Space Cadets


Any of you heard of this new reality TV show on Channel 4?

Its as distasteful as TV can get IMO.

Its a hoax on the contestants. They think they will be sent into a low orbit of earth. They will be on the ground in Surrey.

The series has already started, and I saw a part of the first episode, where they were being taught 'science', which rewrote the laws of physics...

Telegraph[/url]"][size=18]'Space cadets' prepare for TV hoax blast-off[/size]

A new reality TV show is aiming to pull off the biggest hoax in TV history - by persuading a group of Britons that they have been blasted into space.

he new Channel 4 series, Space Cadets, has been under wraps since the idea first came about 18 months ago.

Nine people will be told they are to be space tourists and that in preparation they will undergo intensive training in Russia.

But in reality they will never leave a disused airbase in a secret location in the UK.

Unbeknown to them, their shuttle will be a Hollywood creation, made originally for the film Space Cowboys.

A giant custom-built screen positioned just outside the shuttle will provide the illusion of a view of Earth from space including a hurricane over Mexico and a glimpse of the UK on one day when cloud cover parts.

The launch sound has been created by a Hollywood sound specialist while the shuttle will tip and rock in the process.

Participants answered an advert for "thrill-seeking" members of the public to take part in a new TV show.

Channel 4 admits that the joke could be on them if the participants, who are currently being selected from a group holed up in a secret location with no contact with the outside world, cotton on to the stunt.

The final contestants were chosen because they tended not to ask questions, and showed a trait of 'suggestibility' during psychological testing.

Three actors have been placed in the group and will be able to report back on whether there are any suspicions.


I feel for the contestants...

IMO this is going too far.

From another [url= is external)

I think it's pretty reprehnesible to hoodwink people like that for the entertainment of the moronic masses. But christ, to find peope who will fall for this they are going tohave to use three year olds or actual retards.

Gonna have to watch the 1st episode just to clock how thick the 'contestants' are.

I hope the eviction process works on the basis of people not coming from back 'spacewalks'. The terror that would strike into the gullible crew for the first week or so would be pure gold.

Now if only Channel 4 can make it so that towards the end it all goes a bit Event Horizon on them...

t's probably only a matter of time before we start watching real deaths as entertainment. Accidental ones at first, via some shaky cctv footage - hell some internet users are already doing it.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

heard about this

funny if you ask me

fooools!!! Lol

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Black Prince" wrote:
heard about this

funny if you ask me

fooools!!! Lol

lol that was my reaction too, on tele they didnt seem to take it too bad after finding out they were actually only a few feet of the ground and not in space!!