Instead of keep updating the introductory post, you should just add the new things as a comment cuz no one's gna keep reading the first post and they won't realise what's been added. Unless they check the revisions - who'd bother to do that?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by lollywood on 9 August, 2011 - 01:31 #33
ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
Instead of keep updating the introductory post, you should just add the new things as a comment cuz no one's gna keep reading the first post and they won't realise what's been added. Unless they check the revisions - who'd bother to do that?
Point taken
My English is not very good
Submitted by lollywood on 9 August, 2011 - 01:33 #34
Birmingham - Handsworth A police station in Handsworth Birmingham has been set on fire
What has B'ham got to do with this? it was a London thing
just watch the news yesterday, i really wasnt paying attention...not really listening/reading this topic and what SI and Fboy were saying :oops:
tis crazy i say. crazy.
but..just looking at all this, i thought "hehe, if we wanted to take over, we pretty much could"
the appeal that guy did was so LOOOL, please parents start contacting your children and finding out where they are. there are too many spectators (yeah right..spectators) around the areas" lol.
i'm thinking its built up boredom and frustration, it IS the middle of the summer holidays with pretty much nothing to do. and after how the gov hit hard on the youth..first opportunity they got they went for it.
so..i guess this conclude the fact that im a visual kinda person.
hmmm. i still don't get it.. what was their motive and reasons behind all this?
Submitted by lollywood on 9 August, 2011 - 15:47 #49
Lilly wrote:
just watch the news yesterday, i really wasnt paying attention...not really listening/reading this topic and what SI and Fboy were saying :oops:
tis crazy i say. crazy.
Its unstoppable some might say
Lilly wrote:
but..just looking at all this, i thought "hehe, if we wanted to take over, we pretty much could"
Think of the Olympics - How are they going to handle and police it or should I say can they handle and police such a big event like that with all eyes on London? let's face it they can't tackle a few hundred teenagers so what hope is there?
Can London now afford the Olympics after all this mess?
Is any country going to want to come to London after seeing what they have all over the world?
Lilly wrote:
the appeal that guy did was so LOOOL, please parents start contacting your children and finding out where they are. there are too many spectators (yeah right..spectators) around the areas" lol.
Children are looting one shop and parents the other I bet thats how it is lol
Lilly wrote:
i'm thinking its built up boredom and frustration, it IS the middle of the summer holidays with pretty much nothing to do. and after how the gov hit hard on the youth..first opportunity they got they went for it.
so..i guess this conclude the fact that im a visual kinda person.
Ok it is boredom and frustration but that should be no excuse for looting and burning peoples houses
My English is not very good
Submitted by lollywood on 9 August, 2011 - 15:48 #50
Humayra'Ox wrote:
hmmm. i still don't get it.. what was their motive and reasons behind all this?
The shooting of a guy by the police or at least that's how it all started
My English is not very good
Submitted by lollywood on 9 August, 2011 - 16:32 #51
Mobile phone's anyone?
My English is not very good
Submitted by lollywood on 9 August, 2011 - 16:36 #52
just watch the news yesterday, i really wasnt paying attention...not really listening/reading this topic and what SI and Fboy were saying :oops:
tis crazy i say. crazy.
Its unstoppable some might say
They'll get tired soon. I give till the end of the week.
On a wider note, I'm surprised no-one has compared this to the riots in the north in 2001 by Pakistani and white youth. Surely, those riots must have created just as much among ordinary people. The riots in the north, I suppose, were the result of real greivances, but this is just people out for a "good time" and no sense of responsibility or identity.
Some people who rioted in the north were given something like 5 years for throwing stones. The kids rioting now better get sentences that are just as severe.
Submitted by lollywood on 9 August, 2011 - 17:24 #54
Beast wrote:
They'll get tired soon. I give till the end of the week.
On a wider note, I'm surprised no-one has compared this to the riots in the north in 2001 by Pakistani and white youth. Surely, those riots must have created just as much among ordinary people. The riots in the north, I suppose, were the result of real greivances, but this is just people out for a "good time" and no sense of responsibility or identity.
Some people who rioted in the north were given something like 5 years for throwing stones. The kids rioting now better get sentences that are just as severe.
But the Oldham riots did not spared to other towns and cites like these have done from what I know
Yeah there out for a good time and free goods to go with it
Responsibility can they even spell that lol
5 yrs no
min 10 max 20 But what if the kids are under the age of criminal responsibility? how will they be dealt with then I wonder?
