Salaamz, As I am having a crazy crave for M&Ms and Skittles Ive tried to look for information regarding if they are both halal, online i cant find any info which is legit and i was wondering if you people could help me out!
Skittles Fruit - the normal flavour
M&M - Peanuts
Skittles Cores - New flavour
I've been told the red colouring is haram for both M&Ms and skittles. (can't remember what it contains - beetlejuice?) Haven't come across the new flavour of skittles.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
So its okai to eat M&Ms and Skittles den? just apart from the red ones?
I've heard that skittles contain E120 and that's why it aint allowed..
So the link is info about the red u can eat da rest and not da red ones?
best to stay away from all of them because i'm sure theyre made in the same factory and the machines are probably used over and over again.. and they touch each other.. (eg: if you had something generally haraam like pork.. and it was next to or even touching meat/chicken.. it would become haraam wouldn't it.. and i'm sure you probably wudnt eat it..)
I guess so....jazakallah
Hope that made things clearer..
aha as a rule any sweet with a shell like skittles, m&ms and smarties are haram, usually coz of dye derived from insects. i.e cochineal carmine
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
all or just the red(dish?) ones?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Das what am tryna figure out....but i guess its all coz like they may Cross-contamintate it basically read what Humayra'Ox has said....but yeh i wish we could jus eat all of em and not da red ones :/
Yepp.. Thats the way i see it!
i have heard on certain forums apparently its usually the red colour derived from insects but the only way to know is to contact the individual companies. It's usually pretty quick and easy via email they reply within a few days. Sometimes the ingredients listyou is on their website and they may even tell you in faq's if the product is suitable for halal/kosher/veg diets, so have a look before you email them.
To tell the truth i just avoid them completely like someone mentioned cross contamination is a possibility in production. i know smarties are a no go. Apparently sainsburys do a vegetarian suitable smarties, its not called smarties though, and im sure it will taste different, ive not tried it.
Failing that you can sometimes get halal imports of the products, usually in discount stores you wouldn't often visit. i mean i used to be mad on jellybeans, until i found out a lot of them are haram. But sometimes i find them in stores like "the range" arab imports, taste just as good.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
i read somewhere that smarties arn't haram as they dont contain any red sweets :/
couple of days ago I emailed wrigleys as they are the company that produces skittles and this is how the conversation went....
"I believe you have E120 colouring on one of your skittles, which I believe it does not make it suitable for vegetarians. Could you please amend it or at least do something which allows someone like me can eat skittles knowing that it is halal and suitable for vegetarians
"Dear Mohsin,
E120 is not present in Skittles (Middle East). Can you clarify to me which one are you indicating.
And besides that, E120 is compliant under our Gulf Food standards.
Hope I have clarified from my side and keep enjoying our Wrigley products."
To Zied
I am indicating to you the one's that are sold in England, as the Skittles packets have no sign saying its halal or suitable for vegetarians
Dear Mohsin,
Hope you’re doing well,
In response to your inquiry about Skittles sold in England; As I have got in contact with the person in charge of that region and has mentioned that Skittles is not suitable for Halal diet or for vegetarians.
We removed various artificial colours from all our products a number of years back and the only viable natural alternative to one of the colours was the colouring E120.
I hope this clarifies your request and keep enjoying our Wrigley products.
Best Regards,
quite ironically funny no?
but that's sad... i emailed them too once. and yeah basically its not veggie friendly. apart from that..i thought i was going to die when i found out i couldnt have skittles. i was really upset. really really really upset. but here i am. in one piece. go drown your sorrows in halal sweets. that's my advice (the halal sweets that have halal printed on pack, not them stickered one..these look dodgy)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
So three years later!
hope everyone's well, Currently am seeing SFV written on the skittles packets and no mention of E120 as opposed to what it was a few years back.
could anyone possibly confirm these are halal to eat now?
You really want your skittles eh! haha
Haven't checked any packets recently as I just assumed they're haram. But I think they might be halal in other coutnries like the US, make a bulk order from there if you're that desperate haha. You sell some to other people too and maybe end up with a profit
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Clicking on their website, I see that the new colourings have weird names.
I managed to find E120 listed for one of the flavours ("Confused") but not listed for another ("Original").
Send them an email and ask them if they are suitable for vegetarians.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
As i have researched ,the red m&m and Skittles are not halal as the have insects ,which are called carmine (E120) and most it has E120 in the ingredients

Skittles now carry a label stating that they are now ‘Suitable for Vegetarians’.
I have not seen this on M&Ms.