on-line chatting no matter which scholar you ask wont approve as it will/can lead to idle chat/flirting/ free mixing which could lead to others.... especially when it is a
1 2 1 private chat.... as we know when 2 are alone the third is shaytaan.
discussing Islamic issues on a public chat (not private)can be useful like on these forums as long as Islamic ettiquettes are maintained....
Submitted by Foysol89 on 14 April, 2011 - 12:38 #32
Muslimeen wrote:
Ocean* wrote:
Seriously? Dude? I can't believe we're having this conversation again...
If you don't like it, it isn't made mandatory for you to use it! BUT tribby not only has a purpose but it's one factor that differentiates revival from other shitty forums! It's a Professional place to have an intellectual banter, what in the world is wrong with THAT?
It's just that people use it "wrong" and I have to say I'm guilty too but at the end of the day I'm human and sometimes I let my attitude get the best of me.
Plus if you think it's a waste of time, then I suggest you go away and sort out your discipline.
I'm getting tired of this contention being happy slapped without much positive thought! If you think it isn't being used properly then address THAT and work on THAT not the application!
Do we understand now? :roll:
Hmm, Tribune, Intellectual?? really??
I see nothing but small talk, one heck of an intellect you would need for that.
I agree that there is alot of small talk on tribune but there also alot of discussions and debates that go on there too.
Like i said before there's nothing wrong with the tool it just depends on how you use it.
I agree that the small talk between opposite genders isn't good. Though tribune is great for people who need help with anything. It's easier to explain yourself than in the forums and at the end of it you're satisfied with the answers you get. It is a great tool for dawah and general advice on any problem one may have.
It's like a knife, you can use to cut fruit or you can use it to harm someone.
Like Ocean said the problem is not Tribune, the problem that needs to be addressed is the way in some people use it.
I remind myself before anyone else.
May Allah(swt) guide us all. Ameen
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Submitted by Foysol89 on 14 April, 2011 - 12:39 #33
TheRevivalEditor wrote:
on-line chatting no matter which scholar you ask wont approve as it will/can lead to idle chat/flirting/ free mixing which could lead to others.... especially when it is a
1 2 1 private chat.... as we know when 2 are alone the third is shaytaan.
discussing Islamic issues on a public chat (not private)can be useful like on these forums as long as Islamic ettiquettes are maintained....
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
on-line chatting no matter which scholar you ask wont approve as it will/can lead to idle chat/flirting/ free mixing which could lead to others.... especially when it is a
1 2 1 private chat.... as we know when 2 are alone the third is shaytaan.
discussing Islamic issues on a public chat (not private)can be useful like on these forums as long as Islamic ettiquettes are maintained....
exactly...and you're supposed 2 stay away from sin, i think in a hadith it even says, 'do not even go near sin'....this shows that if it can lead 2 sin, then it should be avoided.
"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters
Submitted by Muslimeen on 6 July, 2011 - 14:04 #35
Submitted by Suhail (not verified) on 14 April, 2011 - 15:28 #36
Submitted by Foysol89 on 14 April, 2011 - 15:42 #37
It is definitely arguable whether the majority are using it in a haram way or not. Most people on here if not everyone is here make themselves and others around them better muslims.
I dont think anyone is purposely trying to commit sin here especially when the tribune is open. There are some chats that have moderaters but on this site i think every one of us is a moderator. If we see wrong then we say it is wrong.
Maybe we sholuld just leave it to a vote then.
May Allah(swt) guide us all. Ameen
P.S. Muslimeen i appreciate your concern for your fellow muslims. Jazakallah khair.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Lol what's all this about flirting on tribune haha.
It sounds like there's late night explicit conversations or something as opposed to almost constant just whinging about life and saying random things while you do other things?
It's harmless. If you can't trust yourself to behave on the chat thing on even here, I don't think you should use the internet for recreation at all. Ever.