My English is not very good
Submitted by lollywood on 9 August, 2011 - 18:45 #55
Looting and riots have now also begun in west Bromwich in the Midlands
C'mon Bradford join in - or is it that all you guys out there are fasting and have no energy to smash and burn things up
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
sirens here and someone just walked past the house saying 'everythings on fire, they've smashed...' (then it faded out).
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Instead of keep updating the introductory post, you should just add the new things as a comment cuz no one's gna keep reading the first post and they won't realise what's been added. Unless they check the revisions - who'd bother to do that?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Point taken
My English is not very good
Birmingham - Handsworth
A police station in Handsworth Birmingham has been set on fire
What has B'ham got to do with this? it was a London thing
My English is not very good
oh dear :/ This is actually crazy! Apparently it's started in Manchester (salford) now, too.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
They had to join in at some point lol
Could this = the end of this Government?
My English is not very good
It's not really linked to the govt though but we'll see how the PM handles the situation once he's back from his holiday
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I think the Government have failed big time, 4 days and sign of the PM returning from his holiday
It was only announced half and hour ago that he is on his way back, his in no rush, its not his shops or house that's on fire
The insurance companies are going to be busy
My English is not very good
Now looting has begun in Bristol
My English is not very good
My English is not very good
Don't just do something! Stand there.
nick no legg to stand on was right
My English is not very good
i cant wait for all this to end, they're all just animals. i live in tottenham high rd were it all started, and i'm still scared to go out :/
There's an fb page with people updating stuff on bham and this comment from a non-Muslim made me smile
"i actually respect the muslim men protecting the mosque from the riots doing a better job than the police are by actually protecting something."
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
We all share your feelings
My English is not very good
Nice hear something positive for a change.
My English is not very good
just watch the news yesterday, i really wasnt paying attention...not really listening/reading this topic and what SI and Fboy were saying :oops:
tis crazy i say. crazy.
but..just looking at all this, i thought "hehe, if we wanted to take over, we pretty much could"
the appeal that guy did was so LOOOL, please parents start contacting your children and finding out where they are. there are too many spectators (yeah right..spectators) around the areas" lol.
i'm thinking its built up boredom and frustration, it IS the middle of the summer holidays with pretty much nothing to do. and after how the gov hit hard on the youth..first opportunity they got they went for it.
so..i guess this conclude the fact that im a visual kinda person.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
hmmm. i still don't get it.. what was their motive and reasons behind all this?
Its unstoppable some might say
Think of the Olympics - How are they going to handle and police it or should I say can they handle and police such a big event like that with all eyes on London? let's face it they can't tackle a few hundred teenagers so what hope is there?
Can London now afford the Olympics after all this mess?
Is any country going to want to come to London after seeing what they have all over the world?
Children are looting one shop and parents the other I bet thats how it is lol
Ok it is boredom and frustration but that should be no excuse for looting and burning peoples houses
My English is not very good
The shooting of a guy by the police or at least that's how it all started
My English is not very good
Mobile phone's anyone?
My English is not very good
Tesco's looted in Peckham south London
Remember every little helps
My English is not very good
They'll get tired soon. I give till the end of the week.
On a wider note, I'm surprised no-one has compared this to the riots in the north in 2001 by Pakistani and white youth. Surely, those riots must have created just as much among ordinary people. The riots in the north, I suppose, were the result of real greivances, but this is just people out for a "good time" and no sense of responsibility or identity.
Some people who rioted in the north were given something like 5 years for throwing stones. The kids rioting now better get sentences that are just as severe.
But the Oldham riots did not spared to other towns and cites like these have done from what I know
Yeah there out for a good time and free goods to go with it
Responsibility can they even spell that lol
5 yrs no
min 10 max 20 But what if the kids are under the age of criminal responsibility? how will they be dealt with then I wonder?
My English is not very good
Looting and riots have now also begun in west Bromwich in the Midlands
C'mon Bradford join in - or is it that all you guys out there are fasting and have no energy to smash and burn things up
My English is not very good
Or rather they don't want to.
Not everyone wants lawlessness and chaos.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i really hopes there's no muslims in those riots...
was watching some hackney clips from yesterday...and i laughed coz it looked like showdowns between palestinians and israel police.
my mum received a text from the police telling her to keep kids inside. ... my mum's number?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Alot of teenagers and young kids do
My English is not very good
Its Ramzan, I don't think they would do anything like that in this month- I could be wrong
My English is not very good
There alive and kicking shops
My English is not very good