Ever heard of 'Marrying the Quran'?

Yes you've heard it right. There are people in this world, who are living right now, who believe that getting their child married to the Quran is the way forward. I'm sure this will spark some discussion because of the recent broadcast on the news, as well as there being a book by the name of 'The Holy Woman'  which talks about this issue. So let's divert our attention here and discuss it here, rather than on the feedback for TheRevivalEditor's first video.

Hummus wrote:

who believe that getting their child married to the Quran is the way forward


That's not that they think. They see this a way out, in extreme desperation, from losing family wealth though marrying a child out of the family.

It's not seen as "the way forward"


I'm surprised Lollywood never knew this.

I can't believe the lengths people go to over wealth. They need to realise it's from Allah and can be taken away at any time. And sharing is caring lol

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:

I'm surprised Lollywood never knew this.



Let's give him a day pass so he can share in this conversation?


Hummus wrote:
Yes you've heard it right. There are people in this world, who are living right now, who believe that getting their child married to the Quran is the way forward. I'm sure this will spark some discussion because of the recent broadcast on the news, as well as there being a book by the name of 'The Holy Woman'  which talks about this issue. So let's divert our attention here and discuss it here, rather than on the feedback for TheRevivalEditor's first video.

I don't get it. 

The line 'Married to the Qur'an' is just highly disrespectful.



This was the first time i'd ever heard of such a thing too. What i don't understand is that the Quran belongs to Allah, and for a Nikah to happen, both sides need to agree with the marriage. The parents may have given permission on behalf of their daughter, but then its silly to think the Lord of the Universes was going to accept this 'marriage'. So how exactly does this marriage work?


Its like Hummus said celebacy is a no no in Islam. And therefore in order to protect the wealth from being diseminated out of the family when the girl gets married, they sort of use the guise of marriage to the Quran to  keep their wealth.

Back in BLACK

Mentioned in the qur'an there is a list of groups that you can marry.

The qur'an is not listed in that list.

Therefore, marriage to the qur'an is unislamic and invalid.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

The trem "Getting married to the Quran" don't mean physically getting married to the Holy Book.

When I got my first ever motorbike, I was always cleaning it and looking after it and "showing it more love than would to family" and my mum used to say it's like I'm married to it.

It's the same thing here. They don't have a nikkah and a waleema and stuff with the Quran taking the place of the groom. It's more a case of devoting oneself to religion.

It's so that you're so bogged down with religion that you don't have time to marry. Then a "side effect" of this is that the wealth that you may have shared with a partner and possibly their family, remains with the girls family.

It's hard to explain like this. Read the book "The Holy Woman" it's about a 500 page explanation. Good way of killing a few hours too.


Titanium wrote:

the other way of keeping wealth in family is a lot more popular option; first cousin arranged/no choice/forced marriages.

Oh no. So "first cousin arranged/no choice/forced marriages" is the lesser of the two evils?

Is that why people do it, cos the alternative is just too wrong?


They don't know about it because it's plain wrong
Even with forced marriages, deluded parents can say children must listen to parents etc, but there's no way to make this right.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

thing is, in this totally unrealistic scenario. the Quran is the WORDS of Allah. this is like getting married to a politician's speech or to "i have a dream". very silly.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
thing is, in this totally unrealistic scenario. the Quran is the WORDS of Allah. this is like getting married to a politician's speech or to "i have a dream". very silly.

You, like a few of the others are thinking of it very literally. It is basically saying these people will live a life of abstinence and just pray and do other things in life, to worship, instead of having a real marriage

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
Lilly wrote:
thing is, in this totally unrealistic scenario. the Quran is the WORDS of Allah. this is like getting married to a politician's speech or to "i have a dream". very silly.

You, like a few of the others are thinking of it very literally. It is basically saying these people will live a life of abstinence and just pray and do other things in life, to worship, instead of having a real marriage

Yeah - that was my understanding of it too.



Okay, i think i'm getting my head around this. These people think that in order to live a life of abstinance and devote oneself to religion, they need to marry the Quran? Is that what they believe?

If they think that this marriage is going to make them more 'religious' and 'pious', they'll begin to obey their so-called spouse in the form of a Holy-Book and come to realise who you 'can' and 'can't' marry. They'll begin to obey these commands and soon enough, they'll be making their way to their parents home and telling them that this idea was just pathetic, and then they'll be on their way to the high courts for a divorce. =/

How will this marriage prevent wealth from being diseminated? If parents are so bothered that they don't have enough wealth, why don't they allow their children to have a proper education, get them a job, and then they'll earn some dinars and dirhams for themselves.

Then when their child is ready for marriage, they can have a simple wedding, without the lavish celebrations and party-do's. They should forget this entire 'culture' of it being compulsory to give gifts to the groom's mother, father, sisters, brothers, aunties, uncles, grandparents, pets, neighbours, the lot. You don't HAVE to do this - society makes you think that you need to.

All that the parents will be loosing is the fact that their daughter is living in a new home. The daughter will be FINE, she has her dowry that her husband gives to her (for herself) and she should be under his financial support anyway.