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
Submitted by Ocean* (not verified) on 14 April, 2011 - 17:18 #39
Nasheedgirl wrote:
Muslimeen wrote:
Ocean* wrote:
Seriously? Dude? I can't believe we're having this conversation again...
If you don't like it, it isn't made mandatory for you to use it! BUT tribby not only has a purpose but it's one factor that differentiates revival from other shitty forums! It's a Professional place to have an intellectual banter, what in the world is wrong with THAT?
It's just that people use it "wrong" and I have to say I'm guilty too but at the end of the day I'm human and sometimes I let my attitude get the best of me.
Plus if you think it's a waste of time, then I suggest you go away and sort out your discipline.
I'm getting tired of this contention being happy slapped without much positive thought! If you think it isn't being used properly then address THAT and work on THAT not the application!
Do we understand now? :roll:
Hmm, Tribune, Intellectual?? really??
I see nothing but small talk, one heck of an intellect you would need for that.
Yes! really... I guess you're never here when the tribby pop' do have a good productive banter! OR OR OR maybe... you should be the type of people going to the tribby and INITIATING one! Be the sheperd and not the sheep!
and like Rawr mentioned above, no one on here (I hope not) is the type of person who'd abuse the system big time, if they do, we drive them away I can give you examples of some forum members who have been a victim of Forum police.
yes we do go off topic many times and yes we do indulge in idle chit chat but at least it's not inappropriate or gross or of any harm.
Anyway... i've never seen YOU use the damn thing so why in the world do YOU care how it's run? If you believe that there is a certain way of using it then like I said, lead the way! Set an example!
I'm also going to take a breath here and say that when ever we do have a serious conversation it seems to between two conflicting views so people just shut up (like I do) in order to avoid a conflict because I'd rather be friend than a religious moron who just doesn't get along with anyone because her views are different. Therefore I'd like older members to calm down a lil and allow room for others to explain what they mean by whatever it is they say...
Therefore I'd like older members to calm down a lil and allow room for others to explain what they mean by whatever it is they say...
Amen to that.
the only difference between tribune and forums is that tribune is quick and it's live. So aren't the people going on about freemixing and whatnot on tribune being hypocritical if they're discussing this on here with the opposite gender? :S :S
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
Submitted by Foysol89 on 14 April, 2011 - 18:07 #41
MakeMeRawr_8TeenF wrote:
Ocean* wrote:
Therefore I'd like older members to calm down a lil and allow room for others to explain what they mean by whatever it is they say...
Amen to that.
the only difference between tribune and forums is that tribune is quick and it's live. So aren't the people going on about freemixing and whatnot on tribune being hypocritical if they're discussing this on here with the opposite gender? :S :S
This is for dawah purposes so it is permissable.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
In the wordings that are used to "condemn" Tribune, there is no difference between Tribune and forums. They both come in the same category.
and I will say that those scholars are wrong.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
exactly...and you're supposed 2 stay away from sin, i think in a hadith it even says, 'do not even go near sin'....this shows that if it can lead 2 sin, then it should be avoided.
You realise that would apply to the forums too, if you're gna go about things that way. Like it's been mentioned before moderation is important.
It's upto everyone themselves to moderate and help others. I think it was pretty good that Foysol left a conversation yesterday, because he felt it was inappropriate - everyone has the capability of doing that, it's not the tools fault if you misuse it, God!
We DO discuss Islam, issues that affect us and get help with other stuff. It IS used in a positive way and DOES make us use our brains and have intellectual discussions. It gives us a chance to get quick, direct answers, develop ideas and LEARN.
