Assalamu alaiukum
I don't know if this has already been duscussed and i haven't really bothered searching for it either, plus i just wanted to let some thoughts out.
Basically like everyone i have my highs and lows when it comes to my imaan or taqwah. Hopefully as does everyone else i would love to keep my imaan and taqwah at a high all the time.
One of the ways i think my imaan is affected is by how often i do good deeds and how much and what sins i commit. It certainly helps keep Allah on your mind when you're busy with doing good deeds but sometimes i feel like i've run out of things to do and i just get bored. I've also felt an imaan boost when giving up things which are sinful or i may in doubt of.
What my main concern is, is how do we remain god concious and in that high state of imaan all the time or is it impossible?
Like in the midst of our daily lives, like at work, uni or amongst friends how do we remember Allah. Even though i may not be sinning i lose focus of my purpose in life and just comfortable in the dunya.
One thing i've learnt through this Ramadan that's just gone by is that if i do have any problems or need let things out i should turn to Allah in dua. This has helped me immensely and it really does help me remember Allah.
One problem though, i can't stay in dua all day although i wish i could but then again this life wouldn't really be much of a test then.
I know there's no one answer for this and i have found many ways of living in this dunya but still doing things for the akhirah. I just wanted some of your advices and thoughts that may be able to help me on this journey.
I could listen to lectures or read a book but that only gives me a temporary boost, i need practical advice that has helped you and maybe i can do the same for you guys.
Anyway jazakallah khair and may Allah guide us all. Ameen
Surround yourself by good people.
By this, I dont mean religious sounding people who look the part, speak the terminology and hold a tasbeeh in their hands, but actual good humanised people.
Let them carry you when you are weak.
"If you can't walk, you crawl. and if you can't even do that, you get someone to carry you." Firefly, "The Message".
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I have alot of good people around me.......but they're not always around and neither do i expect them to be with me forever.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
It is impossible.
Some Sahabahs asked the prophet
this very question and the reply was they were humans not angels.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Hmmmm.....thanks for the reminder
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
We have special occasions to help us to remember God more though.
On a daily basis, it is the prayers, on a weekly basis, its friday, on a yearly basis we have the eids, ramadan and on top of that there are other events where people are reminded of God too, constant reminders to pick people up, remind them of God and to be good etc.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
That is because you haven't tasted the sweetness of faith. You haven't fully understood or gained benefit from the deed that you are doing. You become bored when you see deeds as chores and when you do them purely for the sake of blessings and rewards. I'm not saying that is wrong or shouldn't be done but after a while, you should start progessing spiritually, you should start doing deeds for the sake of Allah Almighty, purely for His pleasure, just for His love. No strings attached. The only goal you have in mind when you do something good is for His pleasure.
There was a saint from bani israel who spent 70 years worshipping in a cave, Allah Almighty sent a Prophet of that time a message to take to that saint. The message was that his 70 years of worshipped had been rejected. When the Prophet told the saint that message he went into wajd and started dancing. The Prophet became puzzled and asked him why he is so happy when he has just told him that his 70 years of worship had been rejected. The saint replied whether my worship is accepted or not, that is His right, my job is only to worship Him. The fact that my Lord has mentioned me and recognised me, that is enough for.
The hadith of Ihsan mentions that you should worship Allah Almighty as if you see Him, and if you cannot reach that stage then worship as if He sees you.
Whenever you do a deed, whatever it may be, have 3 things in mind.
1. Make the intention that you are doing it for the sake of Allah Almighty.
2. Make the intention that the work you are doing will be of good benefit.
3. When you do the deed, do it as if you see Allah Almighty in front of you.
Just constanly reminding yourself of Allah Almighty, making dhikr. If you change your lifestyle, start reading more Qur'an, Salawat, being a good person, changing your behaviour, doing small deeds, emulating the Sunnah and learning about the Sunnah, so whenever you do something you will be reminded of the Prophet
straight away, a hadith will come to mind, that way you will be doing the dhikr of the Prophet
and the dhikr of the Prophet
is the remembrance of Allah Almighty.
Islam is a way of life, our deen doesn't teach us to be glued to a musallah.
