Halal Meat Hypocrisy


Petition against religious slaughter sadly misses the point… again

The last few years have seen a steady stream of sensational headlines seeking to ban religious slaughter, particularly halal. A recent online petition demanding the British government to prohibit the slaughter of animals without stunning has reached over 100,000 signatures.

The UK’s largest animal rights group, Animal Aid, quickly followed this up by choosing to highlight the abuse in a halal slaughterhouse leading to more dramatic headlines in the media. The campaign group, which has secretly filmed inside eleven UK abattoirs since 2009, has found ten of these breaking the law.

But wait – how many of the investigated abattoirs were for non-stunned halal meat? Only one; the other nine abuses Animal Aid recorded were at slaughterhouses for non-halal slaughter. Some of these were ‘high-welfare’ plants, such as those accredited by the Soil Association and Freedom Food. Despite this, the public is not being asked to debate the way that animals are being treated in all slaughterhouses, but, bizarrely, about how Muslims and Jews kill animals for food.

One cannot help but wonder that the hysteria about halal and kosher is more to do with rising Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism than anything to do with animal welfare.

In 2011, Animal Aid’s filming of the abuse of pigs in an abattoir in Brentwood, Essex, led to two men being jailed. The defendants claimed ‘abuse was part of the culture of the slaughterhouse’. In a distressing video, a slaughterer can be seen pushing a lit cigarette onto the foreheads and snouts of three different pigs and forcing hot ash into one of the animals’ faces as the poor animal squirms to get away. One pig was beaten 30 times in just a minute.[1]

Following this, how many mainstream newspapers ran the following headline: Ban pig slaughter in the UK? You guessed it – none.

We have been in this land of hypocrisy before, as noted in articles by Jonathan Freedland and Saeed Kamali Dehghan in the Guardian,[2] [3] and Paul Vallely in the Independent,[4] all in May 2014.
As journalist, broadcaster and author, Mehdi Hasan wrote in 2009:

“The British ‘debate’ about meat, animal cruelty and ritual slaughter has become a proxy for deeper fears.”[5]

Mehdi interviewed Joe Regenstein, professor of food science at Cornell University in the United States, who leads the university’s Kosher and Halal Food Initiative. He said,

“Many of those attacking religious slaughter have no clue as to what is happening. It is more of an Islamophobic issue, not an animal well-being issue.”

“Compared to modern, secular methods of slaughter, the traditional or Prophetic method might actually be equal or possibly superior” because the initial pain of the throat cut results “in the animal releasing large quantities of endorphins, putting it in a state of euphoria and numbness”. The cut thus serves as its own stun. The scientific evidence against halal slaughter, Regenstein said, “is extremely weak and has often been done poorly with an agenda driving a desired outcome”.

The “secular ways of slaughter”, as Regenstein points out, also have their downsides:

“If the public were to discover that animals were subject to a pre-slaughter intervention – like having their skull cracked open, [being] electrocuted, or put in a gas chamber – they might not really like that either.”

Mehdi also pointed to research led by Wilhelm Schulze of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover back in 1978, which showed that “the slaughter in the form of a ritual cut is, if carried out properly, painless in sheep and calves according to EEG [electroencephalography] recordings and the missing defensive actions [of the animals].” The German Federal Constitutional Court based its 2002 verdict permitting ritual slaughter on this study.

Religious slaughter is now banned in Denmark, but it is legal for humans to have sex with animals. At so-called ‘animal bordellos’ in the country, customers can pay to have sex with tied-up animals, including dogs and horses. Adverts offering the sexual ‘services’ of dogs also appear on Internet noticeboards. Strange, but sad(istic) and true.

Stunning – the myth of humane slaughter

Another red herring for the rising Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism in this country and across Europe is the debate about the stunning and non-stunning of an animal before slaughter.

The Muslim method of slaughtering animals is very similar to the Jewish Shechita technique, and involves an instant cut with an extremely sharp knife to sever four, or at least three, main arteries: the animal’s trachea (windpipe), oesophagus (gullet), and both jugular veins. This renders the animal insensible to pain and allows the blood to drain out making the meat cleaner. The knife should not be made visible to the animal nor raised during the cutting and other animals should not witness the slaughter. By contrast, the stunning of animals by electrocution, gassing or a bolt to the brain is considered completely cruel.

