
Islamic Circles Presents:


Date: Wednesday 29th March 2006
Time: 6.00 pm - 9.00 pm
Venue: Room B04, Basement, Birkbeck College,
Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London, WC1E 7HX

A special mid-week matrimonial event for those who may be divorced,
separated or widowed, or are open to marrying someone of these
statuses. All Muslims are welcome to attend regardless of ethnicity
or "level" of faith and practice. Mahrams are encouraged to attend
and assist where possible. Profiles of brothers and sisters are to
be displayed on the wall and meetings will be arranged at the venue,
insha'Allah. No attendance means no display of profiles.

Prior registration is not necessary, just turn up by 6.00 pm. There
will be a group discussion for about 20-30 minutes, followed by the
meetings. This event is for sincere and serious people only, not
time wasters and people with bad manners. Entry is £5. Mahrams free.

For more information about Islamic Circles Matrimonial Service:
Tel: 07092 032 136 / 07092 032 763
E-mail: marriage@islamiccircles.org / islamic_matrimonials@yahoo.com

Wassalaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.

Admin, Islamic Circles

- Islamic Circles is a community-based initiative that
has been running at the Froud Centre since January 2001.
We hold Islamic lectures and Arabic classes on a weekly
basis, and also organise a wide range of projects and
activities, including short courses, seminars, workshops
on issues relevant to the Muslim community, social gatherings,
and matrimonial events.