I started writing this reply straight after reading the above comments and some in particular kinda annoyed me but was doing other stuff and now I feel I probably shouldn't say anything, I'll leave what I've already typed out even though I know it's just re-iterating what others have said. I just don't think some of you realise that actually tribune is a great tool.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
What does Tribune mean anyway? I can't be bothered to check the dictionary def... I agree with Rawr though... Tribune is used in a postive way .. May Allah (swt) Guide us all and help us refrain from what is bad... Ameen.
all the good stuff that happens on tribune, anfd the whining and ranting, if it was done in a boy to boy and girl to girl environment, it would be even better. coz it would minus the "idle talking to opposite gender" there's nothing wrong with the live chat and discussions etc... that is NOT what muslimeen was condemning. He was condemning the free mixing
i think us oldies need to drop the offensive when a new member start posting. I agree with what Muslimeen has been saying. JazakAllahou khayran.
and yes we do have great discussions on tribune but like Muslimeen said, if the bad is greater than the good, then drop it.
on forum, its easier to control, you can chose not to reply to what an opposite gender has said or reply in a modest way coz you have time to "ponder" over what you are writing (just like i pondered on a better word for "pondering" but couldnt think of one). So dont start dragging forum into this when you feel like you've lost the battle for tribune.
going back to shaytaan's tricks. He tries to get you away from Islam then, when that fails, he tries to get you into acts of worship that are less worthy then others you could be doing. or try and make you believe that something is good when it isnt.
and as muslims we should listen to what our brothers/sisters say, instead of asking them to mind their own business and what's it to them anyway.
there isnt "own business" in Islam, when it comes to religious matter, we are suppose to help and advice each other. all the time. on all aspects of life to improve them and become better muslims.
and Msulimeen isnt some random self-righteous person coming out of the blue. He said himself he was addicted to chat and mashaAllah manage to move out. I agree with the addictive stuff. I recently gave up some pretty addictive stuff, feels liberating, and can already feel the changes internally and externally alhamdoulillah.
I think it boils down to people have different ideas about what is allowed and what is not.
I would say there is nothing wrong with any aspect of it, others will disagree with me.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I would reply to the parts of Lilly's post that I disagree with, but I don't really wana continue this discussion.
Can't believe the reaction to the poll - I had just been messing about when creating it!
Both sides of the argument have been given, if you like it stick with it, if you don't then no ones forcing you to use it.
Live and let live.
Atleast it's easier to change the subject and move on, on tribune!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by Letters (not verified) on 14 April, 2011 - 23:05 #48
I voted yes, it should be destroyed.
Although i dont think ppl are using it to flirt with one another i think theres jst too much idle chatting, then actual discussions. Im not saying discussions dont take place, maybe 10% of the time. But 90% of the time its just seems like its idle chatting and free mixing.
People on ths thread have expressed different opinons. But ive always thought if theres any doubt in the matter its best avoided in that case.
Any maybe with it gone, ppl will use the forum more.
(sorry guys, i knw thats prob not wat u wantd to hear =/ )
I don't have a problem with idle chatting either... THis place is to allow people to act as Muslims in a comfoprtable environment, and Islam is not just prayers and discussing masalahs etc. Its a way of life - and that means that people do things other than stand on a prayer mat, read the qur'an, study and stuff. There is "down time", relaxation, entertainment and more that will come in life and there is no need to feel guilty about such things because they are allowed.
This is not Somalia where the Shabaab will break into a house and shoot the inhabitants because they were watching football...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Tuesday: extremist muslim tried to take over tribune
Wednesday: 'EDL' was conversating with admin
Thursday: Someone who believes in the illuminati but not the al qaeda is having a conversation with us.
I dunno, just thought I'd mention it here. It's almost amusing.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I don't have a problem with idle chatting either... THis place is to allow people to act as Muslims in a comfoprtable environment, and Islam is not just prayers and discussing masalahs etc. Its a way of life - and that means that people do things other than stand on a prayer mat, read the qur'an, study and stuff. There is "down time", relaxation, entertainment and more that will come in life and there is no need to feel guilty about such things because they are allowed.