Someone once came to meet Sayidduna Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani (ra), when he approached the market he saw Ghous ul Azam trading, the person thought how can this man be a wali when he is just like everyone else and then he decided to turn away, Ghous ul Azam saw him and called him towards him, the man came to him and Ghous ul Azam put the mans head against his heart and he heard the heart making dhikr.
To reach that stage it takes a very long time. Constant struggle with the nafs but it is achievable.
Attaching yourself to a pious personality is key. This is the very reason you should have a Shaykh and attach yourself to something good, an organisation. When you become affliated with someone and some organisation that purely works to please Allah Almighty and the Prophet (saw), your lifestyle changes, your affliation has certain requirements which push you towards goodness. Your whole life then becomes focused as you have a specific aim to achieve.
Another important thing is to start loving the Prophet (saw), really loving him. When you love someone you will do everything and anything to please them. When you start loving the Prophet (saw), you start loving Allah Almighty. We cannot reach Allah Almighty without the Prophet (saw), the Prophet
is our path and Allah Almighty is our destination.
You start loving the Prophet
by sending durood and salaam on him, increase your salawat. The fact that Allah Almighty has no sunnah, He (swt) does nothing BUT only sends durood and salaam on the Prophet
shows the significance and virtue of salawat.
What if your fat and they can't carry you, call a crane?
My English is not very good
Holy Prophet (pbuh) told us that "To remember Imam Ali is to remember Allah".
Another authentic Hadith say,
"Talking about Ali and keeping him in mind is worship of Allah".
"Zikr of Ali is Ibadah".
Following Prophet's advice, we Shia Muslims often say "Ya Ali Ya Ali".
We think daily about Ali's achievements for Islam.
This is best way to remember Allah all the time, and please HIM at the same time.
But to do it this way, you have to know about life events of Imam Ali.
Imam Ali did many great things for Allah and His Messenger. No one could match him.
Here is a top book by Shia Muslim historian about full life of Imam Ali.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
Ok.....gonna ignore the last two comments.
@Noor cba to quote (cause i'm on my phone). Jazakallah khair for taking your time out to help me. Gonna definitely take that advice on board, needed that reminder. Insha Allah i put it into practice.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Why not Ya Allah
My English is not very good
Me three!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Im no stranger to what Foysols mentioned here, but my Qs times when I find my iman is on a low and even though I'd still be praying and doing and dhikr, I feel im being insincere, almost a hypocrite even because i dont FEEL it in my heart :/ what do i do in those cases? can anyone relate to what im saying? (hoping someone'll say yes or ill be feeling even more lousy :/. For some reason i dnt like bringing things like this up, i dont knw why)
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
I know exactly what you mean but sadly i don't really know why we feel like this or how to get rid of it. With me it just comes and could be for many reasons i guess, sometimes it's just shaytan trying to get you down other times it may just be something you're doing or not doing. I guess only you would know.
Worry not though, stay consistant with your good deeds, make dua, read Qur'an (preferrabally translation) and if you can try to pray tahajjud. Anyway everything happens for a reason, either let it break you or use it to make you stronger.
I'm the same with not wanting to bring these things up aswell, sometimes you just feel silly cause it's just ulike you. You're usually the one helping others with this sort of stuff but now you're the one the questions. Funny how i would be able to answer this question if someone else was asking but would have no idea what to do or say when i have the same questions.
Anyway May Allah make it easy for you. Ameen
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
bilan, you're not alone.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Ameen. Yh alhamdulillah it does go! otherwise id go mad. sometimes u feel like this and others like ur on top of the world! sigh..but ur right. I'll use it to make myself stronger inshaaAllah. JazakAllah for ur wisdom
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
you keep going.
even the sahabah used to feel more motivated at some times than others, and they took this to the prophet
questioning if they were hypocrites.
AFAIK, the answer was that no, they were humans.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
the answer was something like "if you were like you are with me all the time, you would be able to see angels and shake hands with them"
and i heard there was also an answer that said something like everything has an hour.
but dont feel down Bilan, faith goes up and down. its a fact. but dont feel like a hypocrite! dude, you are muslim and you know it deep down inside and you know this is what you're meant to do. dont overthink. just remind yourself of why you're doing thee things.
its a good thing i'd say. to feel this way, it shows you still care, and you need to top up on religiousness or have been neglecting it. we should be owrried when we STOP feeling like this.
found it!!!! yay!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?