Many people recently signed a petition to ban non-stun meat. Yet, little did they realise that stunning of a cow, for example, involves every cow being shot with a bolt into their brain during what is believed to be humane conventional slaughter.

Animal Aid’s exposure of animal abuse in non-halal slaughterhouses was covered in an article published in The Mail on 31 August 2009. The descriptions are horrendous.

‘A cow’s head is clamped and a bolt shot in her brain to stun her. A man starts to hack off her left front hoof. Incredibly, the cow bends it then moves the other front leg away, over and over again. In another pen, a group of pigs wait to be stunned. The man uses electric tongs on a pig but instead of ensuring a shock of perhaps two or three seconds, he merely brushes the pig’s head. It staggers around, desperately trying to stand, so the man tongs another pig instead, and then another, leaving the first to recover before he goes back to it. A group of lambs are in the pen now, suckling at their mothers. A ewe is stunned as her youngster suckles; as the mother is dragged away, her throat slit in plain view, the lamb bleats, confused, and tries to suckle elsewhere. In another group, as the last one or two lambs are left, they try to escape. One scrambles into a bucket. The noise of their bleating is unbearable.’

The article quotes Jason Aldiss, Veterinary Health Association’s president saying,

“Much of what I observed is the usual slaughterhouse environment.”[6]

Shockingly, 99.6 per cent of pigs filmed at one abattoir were not stunned in accordance with guidelines. At another, out of 90 sheep killed in one session, only one per cent was killed within the 15 second guideline.

Temple Grandin, professor of animal sciences at Colorado State University and one of America’s leading experts on the humane treatment and slaughter of livestock sees no difference between stunned and non-stunned slaughter if both are conducted properly and professionally. When a religious slaughter is “done really right”, Grandin has said,

“the animal seemed to act like it didn’t even feel it – if I walked up to that animal and put my hand in its face I would have got a much bigger reaction than I observed from the cut, and that was something which really surprised me.”

Organic – high standards or not

How many members of the public, or indeed, Members of Parliament are actually aware of the greater abuse and longer-term suffering of animals before they reach the slaughterhouse? And how many have bothered to find out about the abuses that are occurring in non-religious slaughterhouses, including those labelled as organic?

A slaughterhouse considered to be one of the best – certified with the Gold Standard of the Organic industry – was filmed for 40 hours in 2010.[7] The abuse filmed included animals crammed into trucks; some chased out of vans by men wielding sticks; and pigs being kicked and beaten. Some footage shows a slaughterman who kicks, punches, knees and bashes a pig with steel-stunning tongs no fewer than 20 times. Another appears bored of stunning the animals with the electric tongs and reaches for a bolt gun instead – this is a different method of stunning the animals. He shoots a sheep in the head. The animal falls onto its side and struggles to get up – its legs frantically pawing at the air.

Between 2007 and 2010 the Meat Hygiene Service (MHS) prosecuted 33 abattoirs and slaughterers. It also ordered 166 slaughterhouses to tighten up their procedures on 455 separate occasions over the same period. This equates to three serious breaches every single week.

As Giles Fraser pointed out in an article in the Guardian,

“Most of our animals arrive at slaughterhouses traumatised after months of ill treatment. The idea that we ignore a whole life of misery and then get morally exercised by what happens in the last few moments of an animal’s life is pure moral bullshit.”[8]

Following the exposure of the catalogue of abuses to pigs, cows, lambs and many other animals in non-religious slaughterhouses, surely we should stop eating meat altogether and demand the end of slaughtering animals, not just a demand to end Halal?

Should we label stun and non-stun to help consumers choose?

The labelling of how an animal is slaughtered should not be discriminatory or selective based upon a perceived superiority of slaughter method or ignorance of the gruesome conventional processes. This will lead to further marginalisation and discrimination of two communities that are already feeling the impact of increased Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism in the UK and across Europe.