This is not Somalia where the Shabaab will break into a house and shoot the inhabitants because they were watching football...
watching football/committing of a heinous crime...i say potato, u say potahto! dnt be so hard on the Shabaab guys!
but..i wouldnt necessarily refer to stuff said on tribby as idle chat. theyre conversations. u knw...the thing people tend to do when they come together???? i dnt knw about u guys, but convos i have most of the time arent exactly discussions of global affairs or what to do about the muslim youth running wild! theyre innocent convos, exactly like the ones u find on tribby. and this site doesnt need a ( was it a guard tht someone said???) because people are mature enough.
so yh...listen to admin [size=6]because hes going on a fact finding mission to Pakistan soon, arent u admin??? [/size]
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Tuesday: extremist muslim tried to take over tribune
Wednesday: 'EDL' was conversating with admin
Thursday: Someone who believes in the illuminati but not the al qaeda is having a conversation with us.
I dunno, just thought I'd mention it here. It's almost amusing.
is this u tryna change the subject???
puttin something thats ALMOST amusing on revvy, how dare u??????!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Tuesday: extremist muslim tried to take over tribune
Wednesday: 'EDL' was conversating with admin
Thursday: Someone who believes in the illuminati but not the al qaeda is having a conversation with us.
I dunno, just thought I'd mention it here. It's almost amusing.
is this u tryna change the subject???
puttin something thats ALMOST amusing on revvy, how dare u??????!
[size=8]No, that was my attempt of showing people what happens on revvy - and how different people, who may not bother getting into the looong forum business, can have discussions on there, etc. [/size]
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
After reading all the posts, all I can see is the people really defending it are the people who are actually having these idle mixed worthless chit chats. (The result of the poll speaks for itself).
You can do that on facebook, mxit or any other social network (not that I advocate it). Why spoil the reputation of an Islamic website. I really did'nt realise there was a chat option when I joined and probably would'nt have if I had noticed it earlier, not to act holier than thou, but imo it just seems wrong especially on an islamic forum and would have associated it with a forum not worth joining, the general consensus here is SA is that Chat is haraam. Anyway now that I am here it really gives me a diverse look at what is going on and the general mindset in the UK.
I am going to leave this topic as is, I have made my point, my duty is only to convey, the decision to continue or not rest upon each individual, you have your mind, I hope you apply it and come to the right conclusion, insha allah. I would love to see it closed and hopefully create the awareness to all muslims of this evil which has taken the ummah by storm, may allah guide us. Ameen.
Thanks @Lilly I appreciate you being able to see my view.
Go screw yourself Jungle Boy...
I'm in a bad mood today, so stay outta my face with all your holy righteous bullshit or I'll RIP off your buck skin and leave you naked...
If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"
on-line chatting no matter which scholar you ask wont approve as it will/can lead to idle chat/flirting/ free mixing which could lead to others.... especially when it is a
1 2 1 private chat.... as we know when 2 are alone the third is shaytaan.
discussing Islamic issues on a public chat (not private)can be useful like on these forums as long as Islamic ettiquettes are maintained....
I agree that there is alot of small talk on tribune but there also alot of discussions and debates that go on there too.
Like i said before there's nothing wrong with the tool it just depends on how you use it.
I agree that the small talk between opposite genders isn't good. Though tribune is great for people who need help with anything. It's easier to explain yourself than in the forums and at the end of it you're satisfied with the answers you get. It is a great tool for dawah and general advice on any problem one may have.
It's like a knife, you can use to cut fruit or you can use it to harm someone.
Like Ocean said the problem is not Tribune, the problem that needs to be addressed is the way in some people use it.
I remind myself before anyone else.
May Allah(swt) guide us all. Ameen
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
exactly...and you're supposed 2 stay away from sin, i think in a hadith it even says, 'do not even go near sin'....this shows that if it can lead 2 sin, then it should be avoided.
"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters
It is definitely arguable whether the majority are using it in a haram way or not. Most people on here if not everyone is here make themselves and others around them better muslims.
