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Members of the Surakarta Islamic People Troop (LUIS) carry banners, one of which reads ‘Send Away Lady Gaga, a US Culture Product’, in protest against the US singer’s Jakarta concert scheduled for June 3. The protest takes place in Solo, Central Java, on Wednesday. (JG Photo/Ali Lutfi)
More Islamic organizations came to Jakarta Police headquarters on Wednesday to denounce Lady Gaga’s upcoming concert in the capital, as the Jakarta Police stuck to its stance to withhold its recommendation for the show.
The groups included Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), the Indonesian Chinese Islamic Union, Syarikat Islam Hidayatullah, the Muslim Lawyers’ Team and Tarbiyah Islam.
They followed in the footsteps of the eight other groups, including the hard-line Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and the Islamic People’s Forum (FUI), that visited the Jakarta Police headquarters earlier this month to demand the show, scheduled for June 3, be cancelled.
“We reject the Lady Gaga concert on a number of considerations, including cultural liberalization, which degrades the morality of the younger generation,” HTI chairman Muhammad Rahmad Kurnia said after a meeting with the Jakarta Police chief on Wednesday.
“We support the stance of the Jakarta Police not to recommend the concert.”
Muhammad added that the HTI would stage a protest on Thursday.
“If they go on [with the plan], each organization will continue rejecting it through different ways,” Rahmat said.
Jakarta Police chief Insp. Gen. Untung S. Rajab said his office still refused to recommend the concert to the National Police, which must issue the concert promoter a permit before the show can go on.
But Untung did say the Jakarta Police would recommend the show once the promoter managed to meet administrative procedures and secure a permit from the National Police.
Jakarta Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Rikwanto said earlier on Tuesday that his office would dispatch up to 4,000 personnel to secure the concert, if the permit was issued.
“We’ll give a recommendation if the organizer manages to meet the administrative requirements and comply with moral norms and laws existing in Indonesia,” Untung said.
He said he regretted that the promoter, Big Daddy, had sold more than 52,000 tickets even though the required permit had not been obtained.
The National Police have said they will decide early next week whether to issue the permit.
Just thought i should add a couple of things here:
In South Korea Lady Gaga's tour was said to be too sexual, homosexual and pornographic for under-18's and so they were banned from attending! Christian groups handed out leaflets which said 'Lady Gaga ... is a wounded soul that is in desperate need of restoration. Therefore Christians should love and bless her. We should hate the evil spirit behind her, not Lady Gaga herself'.
Then, in the Philippines, despite all the protesting, the government responed by saying 'Theres no much we can do about it and to be honest if you don't want to watch it, don't, its not going to be televised, your not going to come across it by accident, the only way for you to watch it is, if, you actually went to the concert, so if you don't want to, dont go there'.
I don't get why the show hasn't been cancelled yet, the majority are against it completely and yet her manager sold tickets already without confirmation.
Seriously? It's like me going to a house of hundus and offering them beef. I wouldn't be welcome. Pure ignorance
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
didn't know this, i just feel like this is compete disregard of others and just shows that the goverments don't really value their people but rather they value the money, the fame etc. this is getting ridiculous. Money, money, money. I hate capitalism
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Its true, theres people that really want to get rid of her yet at the same time, there are people supporting her! So which opinion is the government supposed to value? In one country, (can't remember which one it was), but the ticket costed just over a months pay. Now thats a lot, in my opnion. It just shows how much people are willing to pay!
and disappointing to see that he sold 52000 tickets. that means thhat there's that many people out there wanting to go. * sad *
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I don't get it :S
The concert won't be in a public area I'm guessing and there are loads of people who already have bought tickets...why do others have a problem? They don't need to see her
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
This is Indonesia, where it's like 99% muslim. If we can't stick to simple Islamic values here than where can we? I'm sure these people don't want the number of people who've bought tickets to increase next year. It's a muslims duty to condemn these things and that is what they're doing. It's against Islam.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
But why would they listen to them?
It's like a private thing isn't it, not a national thing :S
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I remember when there was a concert just over a mile from my house. Even though i wasn't a part of it, at all, it still did affect me in the sense that everyone got a letter saying that 'at these times in the day, roads will be blocked and they'll be more police around'. Even after midnight, you could still hear all the cheering, loud beats and noise. To some, it must've been annoying if they were light sleepers! It 'would' be in a public area, because the size and stadium needs to be big enough to occupy the hundreds of people.
Public area meaning out on the street. You might've heard the crowds (just like people may be able to hear football crowds on a match day) but you didn't see *her* or her fitna-filled performance.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Regardless to whether they can hear it or not, it's going on in their country, a muslim country and whether it affects them isn't the issue. According to Islam it's haram so they if they are capable through halal means should try to stop it, with their hands, or soeak out or least of all hate it within their hearts.
Islam was brought down to get rid of these practices, people who do nothing to stop them are part of the problem.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Fair enough, it's good of them to try... Shouldn't be so shocked it didn't work though
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Football crowds is a different thing in my opinion. You only hear them cheering when a goal is about to be scored or when a goal has been scored. Even if theres people who aren't going to watch her performance. You still have them 'hyping' over it, like OMG she's coming to our area and our country! I think the people in those countries wanted to stand up for what they believe in, regardless of whether they were Muslims or not. What she does, is wrong, anyone with a little bit of common sense would see that, (hence, Christian groups stood up too.)
Football crowds don't just cheer when there's goal/win are loud throughout the game and then there's those who get drunk and get into fights...
But anyway, see my above comment
Perhaps I should have more faith in the decision making people and not think automatically that it wouldn't work
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
(Anythings possible if you allow it)
lets all make duahs that it doesnt happen!!!!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Put her in a burqa
singing habibi habibi shukran habibi
My English is not very good
Astagfirullah, NO! Now, that is Not happening!
My English is not very good
Ask yourself that? Why would you want to see Gaga in a Burqa? (Besides preventing nudity?)
While I wouldnt go, I also wouldnt put myself in the ban her concerts camp.
That would be a religious viewpoint I would take, so it wouldnt be a case of putting religion aside to let others do something bad.
Islam caters for a complete society from angels to not so angels to non muslims for whom the normal rules dont apply.
Even if Indonesia is 99% Muslim that doesnt mean the rules can be enforced upon the 1% who arent.
As for the Muslims who want to go, if you drive too many things that are not crimes underground, they will always grow tentacles and become much wrose and bite you when you dont expect them. As long as they are not affecting others, I'd say their right.
On the other hand when Elton John insulted prophet Isa (as), I would want Muslim (and other places) to ban his concerts (I think only one country - a Muslim one did). but that is more as punishing him for his actions than anything else.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I don't
Preventing nudity is the whole point
My English is not very good
What would you do?
If u had the chance would you teach her about Islam?
I don't thank that's true, Islam tells you to cover up pray 5 times a day so how does it cater for the not so angles?
Please tell that to the people who want UK to come under Sharia law
But the hardcore Muslims says that Film, Music is haram which I dont agree with and u are saying its not a crime so a lot of Musilm will not agree with u
My English is not very good
but its not like they are totally banned from listening to lady gaga. they can do that in the comfort of their own homes. concerts and all that they entail are more bad than good.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Concert got cancelled
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
LOL, personal security!
her security? why? where? ALHAMDOULILLAH though.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Here's the article:
Gaga also says: There is nothing holy about hatred!
And yes, Im glad that Gaga's 'management', cancelled it. Why were her people scared if they're soo proud of what she does? Err- then they could say she got hurt/died in the name of music?!
It is sensible to not put someone in the line of danger.
Muslims not in Indonesia have better things to worry about these days IMO. Like Syria and other places.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.