If we are to label sincerely for consumers, then why not tell them the whole truth and be completely transparent about the details of the animal’s life? For example, this animal was: crowded into filthy pens throughout its life; physically crippled by forced growing conditions; subject to a form of mechanised industrial slaughter that is nothing less than vomit-inducing.

The issue, my dear readers, is less about stunning and non-stunning, halal, kosher or non-religious. It is about having good robust standards in place with regulations of those standards. It is about providing the resources for the MHS to have enough staff that can monitor and observe the welfare of animals across all slaughterhouses. It is about introducing CCTV cameras in abattoirs as an extra assurance for animal welfare.

So, let us be sensible and, rather than joining the hysteria of ending religious slaughter, let us demand that animal slaughter, wherever and however it takes place, should be done with utmost care for the animal.

To take urgent action to protect religious slaughter in the UK and EU, sign now at:



[1] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2135083/Animal-cruelty-pair-jail...

[2] http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/may/09/halal-meat-animals-...

[3] http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/the-halal-hysteria-is-all-ab...


[5] http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/politics/2012/05/halal-hysteria

[6] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1209923/Can-Mr-Benn-really-unm...

[7] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1242503/Think-going-organic-lets...

[8] http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2014/may/09/moral-bullsh...

Article Source: http://www.islam21c.com/politics/halal-meat-hypocrisy/

First of all let me say that your article was well put together, and it was discussed recently. i have attached a link for your interest.

Islamic method of slaughtering animals: Scientific Not Inhumane You are hereHome Articles Published by Contributor on 12 June, 2003 - 16:43 - See more at: http://www.therevival.co.uk/article/islamic-method-slaughtering-animals-...

 But i suspect your reason to draw peoples attention on animal slaughter, by what ever means is not to do with the slaughter itself. but the fact that an E=petition as now reached the required number of votes requiring it to be discussed by MP's

The last few years have seen a steady stream of sensational headlines seeking to ban religious slaughter, particularly halal. A recent online petition demanding the British government to prohibit the slaughter of animals without stunning has reached over 100,000 signatures.

This will be discussed and probably dismissed and that will be the end of the matter. E=petitions have no compulsion for MP's to act, just to discuss 

Another red herring for the rising Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism in this country and across Europe is the debate about the stunning and non-stunning of an animal before slaughter.

One cannot help but wonder that the hysteria about halal and kosher is more to do with rising Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism than anything to do with animal welfare.

 The above was your main reason, To cry Islamophobia. The use of this cry to stop any form of free speech as begun to lose its effectiveness, indeed for some people to be called Islamophobic is seen as a badge of honour. Also if you want to take time to read the article on the link above, plus the comments made. It was about the welfare of the animals industrially raised and then slaughtered to provide cheap meat for Humans.

http://www.mustaqim.co.uk/halalstudy.htm  Also if you take the trouble to read the report it details studies on this matter back in the 1970's, 1960's, 1950's, and indeed as far back as 1895, people were having these discussions. Would all these people be Islamaphobes then?

As i stated before, the cry "you are an Islamophobe" as now reached the point were people now say not another whingeing Muslim (that by the way is not anti Islam, the Aussies's in the 60's used the term, "not another whingeing Pommie Bastard, if you don't like Australia. Just FCUK OFF back to the UK) So just to say you are a whingeing Muslim is being polite.

As i said, your point is that the MP's have to actually discuss the ritual slaughter of animals. They might even propose a bill to only allow the slaughter of animals in the UK by pre-stunning only, as in Denmark. So if a bill goes before Parliament, and 650 freely elected MP's, vote to aprove this bill and it becomes law. Then that is your problem, it is called democracy, and you will have to just acept it.

You can arrange for all meat products to be imported from outside the UK if you so wish. That will still be Lawful.

Religious slaughter is now banned in Denmark, but it is legal for humans to have sex with animals. At so-called ‘animal bordellos’ in the country, customers can pay to have sex with tied-up animals, including dogs and horses. Adverts offering the sexual ‘services’ of dogs also appear on Internet noticeboards. Strange, but sad(istic) and true.

Till now i thought the above practice was illegal in all countries, but it takes all kinds. But i do notice that moves are being made to have it banned. So that is a result, and any way it only a minority pastime.


