Islamic Circles Presents:
by Sidi Naeem 'Abdal-Wali*
Date: Saturday 16th July 2005
Time: 10am - 6pm
Venue: Barking Masjid, 2 Victoria Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 8PY
A one day intensive course commenting on the letters of Shaykh
Ahmad al-Faruqi as-Sirhindi (rh). Known as Mujaddid Alf Thani
and Imam Rabbani, he lived in India around the 16th Century.
He was credited as one of the revivers of orthodox Sunni
Islam in India against the syncretistic religious tendencies
prevalent during the reign of the Mughal Emperor Akbar. Ahmad
Sirhindi was a true Sufi scholar of the Naqshbandi order who
wrote many books. His greatest work on Islamic philosophy was
Tauheed-i-Shuhudi based on the concept of Wahdat-ush-Shuhud
(unity of witnessing) which was highly critical of the
philosophy of Wahdat-ul-Wujud (unity of being) and to him,
mysticism without Shariah was misleading.
There is a strong parallel between Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi's
time and the world we live in today. Indeed there is much we
can learn from this great scholar's life and writings. In an
age of e-mailing and texting, the power of the letter may
have diminished but should never be underestimated. This
course will shed more light on his letters, insha'Allah.
* Sidi Naeem Abdal-Wali is an American convert to Islam who has
studied Islamic sciences in Istanbul for over eight years with
some of the finest scholars including Shaykh Mahmud Effendi and
Shaykh Ihsan Khoja. He has focussed his efforts exclusively in
the traditional methodology studying classical texts in Aqeedah,
Fiqh and other subjects to an advanced level. Sidi Naeem studied
in Madinah and Istanbul. He is a scholar of Hanafi Fiqh and
teaches extensively from the Maktúbát of Imam Rabbani. He is
currently the director and main instructor of the Al-Kawthar
Institute in Tucson, Arizona.
- Nearest Tube: Barking (District Line)
- Free course with refreshments but pre-registration required
- All brothers and sisters welcome
To book or for more information please contact:
Tel: 07904 585 642 / 07930 992 141