Forthcoming Islamic Environmental Events

Islamic Foundation for Ecology & Environmental Sciences Presents:


with Dr Fazlun Khalid

Date: Saturday 18th March 2006
Time: 10.00 am - 6.00 pm
Venue: Muslim World League, 46 Goodge Street, London W1T 4LU

A one-day workshop with course Dr Fazlun Khalid, founder and
director of the Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental
Sciences. The day will feature: Understanding Creator/Creation,
Understanding Man's Place in Creation, Understanding Man's
Responsibilities, The Evolution of Shariah and its Institutions,
Strategies for the Future, followed by conclusions and du'a.

- Cost: £10 for organic / fair trade lunch plus tea and coffee
- A small number of participants (maximum 30)
- Booking means paying, as commitments are based on bookings

Please make cheques payable to 'IFEES' and send them to:
IFEES, c/o Islamic Circles, Froud Centre, 1 Toronto Avenue,
Manor Park, London, E12 5JF

* Fazlun Khalid is the International Convenor of the Alliance of
Religion and Conservation, and a consultant to World Wide Fund for
Nature (WWF). He is author of Qur'an, Creation and Conservation
and editor of Islam and Ecology.

To book or for enquiries about course please contact:
Tel: 07092 032 136


Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences Presents:


Confirmed guests include :
Tony Juniper (Executive Director, Friends of the Earth)
Phil Thornhill (National co-ordinator, Campaign against Climate Change)

With presentations from:
Fazlun Khalid
Muzammal Hussain
Harfiyah Haleem
AbdurRahman Raines

Date: Sunday 19th March 2006
Time: 10.00 am - 6.00 pm
Venue: Muslim World League, 46 Goodge Street, London, W1T 4LU

A UK-wide gathering, open to anyone who wishes to participate or
find out more about a developing UK-wide Islamic environmental
movement. The meeting will be chaired by Dr Fazlun Khalid, who
is the founder and director of the Islamic Foundation for Ecology
and Environmental Sciences (IFEES). There will be members from
IFEES and the various Islamic eco-groups from around the UK,
such as LINE (London), MINE (Midlands), SHINE (Yorkshire), WELCOME
(Wales), as well as leading figures from some of the mainstream
environmental organisations.

* All welcome - open to anyone interested in networking
* Fee: £10, includes lunch - organic, vegetarian and special diets
* Nearest Tube: Goodge Street

To register or for further information please contact:
Tel: 07092 032 136
