so, let's talk about something that isnt dailymail/lollywood related. something interesting that doesnt awaken by "i-just-wanna-annoy-you-with-this-reply" instinct. (even though i'm still wondering wether bats are halaal..)
Let's talk about us, the muslim youth. We're in the spotlight now, or we're coming to it. It's like a conveyor belt with a spot light starting about midway to the end. So the youth, we're on this belt and then the spotlight get shone on us. and then, we fall off the belt coz we aitn youth anymore.
So the spotlight moment, you might be in it right now, or you might be coming to it soon, the point is, what have you got prepared for it?
I'm talking about the MUSLIM youth conveyor belt. In this topic i dont really care if you want to be a doctor or an engineer or whatever. I want to know, as a MUSLIM, that is very young, what are your plans to change the world?
WHAT?!?! you haven't thought about it?! you aint got no plan?! well thats understandable, with school telling you the only way to succeed is by becoming a super awesome consumer and not giving you space to actually think about it..i understand. but will you please think abt it now? and comment below? i feel really shitty when i create a blog/topic and there's no replies...
maybe you want to put Islam at the front, or not so at the front but on the side. please. its our spotlight moment, we cant waste it. let's not put islam at the back to be thought about later when we're older. coz we wont have the time then. the youth. We've got the spare time to go to war you see? the oldies, they just stand back and order us about. Let's chose our war. let's lead ourselves. we dont need people who fell off the conveyor belt bossing us about. The people we look up to. are the one who outshone that spotlight. Who made a difference. who arent all talk. we look at THESE guys and let THEM lead us. (usually, they arent fat..or filthy rich..)
so? what will it be? charity work during the summer? Studying arabic? becoming a student of knowledge to become a shaykh/a, a contemporary one who WILL be able to give fatawas for our times? someone who calls people to Islam? who rectify the picture of Islam? Memorizing the Quran? what will it be?
Guys remember, we, the youth, we aint got much cash (yeah..we aint born with our pocket fulls..we aint even GOT pockets then!) but that's ALL THAT WE DONT HAVE. we've got EVERYTHING ELSE. talent, time, energy, imagination, innocence, purpose, and so so so much more. Dont let money bring you down. think BIG! Allah will make a way.
"Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; and your health, before you fall sick; and your richness, before you become poor; and your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death."
(we got 4 out of 5! COMMON!)
Narrated Abu Hurairah [radhi-yAllâhu 'anhu]: The Prophet [sal-Allâhu 'alayhi wa sallam] said,
"Allâh [Subhânahu wa Ta'âla] says, 'I am just as My slave thinks I am, (i.e. I am Able to do for him what he thinks I can do for him) and I am with him if he remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I too, remember him in Myself; and if he remembers Me in a group of people, I remember him in a group that is better than them; and if he comes one span nearer to Me, I go one cubit nearer to him; and if he comes one cubit nearer to Me, I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.' "
[Sahih Al-Bukhâri, 9/7405 ].
It's ALL up to us.
nope my first intention (or any intention) wasnt preaching. more like asking the youth on there (Me, Hummus, Tpos, Golden Darkness) what plan they had islamwise. that's it pretty much.
but! i guess, "preaching" would be a good intention to add... as in, preaching abt time and how short amount of it we have.
Titanium. you have an uncanny ability to dampen my moods.
BUT. i really did enjoy that Louis Theroux programme, thanks for recommendation, was looking forward to talking abt it on tribby but havent had the time to come on there recently.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
My plans to change the world.. hmmm
Well, its not really something I've thought about tbh. What I would LOVE to do though (InshAllah) in the future, would be to visit the Middle East (places like, Gaza, Ethiopia.etc). Reasons being, you hear everyday stories about them specific places, and documentaries on 'Life on the Gaza strip' and the rest of it, but you don't actually get to know what its REALLY like. So obviously, I wanna do something to contribute something towards the less fortunate and help people in the lesser-developed countries (Easier said than done-obviously)..
Learning about Islam is always a MUST, I suppose its just about finding the right time, and obviously (as you said).. its NOW.
I don't know... there's loads of things that are possible, but there's only so much you can do. I guess only time will tell, in this case- not sit back and watch Muslims in another country get torn apart because of a stupid government, rather do something about it! So Inshallah, I would want to do something that would be remembered![Smile](
I'm still part of the youth too...right?
Anyway i like this
i definitely want to be under the shade of Allah's throne on the day of judgement. It's true that you don't get this opportunity forever so we've gotta make the most of it.
Right now i'm just trying to find out what i can do to nake a difference, like 'Me' said i want my life to have a meaning, not necessarily to be remembered but to leave my mark and be a part of something great.
My goal is to create a spark, a change for the better, for the revival of Islam. Ever since i started coming towards deen i knew there was more to Islam than spiritual rituals, we have duties as muslims to forbid the evil and enjoin all that is good and only according to Islam can we know what is evil and what is good.
To stand and watch the world fall while i sit in a masjid is not my idea of Islam, it's the worst i could do.
May Allah give me the strength to do good and forbid evil. May Allah guide us all. Ameen
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
I'm past the youth now but my goal never changed it was to make a better Muslim me. A version I coud be proud of. I always thought if we all concentrated on ourselves ie in making ourselves good people then the world would become the world it had the potential to be.
Hey Lilly, well I hope we haven't offended anyone by mentioning only four of Revvy's youths. But the rest of you should feel free to comment as its all about `The voice of the Muslim youth'.
