I was just wondering what people thought of their school life and whether it help them as individual. I can tell we have quite a few school kids on the forum nowadays as well. :roll:
I personally think there something seriously worng with schooling today, i can't believe how i manage to leave school with Qualifications, my whole day involved playing cards and reading the newspapers. Same can be said of formal education as a whole even after school.
But the thing that worry me is, how little impact 12 year of schooling can have on idividual, the teacher were out of touch when i was there and the fact that it so thoery based, is too the disadvantage of many IMO.
Why do muslim struggle in school and is there a lack of muslims in the teaching profession, how many muslim governors are there in the School Board of trust. There seem to be a lack of interest at times too me.
Anyway discuss how school was and what you thought of School Life.
Teachers are really stupid. There is more racism. Too many ppl skipping school. We never learn anything. Its dead boring. U do bad stuff so u get to stay behind in detention wid good looking teachers. Good looking ppl shud not b allowed to be teachers, they put u off ur work!
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Good topic.
I leant a lot in high school…but most of what I learned was via the informal/hidden curriculum.
I picked up the importance of punctuality, attendance, being reliable..meeting deadlines etc… I picked up the do’s and don’ts of associating with others….these things benefit one in the “real world”.
The education system is a important agent of socialisation.
I learnt a LOT from the mistakes of others…I saw the consequence of messing up your life/education…
Education wise…I’d say I learnt maths, I scraped a C at GCSE level. :oops:
My school days were a lot of fun. I feel for those who went through hell in high school.
Yes, it has helped me as an individual.
I think most of the things that shaped my character happened at school and I learned key skills and stuff that I've need later on in life. I also got to meet lots of different people (good and bad), and I enjoyed school. Sometimes, I even forget I was meant to be there for learning!
As for racism and badly taught schools etc....depends on which one you went to I suppose.
i never liked school for education except art - i did my learnen at home or after i left at 16
alas its true, and there's nothing you can do about.
All I can say Judda is, you're 14 hang on.
why in sixth form (true story) a guy once said to me (quite seriously), "David are you gay, cos I never hear you talking about girls."
I was shocked to say the least then I laughed, and someone else said, "you aren't denying it."
so I said, "I'm not confirming it either." (I like to be mysterious)
so that someone else said "you're just making it worse."
and I just laughed. The last laugh that is...
so stick it out. And keep up with rugby when Insha Allah T'ala your leg heals.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
See this is where my problem was, it was too much fun in my case, there was no struggle and no real development, Take sixth form I used to regularly walk in at about 11, no matter what time my lesson was, a hours work, then a hour of cards, then lunch and afterwards a kick around outside, then into the library to read the newspaper, and then 2 more hours of cards and then home a hour early and my routine was quite active compared to some. Making friends was easy as I had been brought up with the people around me from Nusery. I was shocked when i first went to Uni but after a while, that too became rather easy as well.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
ahh Art my first or second love. I still get sad a bit that I dropped it in year 9. It was Favourite subject...
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
you didn't by any chance go Stretford Grammar sixth form did you, that was our timetable too
(although I went to lessons as well and turned up before 10 past 9 every day) ?
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Nah abit more down south then Manchester, our head of year must have token well over a 100 pack of cards off us. But then some teachers used to actually let us play in some lessons :? .
But school was cool, no pressure at all involved. These day they even got it easier, they actually get paided too stay in Sixth form. :?:
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
Is it me or do people become lazier as they get older?
I used to jump out of bed at 7.00am and I had to be at school for 9.00am and my school was only 10min away. I loved school and I loved my friends.
These days I struggle to get to a 10am lecture in Uni..
I agree with you there, it was so much easier to wake earlier!
I love school, it was fun learnt a lot from it, its cuz of school where i am now (not really all down to Allah but u knw what i mean). At school i enjoyed goin to some classes (emphasis on some) and others i skived cuz the teacher wasnt willing to help me.
