In relation to the refugees accepted by the gulf states:
I am not sure how accurate the figure is, but I have read somewhere these states have taken 500,000 workers from Syria since 2011.
As these people have been provided with employment, they are not considered refugees.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by As i see it on 21 September, 2015 - 10:41 #3
There is another viewpoint, listen to what Syrians say. Accept that the west [our leaders] got it wrong in Libya and now seem to want to do a Libya mk2 in Syria.
We got it wrong, but that doesnt mean she is right either.
Her name gives it away, but she is partisan.
The problem is that any overt internvention in Syria will not be against the group carrying out the most killings.
(overt because the secret services have been active in Syria for a long time)
Another consideration is that the US does not want to destroy the Assad regime - just make it weaker and ineffecive militarily.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by As i see it on 21 September, 2015 - 17:04 #5
She has her own agendas.
We got it wrong, but that doesnt mean she is right either.
Agreed, she does have her own agenda. Then again there are many agendas, but she is entitled to air her views and she is a Syrian. Not like most of the other fighters who are not.
Another consideration is that the US does not want to destroy the Assad regime - just make it weaker and ineffecive militarily.
This was the idea tried with Sadaam in Iraq, weaken him, but keep him as a balance against Iran. Till Iran and Iraq agreed to stop fighting and work together. The mistake both countries was to agree to sell oil/gas in other currencies instead of the US$.
Russia sells its oil/gas in other currencies, then again Russia is too powerful to be intimidated. The same with China who built a pipe line from Iran to enable its oil/gas supply. Even though there was a trade embargo on Iran.
China was also involved in the building of a {friendship] pipeline Iran to supply gas to Iraq and on through Syria to the Mediteranean. This would have upset the Gulf States cartel, this was probably the true reason to remove Assad.
Not to mention the long-term anamosity bettween Iran and Saudi who are fighting a proxy war. Plus Persians have been a major player in the middle east since before the Greek/Roman times As for
(overt because the secret services have been active in Syria for a long time)
This as being going on for decades. Turkey dreams of a new Ottoman Empire. Saudi wishes for something similar, but with Saudi's in charge, not Turkey. Egypt too remembers shaking off the Ottoman Turks only to come under French and British influence. Isreal is quite happy to see its neighbours at each other's throats.
At least the wests aims are clear, we just want cheap oil/gas supplies and will take sides with anyone to achieve these aims. Hence we are trying to get friendly with Iran again.
Don't agree with one of the points about some Arab states not accepting refugees whatsoever.
But, it's a MUST WATCH video. Great explanation.
In relation to the refugees accepted by the gulf states:
I am not sure how accurate the figure is, but I have read somewhere these states have taken 500,000 workers from Syria since 2011.
As these people have been provided with employment, they are not considered refugees.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
There is another viewpoint, listen to what Syrians say. Accept that the west [our leaders] got it wrong in Libya and now seem to want to do a Libya mk2 in Syria. is external)
A link to Syrian girl who puts her, and Syrias, point of view.
She has her own agendas.
We got it wrong, but that doesnt mean she is right either.
Her name gives it away, but she is partisan.
The problem is that any overt internvention in Syria will not be against the group carrying out the most killings.
(overt because the secret services have been active in Syria for a long time)
Another consideration is that the US does not want to destroy the Assad regime - just make it weaker and ineffecive militarily.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Agreed, she does have her own agenda. Then again there are many agendas, but she is entitled to air her views and she is a Syrian. Not like most of the other fighters who are not.
This was the idea tried with Sadaam in Iraq, weaken him, but keep him as a balance against Iran. Till Iran and Iraq agreed to stop fighting and work together. The mistake both countries was to agree to sell oil/gas in other currencies instead of the US$.
Russia sells its oil/gas in other currencies, then again Russia is too powerful to be intimidated. The same with China who built a pipe line from Iran to enable its oil/gas supply. Even though there was a trade embargo on Iran.
China was also involved in the building of a {friendship] pipeline Iran to supply gas to Iraq and on through Syria to the Mediteranean. This would have upset the Gulf States cartel, this was probably the true reason to remove Assad. is external)
Not to mention the long-term anamosity bettween Iran and Saudi who are fighting a proxy war. Plus Persians have been a major player in the middle east since before the Greek/Roman times As for
This as being going on for decades. Turkey dreams of a new Ottoman Empire. Saudi wishes for something similar, but with Saudi's in charge, not Turkey. Egypt too remembers shaking off the Ottoman Turks only to come under French and British influence. Isreal is quite happy to see its neighbours at each other's throats.
At least the wests aims are clear, we just want cheap oil/gas supplies and will take sides with anyone to achieve these aims. Hence we are trying to get friendly with Iran again.