I'm pretty confused on what questions I'm supposed to be answering but I'll just write what's in my head! Well, when was younger I always dreamt of achieving certain things and obviously some of them might have seemed amazing at the time, but as I grew older, I didn't see the point in them or I just lost interest. I wanted to own an ice-cream van, that way I'd be able to have free ice-lollies whenever I felt like it, (that would be awesome!). Then, I went through a phase when I wanted to become an air-hostess. It would be interesting to meet new people and travel the world and look good at the same time (Didn't realise make-up transforms faces)! I shared this with a mosque teacher who did her best to convince me that it wasn't allowed because of travelling and 'mahram' issues, *Sighs*.
So, then i began dreaming about becoming a teacher, just to follow in my parents footpath. But not long after i was told that if you've got potential why not dream and achieve something even better.. So now, I'm stuck with studying medicine (out of my own choice) and i've not had anyone saying anything besides 'It's too competitive!'
Now onto the Islamic side.. Hmmm.. well i began a course a few years back for my own personal knowledge and to pass what i know onto people. It's great an' all, but then I question myself whether I'm really benefiting from it and whether it fits in well with medicine. (I think waaaaaay too much!) So, yeah i changed my initial intentions and decided that firstly i'm using my time wisely to prepare for lessons and i'm blessed with respected teachers, so its worth it. Secondly, having any form of knowledge is good so i should just keep going..
IMO, i'd rather do something for people abroad, rather than in this country, because there is a lot of knowledgeable people already here and i'd feel more comfortable approaching people i don't know, rather than my own area and community, just because they might not appreciate it or think i'm trying too hard.. It's only when something leaves you, do you realise how grateful you should have been, so that's why id do some humanitarian work abroad and i'd teach people abroad, they need it more and hold it with more importance. Okay, this is not to say i won't help my own people, it's just that being in a 'new' environment appeals to me more![Smile](
ABILITY - Is what you're capable of doing
MOTIVATION - Determines what you do
ATTITUDE - Determines how well you do it
Im replying to Titanium, but please Hummus/Me/Foysol, I'll reply to your post later. im not blanking you or taking you for granted.
well..i guess enjoy is the wrong word. but it was nice to see all this stuff and the parallel with when my cousin was staying with us.
also. there's nothing in it for me. I just wanted to get people to think about something i thought they might not have thought about before, or have but havent given it TOO much thought. Ive been thinking about this recently myself. hence why i wanted people to feel the buzz as well. by thinking abt it.
It never seems to be a trouble when people ask about kid's aspirations and what they want to do at uni. but as soon as i start askign abt "Islamwise" then I'm been a ..what exactly? nosy patronizing Lilly?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Not only has your comment to Lilly's thread annoyed her and dampened any enthusiasm that she has to revive the youth, but I read your post and got annoyed too and that's why I'm commenting/
I know you feel that people always 'shout' at you on here. Most times, yes, you ask the questions that people are thinking but are too afraid to ask.So compliments on that.
But I think the revival needs young people with enthusiasm to revive it. And I can see the enthusiasm in this thread from Lilly and all the other new people that I keep forgetting the names of.
1) I don't think you had the right to comment on here with what you said because
2) If you're going to call Lilly a 'preacher', quote and highlight exaclty why she is one.
3) 'A Muslim version of a Jehovah's Witness' < on the FIRST post?
MashAllah now that does sound like a plan, and gta say it's impressive you've got it thought out so well at such a young age, inshAllah hope you stick to it and strive to accomplish your goals if it's Allahs plan for you... best of luck!
well GD you don t have to stick to it. you can tweak it here and there as you go along with life. no shame in that. tweaking makes perfect. see me, i wanted to be a pilot, then a social worker, then a chemistry related something. and now i got no idea.
but i really do want to be rich. got so much to do with all that money! but as i came to the conclusion in my OP. i got FOUR out of the FIVE things all humans want. i aint gonna complain no more!
my plans. learn arabic, learn quran. marry. learn some more. go to middle east and sort it out. not much eh?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Replying to ME: well. its nice to want to go out there and see how its like for yourself. but is that ALL you're going to do? go there and watch and feel guilty when you think "oh, cant wait to get back home"?
no point going there if you're are not READY for that trip! so...what will you do to get ready (i know this sound like a patronizing question, like i know the answer and just want you to say it but I PROMISE that this is not my intention! just words are unrefined...)
as you said. LEarn about Islam IS A MUST. but what do you MEAN by learn about Islam? learn what? learn how? where? WHEN? (day,month,year, hours, minutes, seconds please)
but I really hope Mighty Mush... i really hope i got you thinking about this. have i got you thinking about this? are you thinking about this?
edit: And yeah are still the youth..didnt you say you were the epitome or whatever that word was? (only an un-youth would use that word but yuo know...) or can you only be the epitome with your other half? does that make you demipitome? LOL
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
From what Hummus said: you've come round havent you girl?! Airhostess (oh i went straight for pilot loool) then teacher. That's an AMAZINGLY rewarding job! Islamically and just generally. and now you're doing that course! that's GREAT!
but i think we need to sort out home before going out tehre and trying to sort otehr people out. i mean. if we did that then the people there would be like "oh shut up, look at where you come from, dont come here and boss us around!"
we need to sort out home. wherever home is for any of us.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
LOL thanks, we'll see where life takes me![Smile](
It is true obviously, but i was thinking in terms of 'appreciation, gratefullness and who's interested'..
I honestly thought the same thing :/ But I realise Lilly's intentions and no one else thought of it that way, so it's just us!
And even if she was preaching you did make it sound like a bad thing, which as you say, it's not! So that's why it shouldn't have been said, but then we need to stop being so personal. We should aim to either allow criticims to improve us or let them go in one ear and out the other. Getting emotional about it doesn't only hinders our own success.
In the real world Muslims will be seen as the baddies in lots of walks of life but we can't just let them stamp us down, now can we?!
I need to remember that.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
one question to Titanium and Tpos. can you jsut point out the bits where i sound "preachy"?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I reeeeeaallly like this post; very inspiring
Thank you for sharing.