Al Mu'minaat Sisters Conference: 'As-Sabiqoon' (LMC 21/04/14) Scholars & Guests * FREE *

Event Date: 
Monday, 21 April, 2014 - 09:00 to 16:00

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

We are pleased to announce details of our [B][I]Al Mu'minaat One Day Sisters Conference [/B]: [/I]



[B]Scholars & Reciters:[I][/B] (world renowned Qur'an reciter, eminent female scholars and teachers, Al Mu'minaat Daa'iyat- confirmed and attending in person)[/I]
* Shaykh Dr. Khalid al Muslih (KSA)
* Shaykh al Qari Abdul Aziz az-Zahrani (KSA)
* Shaykh al Qari Abu Bakr Shatri (KSA)
* Shaykha Umm Ehab (Jordan)
* Shaykha Umm Omar al Farouq (KSA)
* Ustadha Umm Shuaib (Egypt)
* Ustadha Umm Rahma (Palestine)
* Ustadha Umm Zakariyyah (Morocco)

[I]Note: Male speakers/ reciters will be fully segregated from the female audience
All lectures will be in English, any Arabic reminders will be translated[/I]

- Short inspiring reminders
- Live heart warming Qur'an recitation
- On stage interviews
- Stalls
- Questions & Answers session
- Fundraising for charity
- Awards presentation
- Nasheed
- Hot food available

[B]Date:[/B] Monday 21st April 2014
[B]Time:[/B] 10.00am- 5.00pm
[B]Venue: [/B]London Muslim Centre (LMC), 46-92 Whitechapel Road, London, E1 1JX
[I]Tube:[/I] Whitechapel Station
[I]DLR:[/I] Shadwell Station
[I]Bus: [/I]15, 25, 106, 115, 254, D3
[I]Map-[/I] [url= - Map of E1 1JX[/url]
[I]Free admission- All sisters welcome.
We kindly request no boys above 7 years of age.
No advanced registration/ booking required.[/I]

We look forward to welcoming you all in our gathering on the day Inshaa Allaah.

Wasalaamu Alaikum,
Al Mu'minaat[/B]
[url=]Al Mu'minaat[/url]
[I]Towards a Righteous Ummah[/I]
Office:0207 702 7254
FB: [url][/url]
E-mail: [email][/email]
[I]* Please note as stated this Al Mu'minaat Conference is open only to sisters insha'allah; Al Mu'minaat is a project dedicated to sisters run by the sisters of the Tayyibun Institute
* Free entrance, no pre-booking required
* For stall booking enquiries please email: [email][/email]
* We do not permit any external recording or publicity of any kind at our programmes
* We maintain a full 100% gender segregation policy.[/I]