I just wonder when the taking of girls for marriage and sex will be banned in Islamic Countries? This was the defence put forward by Muslims in the underage rape of young girls in Rotherham. "It is legal in our countries of origin?".


So if the Headline said ALL Danish men have sex with animals and ALL Muslim men are child rapists would be true then? Or should the word ALL be changed to SOME?




British Muslims have every right to be catered for. They are as British as the rest. I think people are worried in case the ritual prayers are in fact spells which will turn them all into Muslims. This week's row has got nothing all to do with animal welfare. The fuss is about people's fears over the covert Islamification of society. You may or may not agree that concerns are realistic or even legitimate, but food suppliers and others concerned ought not to deny that it is an issue or answer criticisms honestly. I don't think eating halal meat actually turns you into a Muslim. This time it is aimed at Muslims. However assaults on ritual slaughter have a long history in terms of European anti-Semitism. This is just more of the same, prejudice dressed up as concern for animal welfare.
If you don't believe in Allah then what's the problem? Does somebody blessing the meant do anything at all? Exactly what is non-existently being forced down your throat? "I'm not too bothered if my meat is 'blessed' or not, but I imagine certain religious groups would be outraged if they were supplied non-magically blessed meat." Yes some religious groups want their meat blessed. So? Why would this bother you unless you wanted to deny them that right?
The national debate on animal slaughter smacks of sensationalism and Islamophobia, Jewish and Muslim groups said. The religious groups said that discussion about labelling meat to reflect methods of slaughter had narrowed on issues of faith at a sensitive time before European elections, with far-right groups hoping to gain.
Recent stories in national newspapers have made much of the routine use of halal meat in restaurants, fast-food chains and supermarkets without customers being informed.
Senior vets and animal welfare activists have repeatedly objected on welfare grounds to Jewish Shechita and Islamic halal ritual killings that do not involve electric stunning of animals.
Growing concerns over the tone of the debate were voiced by the Muslim Council of Britain, and Shechita UK, a pro-Shechita pressure group. Both organisations support comprehensive labelling of meat to reflect the method of slaughter, but claim that it should go beyond whether electric stunning is used or not.
Yunes Teinaz, deputy chairman of food standards for the Muslim Council of Britain, said: “We should be more concerned about food fraud, poor animal welfare and abattoirs where they beat the animals or make them travel in dirty or cruel conditions.” He said that many methods of slaughter were equally cruel and involved animals watching others die, which is forbidden in the halal ritual.
“It’s unfair to concentrate on Muslims. It’s a kind of Islamophobia,” Dr Teinaz added. One representative of Shechita UK said: “It might be much more to do with people who don’t like Muslims.
“What are they really upset about? It’s just the faith of the slaughter man. It’s as though they have two chickens and they have handed one to a white man and one to a Muslim man. What are they upset about?” Henry Grunwald, QC, chairman of Shechita UK, said that faith communities should support labelling but that consumers had the right to know whether captive bolt pistols, gassing, drowning and clubbing were used to kill the animals. “It is deeply troubling when the tone of this important debate about animal welfare and consumer information descends into intolerance,” he added. “In the run-up to European elections, at a time when we will be acutely aware of the alarming rise of the far-right across Europe, who thrive on this sort of sensationalism, we have a responsibility to approach this subject with objectivity and even-handedness.”
David Cameron entered the debate for the first time last night, making clear his support for religious freedoms, but saying that businesses had a duty of transparency to their customers, playing down calls for compulsory labelling. “Do we need a national labelling scheme? I would rather hope not, I would hope it will be dealt with by restaurants and businesses. I think a lot of businesses and restaurants will probably change their practices and change their labelling. “But we should start from the approach that the greater the transparency the better and I think we can achieve this transparency without necessarily having a full-on national labelling scheme. “This situation has arisen in a way that people had not expected because they did not know so much meat was not labelled. Let’s see if we can get some transparency and review the situation in a few months’ time.”
A spokesman for Number 10 added that the prime minister was “a strong supporter of religious freedoms, including religious slaughter practices”.
The European Commission is set to deliver a report in the autumn on information for consumers on the stunning of animals for slaughter.

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