I dont ever bother being sweet to people I dont like-if I dont like someone I make sure they know
[size=7]thats so cool everyone should be like you - dont tell muslim sis[/size]
Seems YOUR the sweety. Some people just find it a lot easier to be nice to people they dont like. I can't do that
some people just have natures which makes them WANT to please others
they dislike upsetting or letting down others
I'm not like that-nor do I have any desire to be like that
Submitted by fizzy1 on 15 December, 2005 - 17:43 #34
hate it when you dont know guests that well
and there are awful long silences.....
that... seem... to last......
Submitted by laila on 15 December, 2005 - 18:12 #35
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
some people just have natures which makes them WANT to please others
they dislike upsetting or letting down others
I'm not like that-nor do I have any desire to be like that
[size=7]now you're super cool - dont tell your sis[/size]
Submitted by Seraphim on 15 December, 2005 - 19:23 #36
"fizzy1" wrote:
hate it when you dont know guests that well
and there are awful long silences.....
that... seem... to last......
Yeah... mix the above with a nature show...
then see how AWKWARD things get...
Best tip i can give (or am willing to give) is to try and find common ground with your guest and chat about that.
Also props are good.
that is all
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Sirus on 15 December, 2005 - 23:52 #37
how do i entertain guests?
leave that to mum n dad
if they my guests, which are rare - usually dont sit at home and chat, but a drink and some cake?
but most imprtantly, i challenge them to a game on the ps2 :twisted:
"Don Karnage" wrote:
"yashmaki" wrote:
dave's s n o b b y lifestyle you gotta love this guy lol. Fast cars, famous friends and now high society firm parties :x . Do you have proper wholesome food or just canopes. A ration of meat on a cracker? Some skewers of meat and veg. Is it all mouse food like how they show in the movies, or proper filling food aswell? And must all the men arrive in black ties, and ladies in formal dresses?
Okay am I picking up a definite transition from "ha ha ha sn0bby dave" to " :evil: stop talking s.nobby dave!"
If that's the case I honestly don't know where i'm being "sn0bby", probably because i'm blinded by my first person perspective.
So if I am [i]genuinely[/i] irritating people, let me know where, how, and why and i'll work on stopping.
It seems like the big things annoying people are: 1. The way I talk, 2. My constant prediliction with my homelife and 3. My Arrogance.
1. I can work on changing, 2. honestly i'm just homesick, and that's the form it's taking, and 3. I'm well aware of and working on incrimentally - i'm no superhero.
The language thing is gonna be a problem though... grew up in a lawyer's house and have been in school for as long as I can remember, so I realize I probably have a more academic presentation and don't exactly capture Joe-Average.
dave dave dave, you the man....ignore it
dont change for anybody!!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Its easy to entertain your own guests. Or people your own age. All you need to do its take them to your room and just chat girly....(or play playstation with them if your a guy).
But I'm mainly talking about entertaining the aunties and uncles of the older genration.
Most of us here are not kids anymore. We are expected to make small talk with our elders..
Submitted by Sirus on 16 December, 2005 - 11:31 #39
nah if i dont know them, i jus say salaam and passy by
if i do know them, a few questions and dissapear
guess its different for you guys tho
and i try not to say much infront of the aunties....they usually on the look out for rishtay!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Well in most cases, if someone see’s you with your hijaab, shoes, coat and purse they would know that your on your way out would usually be considerate enough not to stay.
I wouldn’t really change my plans….cos that’d mean letting others down which is wrong.
But if I just going shopping and/or taking the lil ones to the park then I’d cancel my plans.
Submitted by fizzy1 on 16 December, 2005 - 14:38 #46
we usually have to change plans, just if we are going out
usually just before we have our coat on, so not so obvious
they turned our house upside down-and if that wasnt bad enough the 5 year old boy would come in to our bedroom and in front of our face would try to trash the room
he even punched me and my sister-it hurt
I yanked him by the arm and kicked him out our room
and downstairs infront of everyone the boy intentionally chucked juice all over the carpet and his mum just sat there-HELLO?? :roll:
if my lil sister ACCIDENTLY broke or spilt something in someone's house I'd be the first to jump up and clean it whilst everyone else would tell her off
God knows why parents allow their kids to trash other peoples homes and dont clean up after their mess
even though I might be loud at home-its been drummed into us as babies to be on our best behaviour at peoples home
I've always sat in people's home quietly and have even forced myself to eat whatever it is they're serving us even if it makes me sick-ONLY cos I know its not good to cause a scene at people's home or to inconvenince them
You're supposed to act interested in your very boring guests.
Especially if they find themselves singularly entertaining/captivating/charming.
When they are regaling you with tales of their excellence you aren't supposed to yawn, look in a different direction, and start reorganizing your phone book.
lol a pretty girl that sticks by the walls hoping to not be noticed/ have to interact with people.
I just dont want anything to do with boring-lame or annoying people
yesterday I was in someone's house-it was a study circle and after the circle finished all us girls (there were 15 of us) were just laughing so much cos some of the girls were SO funny
and I didnt even know the girls-me and sis were just guests at their house
But it does sound like you are addicted to your cell phone
yes I'm a textaholic
I can easily text my older sister 15 times a day
I even txt my baby sister from my bedroom and ask her to bring me milk or cookies upstairs (if she's sitting downstairs) instead of just yelling from the top of the stairs
The real question is, have they come to be entertained ?
Do MORE than fulfil their purpose of visit. They will love you.
Unless ofcourse, they are the sort of people whom you dont' want to see return.
[size=7]thats so cool everyone should be like you - dont tell muslim sis[/size]
Seems YOUR the sweety. Some people just find it a lot easier to be nice to people they dont like. I can't do that
some people just have natures which makes them WANT to please others
they dislike upsetting or letting down others
I'm not like that-nor do I have any desire to be like that
hate it when you dont know guests that well
and there are awful long silences.....
that... seem... to last......