I dont think anyone is purposely trying to commit sin here especially when the tribune is open. There are some chats that have moderaters but on this site i think every one of us is a moderator. If we see wrong then we say it is wrong.
Maybe we sholuld just leave it to a vote then.
May Allah(swt) guide us all. Ameen
P.S. Muslimeen i appreciate your concern for your fellow muslims. Jazakallah khair.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Lol what's all this about flirting on tribune haha.
It sounds like there's late night explicit conversations or something as opposed to almost constant just whinging about life and saying random things while you do other things?
It's harmless. If you can't trust yourself to behave on the chat thing on even here, I don't think you should use the internet for recreation at all. Ever.
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
Yes! really... I guess you're never here when the tribby pop' do have a good productive banter! OR OR OR maybe... you should be the type of people going to the tribby and INITIATING one! Be the sheperd and not the sheep!
and like Rawr mentioned above, no one on here (I hope not) is the type of person who'd abuse the system big time, if they do, we drive them away
I can give you examples of some forum members who have been a victim of Forum police.
yes we do go off topic many times and yes we do indulge in idle chit chat but at least it's not inappropriate or gross or of any harm.
Anyway... i've never seen YOU use the damn thing so why in the world do YOU care how it's run? If you believe that there is a certain way of using it then like I said, lead the way! Set an example!
I'm also going to take a breath here and say that when ever we do have a serious conversation it seems to between two conflicting views so people just shut up (like I do) in order to avoid a conflict because I'd rather be friend than a religious moron who just doesn't get along with anyone because her views are different. Therefore I'd like older members to calm down a lil and allow room for others to explain what they mean by whatever it is they say...
Amen to that.
the only difference between tribune and forums is that tribune is quick and it's live. So aren't the people going on about freemixing and whatnot on tribune being hypocritical if they're discussing this on here with the opposite gender? :S :S
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
This is for dawah purposes so it is permissable.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
I was about to post that.
No, not what Foysol said, but what Rawrrs said.
In the wordings that are used to "condemn" Tribune, there is no difference between Tribune and forums. They both come in the same category.
and I will say that those scholars are wrong.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
You realise that would apply to the forums too, if you're gna go about things that way. Like it's been mentioned before moderation is important.
It's upto everyone themselves to moderate and help others. I think it was pretty good that Foysol left a conversation yesterday, because he felt it was inappropriate - everyone has the capability of doing that, it's not the tools fault if you misuse it, God!
We DO discuss Islam, issues that affect us and get help with other stuff. It IS used in a positive way and DOES make us use our brains and have intellectual discussions. It gives us a chance to get quick, direct answers, develop ideas and LEARN.
I started writing this reply straight after reading the above comments and some in particular kinda annoyed me but was doing other stuff and now I feel I probably shouldn't say anything, I'll leave what I've already typed out even though I know it's just re-iterating what others have said. I just don't think some of you realise that actually tribune is a great tool.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
What does Tribune mean anyway? I can't be bothered to check the dictionary def... I agree with Rawr though... Tribune is used in a postive way .. May Allah (swt) Guide us all and help us refrain from what is bad... Ameen.
Death is the end of time. Not the end of Life.
all the good stuff that happens on tribune, anfd the whining and ranting, if it was done in a boy to boy and girl to girl environment, it would be even better. coz it would minus the "idle talking to opposite gender" there's nothing wrong with the live chat and discussions etc... that is NOT what muslimeen was condemning. He was condemning the free mixing
i think us oldies need to drop the offensive when a new member start posting. I agree with what Muslimeen has been saying. JazakAllahou khayran.
and yes we do have great discussions on tribune but like Muslimeen said, if the bad is greater than the good, then drop it.
on forum, its easier to control, you can chose not to reply to what an opposite gender has said or reply in a modest way coz you have time to "ponder" over what you are writing (just like i pondered on a better word for "pondering" but couldnt think of one). So dont start dragging forum into this when you feel like you've lost the battle for tribune.
