sweet fragrance of your good speech and taste
the sweetness of your exemplary actions. Such a change within
individuals is critical in realising our covenant with Allah and for the
spreading of Islam, especially here in the West.
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- Utrujj is a registered Charity: No: 1099875
Please send correspondence to: The Utrujj Foundation, P O Box 4428,
London, W1A 7QL. Tel: 0845 644 0619. Email: sends e-mail),
website: is external) London Offices: 2nd/3rd Floor,
48a Goodge Street, London, W1T 4LX