[size=7]now you're super cool - dont tell your sis[/size]
Yeah... mix the above
with a nature show...
then see how AWKWARD things get...
Best tip i can give (or am willing to give) is to try and find common ground with your guest and chat about that.
Also props are good.
that is all
Back in BLACK
how do i entertain guests?
leave that to mum n dad
if they my guests, which are rare - usually dont sit at home and chat, but a drink and some cake?
but most imprtantly, i challenge them to a game on the ps2 :twisted:
dave dave dave, you the man....ignore it
dont change for anybody!!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Its easy to entertain your own guests. Or people your own age. All you need to do its take them to your room and just chat girly....(or play playstation with them if your a guy).
But I'm mainly talking about entertaining the aunties and uncles of the older genration.
Most of us here are not kids anymore. We are expected to make small talk with our elders..
nah if i dont know them, i jus say salaam and passy by
if i do know them, a few questions and dissapear
guess its different for you guys tho
and i try not to say much infront of the aunties....they usually on the look out for rishtay!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
thats just rude
but its true-aunties just have a one track mind
its always better to scandilise them with shocking comments so they get such thoughts outta their head- :twisted:
hows that rude? :?
unless they related or family friends - we only get the odd few visiting and im not under any requirement to make em sumthin or chat to em
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
obvioulsy I'm chatting about related people or family friends-
trust me its rude when u dont make small talk or sit with them
I always get told of for sitting in my room when boring guests come
apprently its v rude
oh related or family friends....i thawt u meant mums friends or sumfin like that
well....theyve stopped coming lately, dad stopped em
they sit here all night and dont know when to leave
but with family, our house is thier house kinda thing - its nothing formal
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
well we officially get together for bdays or occasions, so thats ok, its expected
dreading when i get my own place and cant rely on parents to entertain family guests, that will be a nightmare
do you ever get guests when you are on your way out? and what do you do? change yr plans and stay in, or make an excuse and exit???
Lol-awkward situations…
Well in most cases, if someone see’s you with your hijaab, shoes, coat and purse they would know that your on your way out would usually be considerate enough not to stay.
I wouldn’t really change my plans….cos that’d mean letting others down which is wrong.
But if I just going shopping and/or taking the lil ones to the park then I’d cancel my plans.
we usually have to change plans, just if we are going out
usually just before we have our coat on, so not so obvious
Had some crazy guests over
they had two lil kids-one aged 5 the other aged 4
they turned our house upside down-and if that wasnt bad enough the 5 year old boy would come in to our bedroom and in front of our face would try to trash the room
he even punched me and my sister-it hurt
I yanked him by the arm and kicked him out our room
and downstairs infront of everyone the boy intentionally chucked juice all over the carpet and his mum just sat there-HELLO?? :roll:
if my lil sister ACCIDENTLY broke or spilt something in someone's house I'd be the first to jump up and clean it whilst everyone else would tell her off
God knows why parents allow their kids to trash other peoples homes and dont clean up after their mess
even though I might be loud at home-its been drummed into us as babies to be on our best behaviour at peoples home
I've always sat in people's home quietly and have even forced myself to eat whatever it is they're serving us even if it makes me sick-ONLY cos I know its not good to cause a scene at people's home or to inconvenince them
wo you harsh...could have dislocated his arm poor thing
lol das funny...but that does get one peed off, like i have to clean up after my nephew when my sis just sits there
mum tells us we were proper well behaved when we were kids...we'd go to someones house and sit there in a line all quiet and wouldnt move an inch...
but overall cant stand ppl coming down too much hassle for me
Naj that boy punched me AND my older sister really hard on our arm-I couldnt believe the nerve of that boy :shock:
I had to protect my lil sis as he wanted to beat her up-
I didnt want to break his arm-but I did want him to cry but he didnt :roll:
I shud have yanked his arm harder-it was either that or allow him to hit us and trash our bedroom which I have been cleaning since morning
I cant stand spoilt kids- we also used to be like mice in people's home
I've even been told not to text or answer my mobile in the presecne of guests
LOL maybe u deserved it ...oi only joking, no thats bad
yea whyz that one?
my parents never notice like that-but my sister says its rude
sumtimes when we're with boring or annoying guests and sitting across the room from one another
I send her texts on her mobile-she never replies cos she says its rude
You're supposed to act interested in your very boring guests.
Especially if they find themselves singularly entertaining/captivating/charming.
When they are regaling you with tales of their excellence you aren't supposed to yawn, look in a different direction, and start reorganizing your phone book.
I'm terrible at faking interest :roll:
and anyway-I'm an EXPERT at texting people without being obvious
my years in high school were spent texting my mates under the table without the teacher noticing
nothing is a bigger snooze then being in the company of boring guests
you HAVE to pretend to listen to them otherwise you come across as being rude
I HAVE to entertain myself somehow :roll:
lol you sound like a wall flower
what does that mean?
lol a pretty girl that sticks by the walls hoping to not be noticed/ have to interact with people.
I just dont want anything to do with boring-lame or annoying people
yesterday I was in someone's house-it was a study circle and after the circle finished all us girls (there were 15 of us) were just laughing so much cos some of the girls were SO funny
and I didnt even know the girls-me and sis were just guests at their house
lol okay then you're not a wall flower.
But it does sound like you are addicted to your cell phone
yes I'm a textaholic
I can easily text my older sister 15 times a day
I even txt my baby sister from my bedroom and ask her to bring me milk or cookies upstairs (if she's sitting downstairs) instead of just yelling from the top of the stairs
Very useful.
The only time I use text is when I can't say something aloud (usually about somebody else).