going back to shaytaan's tricks. He tries to get you away from Islam then, when that fails, he tries to get you into acts of worship that are less worthy then others you could be doing. or try and make you believe that something is good when it isnt.
and as muslims we should listen to what our brothers/sisters say, instead of asking them to mind their own business and what's it to them anyway.
there isnt "own business" in Islam, when it comes to religious matter, we are suppose to help and advice each other. all the time. on all aspects of life to improve them and become better muslims.
and Msulimeen isnt some random self-righteous person coming out of the blue. He said himself he was addicted to chat and mashaAllah manage to move out. I agree with the addictive stuff. I recently gave up some pretty addictive stuff, feels liberating, and can already feel the changes internally and externally alhamdoulillah.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I think it boils down to people have different ideas about what is allowed and what is not.
I would say there is nothing wrong with any aspect of it, others will disagree with me.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I would reply to the parts of Lilly's post that I disagree with, but I don't really wana continue this discussion.
Can't believe the reaction to the poll - I had just been messing about when creating it!
Both sides of the argument have been given, if you like it stick with it, if you don't then no ones forcing you to use it.
Live and let live.
Atleast it's easier to change the subject and move on, on tribune!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I voted yes, it should be destroyed.
Although i dont think ppl are using it to flirt with one another i think theres jst too much idle chatting, then actual discussions. Im not saying discussions dont take place, maybe 10% of the time. But 90% of the time its just seems like its idle chatting and free mixing.
People on ths thread have expressed different opinons. But ive always thought if theres any doubt in the matter its best avoided in that case.
Any maybe with it gone, ppl will use the forum more.
(sorry guys, i knw thats prob not wat u wantd to hear =/ )
I don't have a problem with idle chatting either... THis place is to allow people to act as Muslims in a comfoprtable environment, and Islam is not just prayers and discussing masalahs etc. Its a way of life - and that means that people do things other than stand on a prayer mat, read the qur'an, study and stuff. There is "down time", relaxation, entertainment and more that will come in life and there is no need to feel guilty about such things because they are allowed.
This is not Somalia where the Shabaab will break into a house and shoot the inhabitants because they were watching football...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Tuesday: extremist muslim tried to take over tribune
Wednesday: 'EDL' was conversating with admin
Thursday: Someone who believes in the illuminati but not the al qaeda is having a conversation with us.
I dunno, just thought I'd mention it here. It's almost amusing.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
watching football/committing of a heinous crime...i say potato, u say potahto! dnt be so hard on the Shabaab guys!
but..i wouldnt necessarily refer to stuff said on tribby as idle chat. theyre conversations. u knw...the thing people tend to do when they come together???? i dnt knw about u guys, but convos i have most of the time arent exactly discussions of global affairs or what to do about the muslim youth running wild! theyre innocent convos, exactly like the ones u find on tribby. and this site doesnt need a ( was it a guard tht someone said???) because people are mature enough.
so yh...listen to admin [size=6]because hes going on a fact finding mission to Pakistan soon, arent u admin???
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
is this u tryna change the subject???
puttin something thats ALMOST amusing on revvy, how dare u??????!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Fact finding mission? What fact is he going out to find?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
[size=8]No, that was my attempt of showing people what happens on revvy - and how different people, who may not bother getting into the looong forum business, can have discussions on there, etc. [/size]
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
attempt: tried and tested
conclusion: floppage!
[size=6] i kid, i kid [/size]
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
For anyone who can't read that - She says she's kidding
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
hahah! u make it sound as if ill get ambushed by crazy revies any minute now!
"its allright people, she didnt mean it! put the machetes AWAY!" haha!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Go screw yourself Jungle Boy...
I'm in a bad mood today, so stay outta my face with all your holy righteous bullshit or I'll RIP off your buck skin and leave you naked...
If I ever have to kill for something, it would be for, "A woman"
If I ever have to kill something it would have to be, "A woman"