ALL ABOUT EVE (Essential Fiqh for Muslim Women)*

Assalámu `alaykum wa rahmatulláhi wa barakátuhu.

Utrujj - Knowledge & Creativity Presents:

ALL ABOUT EVE (Essential Fiqh for Muslim Women)

(A short but comprehensive course covering all the
basics a Muslim women must know, learn and practice).

Taught by Shaykh Haythem Tamim, The Utrujj Foundation*

Date: Saturday 4th March 2006
Time: 10am - 6.30pm
Venue: Muslim World League, 46 Goodge Street, London W1T 4LU
(Nearest Tube: Goodge Street Station)

Islam regards the Muslim Woman as an integral and valuable
member of society. It always emphasises the mutual responsibility
of both men and women in all spheres of life. In the West the
position and status of the Muslim Woman always appears to come
under constant scrutiny and examination, leading to the common
misconceptions and misunderstandings we have amongst us. This
course is for students who want to help set the record straight
as it portrays the correct view of the Muslim Woman as according
to the Qur’an and Sunnah.

By the end of the course students will be able to;
• Recognise the high status given to women in Islam.
• Realise the equality given to both men and women by Allah(swt).
• Discuss the common misunderstandings of certain Qur’anic verses relating to women.
• Better understand the evidences in the Qur’an and Sunnah discussing women.
• Acknowledge the role of women in society.
• Know the individual rights and responsibilities of women.
• Understand the role of women in marriage.
• Explain society’s duty towards women.

• Perception of women
• Treatment of women
• Equality between men and women in Islam
• Differences between men and women in Islam
• Women and education
• Rights of husband and wife in marriage

Suitable For:
Both Adam and Eve! Intensive Course.

Please see attached course synopsis for objectives
and contents of course.

*Notes will be provided.

To book a place or for more information please contact:
Tel: 0845 644 0619 / 07960 324 325


Wassalaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.

- The blessed Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned
that 'The believer who recites the Qur'an and applies
it is like the utrujja (fruit), whose smell is fragrant
and taste is sweet .' (Bukhari)

Utrujj is based upon the teachings of the above Hadith in
seeking to equip you with the sacred knowledge of Islam,
while simultaneously training you in it's implementation in
your daily lives. As a result of this dynamic approach your
personality should insh'Allah come to personify this
sacred knowledge.

The change this creates will be witnessed by those around you
as they smell the sweet fragrance of your good speech and taste
the sweetness of your exemplary actions. Such a change within
individuals is critical in realising our covenant with Allah and for the
spreading of Islam, especially here in the West.


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- Utrujj is a registered Charity: No: 1099875
Please send correspondence to: The Utrujj Foundation, P O Box 4428, London, W1A 7QL.
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