For those of u who are newbies, this is the THIRD time i am creating this thread!!
so basically i cant be bothered to re-do the entire post that i'd written the first time around, but its pretty much self-explanatory anyway: Anything Potter-related, discuss here!
The Half-Blood Prince is coming out at midnight!!!
go get ur copy everyone, whether u like it or not - those of u who hate the series, go read one first and then tell me ur opinion. those of u who love it, let us know what u thought of this new one!!
P.S. y does harry have such a cheesy smile in that^ header? jeez some ppl really cant draw.
Bcoz cheesys common, and one of the things J.K wanted was for Harry to be as ordinary, as common looking as possible... until he finds out he's actually a wizard and ... well you know the rest.
Back in BLACK
Harry Potter suxxors!
Down with Pottermania!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Here, here!
nah its not that bad, its actually ok but i aint in obsession mode like aasiyah and seraph.
I quite like reading Harry Potter and I like the story and how its written but I'm not that much of a fan.
"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim
admin, if by "Pottermania" ur referring to the associated merchandise, which make it all look like a business, then i'm with u on that one - the only thing i like is the books (the movies are ok, not great, yet). i dont agree with the stupid commercialisation which ends up belittling the books.
So its the books alone i luv, and i hope u and irfan have read atleast 1, otherwise u cant assume stuff like that which u just posted.
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
I wouldn't mind it if I could totally avoid it.
So books alone would be bearable.
But we will see HP book, mug, plates, tv shows, games, events and loads more.
Enough is enough.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
yeh, all that useless stuff gets on my nerves too - i gues u can avoid it by just not going shopping over the next coupla weeks
seriously tho, hav u ever tried reading any of the books?
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
So have you guys found out which character gets killed off?
Why only one?
Lets keep it fair and kill all three!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
lol, nice theory!
btw seraph, hav u got the book yet?
i wos thinking of posting my thoughts on the book as i read... (hopefully i wont give away any spoilers).
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
Woh woh woh... i can't believe... that this is not butter, can u?
lol, no angel no. I'm not obsessed with it at all.
My nephew on the other hand is a different story. His mom wanted me to get him into reading books so I got a him a copy of the first Potter book. Since then i've had to get him all the books, have taken him to one of the movies but refused to buy him the game.
As long as he reads i cant complain too much. But then he starts talking about it and i cant come across stupid on the subject so I read them ,and they're pretty good mind you, so all in all its all in the case of good fun and education.
I did pick up the new book, my nephew wanted me to go down to the book shop at around midnight and pick it up b4 any1 else, :x i told him not to stupid and go to bed. I picked it up like a normal person around 1 in the afternoon. Surprise surprise he comes over and its been none stop me reading to him, half way thru the book Chapter 21. :?
Back in BLACK
lol!! i havent got that far yet - so i shud b the one telling u not 2 give any spoilers!
but i ges that also means i can write out my thoughts so far:
i dunno if anyone else felt this, but as i read the first chapter, i was drawing parallels with real-life. the way Fudge asked the Prime Minister if he would have "caved in to such blackmail" and proceeded to say that loadsa Aurors are on the lookout for Voldemort - replace Voldemort with bin Laden, and u have the current situation with our Western governments!! i thought thats rather manipulative of Rowling. :?
Also, the second chapter got me thinking: is Draco the "half-blood prince"??
o and btw angel, in case ur still thinking otherwise, i too am not 'obsessed' - if i was i wouldve queued up at midnight, but i'm not mad enough to do that!
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
It did occur to me... but ... well... damn i cant really say without telling you. Your just going to have to get to Chapter 9 by yourself... shouldnt have said that. lol.
I did draw upon the same conclusion as you did but you have to take into account that she's had this book well panned out since COS so i cant really fault her for any similarities to current events.
Back in BLACK
Ok point taken u both aren't obsessed , but i have to say my interest after readin your posts has somewhat increased so i will start readin HP books, have read the 1st one but need to get others, how many HP books are there now altogether?
There six books all togeather now.
Philosophers Stone.
Chamber of Secrets
Prisoner of Azkaban
Goblet of Fire
Order of the Phoenix
The Half-Blood Prince
Back in BLACK
aww, cool!
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
lol, i'm not gonna spoil it for myself by turning to Chapter 9!!
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
HP is only famous for its good marketing and hip factor, not bacause of its literary genius.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
ok, i've read chapter 9 - so wot do u think, snape's the HBP? (who else could that old potions book have belonged to?)
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
Just read the last chapter! :twisted:
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
your so evil!!
salaam evry1
my sister hates harry potter and the other day she was saying how stupid it is that people actually queue up to buy the latest book....
it was her 18th yesterday and my aunty only went out and bought her the latest book lol.......you should have seen the look on her face...got it caught on camera lolzzzzzzzzz

‘I No Longer Have a Reason to Live,’ Says Despondent Potter Fan
A rabid Harry Potter fan took his life yesterday after inadvertently learning a plot spoiler from the soon-to-be-released J.K. Rowling opus, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.”
Jude Ralston, 32, of Hudson, Ohio left a suicide note indicating that since overhearing the plot spoiler at a shopping mall earlier in the day, “I no longer have a reason to live.”
Family and friends who gathered for a candlelight memorial outside Mr. Ralston’s house remembered a man who seemed to live only for Harry Potter – and wondered if they could have done anything to prevent his tragic fate.
Ms. Clovis said that she hoped Mr. Ralston’s death would cause federal authorities to tighten the flow of Harry Potter plot information to prevent similar tragedies from taking place.
I knew that book was evil as well as stupid
oh my god i didnt realise the full extent of this stupid obsession!
I agree
books by Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton are full of more fantasy and much more intresting to read...amd are classics
yet they never recived half as much hype :roll:
the millions of other potter fans are still alive having read the latest book, so i would expect u to know that its PPL who r evil and stupid, not the book. anyway, i wouldnt b surprised if it turned out to be a hoax story.
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
true...i used 2 love reading Enid Blyton, 'the famous five'...adventurous and mysterious....better than Harry Potter lol
its the book that makes ppl evil and stupid
millions of people love books and are bookworms
but have u ever heard of anyone else dying over some book?
and need proof to back up ur claim-
anyway I'm joking
the story is fake-but I can see it happening
