Shafilea Ahmed parents charged over suspected 'honour killing'

The parents of Shafilea Ahmed, the victim of a suspected "honour killing" almost eight years ago, have been charged with murder and appeared before magistrates on Wednesday.

Shafilea, 17, disappeared from her home town of Warrington, Cheshire, in September 2003.

Her badly decomposed remains were found in February 2004 on the banks of the River Kent in Cumbria, following a flood.

She had hoped to study law at university and become a solicitor. Her inquest heard that the most likely cause of death was strangulation or suffocation.

Read more @ The Guardian


Just heard this on TV

My first thoughts were she probably refused to marry one of her cousin brothers in Pakistan or a partner of her patents choice so the parents killed her as Pakistani parents take offence if a daughter refuses to marry a cousin brother or a partner of there choice its the classic Pakistani film dialogues Humari izzat ka Sawaal Hai…… Is larki ni humari izzat ko dagh laga dia hai
Tum na karne se pehle mar kyoon nahin gae

You know what I mean

My English is not very good