In our school we had a mix of white/asian people, it was like 50-50 however racism existed esp. when my bro's mate got stabbed by white people and before you knew it kids were runnin with baseball bats and what not. Having said that our school was much better than most schools and the above incident was nearly a one-off, it was saddening as a life was lost and a lot of tension was left.
I personally didnt have any problems at school such as bullying/racism etc and I met some very nice people who didnt turn out to be so nice later but thats life.
As a final note i still wish i was at school cuz i totally and utterly detest uni!
Too be honest i used to struggle to get up, but nowhere days I find it much easier for some reason. But school was good because you were made to do sports, which i know many muslim girl neglect and boys also including myself. Used to have school football team and cricket as well. You do pick up quite a few things from school which you take with you. Because for some people, school was just their version of fight club, they used to fight all the time, I remember someone I knew in my year knock our Art teacher out cold with a Rolling Pin, it also funny to see that these people normally found there way into Jail a short term after. School life normally does give a slight insight into how some people will probably turn out in later years.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
my sister was in two years above me in highschool-I used to hang around with her and her mates-we also used to go school together and walk home together
it became crap when she left-
I only had one good mate in high school and college- I prefer my Uni life
only cos I have more spare time to chill at home
cards and newspapers :roll:
school was a doddle admittedly..........i swear i never revised, and my exam results werent too bad!!
it doesnt prepare you well (well maybe mine didnt) coz wen u go uni.....u find some really clever people and you find sometimes its hard to keep up
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
college was a lil tougher.....revised the night before!!!
and im no boffin, jus dont think it was that hard looking back
university....well....last year was a doddle again, this year seems a lil harder....will have to report back when the year is over
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
School compared to uni is easy.....i really find this year tough and i cant wait to get out of uni i dont knw what possessed me to go to hell for 3 whole years and i will be even more insane if i decide to do my honours year after this flippin year!
i AGREE, but then again Hayder picked sociology for one of his \A levels.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Lol-I picked sociology too. It was my easiest A level.
But A levels were def the hardest exams I’ve ever done (And I’ am only one year away from finishing my Uni education)
I prefer high school/college life to Uni life. I was a LOT more carefree in high school; I was always having a laugh.
Uni is like the “Real world” you have to be a lot more independent.
oi dont diss sociology i am doin that! some modules are good others are borin....they are makin us do philosphy, its too deep/confusing!
Lol...sociology is great. I did it at GCSE and A level.
Its def one of my favourite subjects. And so is philosophy and psychology.
I'm sure at Uni level its a lot harder.
Yeh it is unfortunetly
See when we were in secondary they didnt make us aware that we could do psychology.
I dont knw how u manage to understand philosophy, it has too many concepts and nothin is right/wrong in it! In our last class this semester we were asked what we liked/hated bout this module, i just told him it was confusing and there wasnt much help provided by the teachers.
Would u ever think of teachin philosophy as a subject? :shock:
Lol..I've never actually taken philosophy as a subject.
I just like to read philosophy books in my spare time. :oops:
Its deep stuff...at times some of the concepts are similar to the concepts of Sufism.
But, no I don't think this is something that I could teach. Its hard to explain..
there was a debate on radio about how certain subjects are easier to get an A in than others. I might sound arrogant but i have to agree. Something like a maths degree is far harder than say sociology. In maths you have to learn the numerical rules then apply them. You can't just research and apply and defend your own opinions as you can in say sociology.
I always thght sociology was an easy subject compared with the sciences or math, am i wrong? Sociology wasn't a separate subject in GCSE's in my school they called it "humanities". Under that we covered sociology, geography, history and RE. I won't brag about my grade but i breezed through that gcse hardly did any revision. Plus i had chicken pox in exam time, was behind with coursework. Teacher was a right witch said why am i off you'll never pass blah blah. I had chicken pox for heaven's sake how cruel can you get. i was there for exams spots all over my face loooooool. Ah those were the days i loved school would do anything to go back
It is and i dont think our lecturers do great work in explainin it, one of our lecturer just gets excited and carried away and your like riiiiiight, now what the hell does that mean.
My seminar tutor is a weirdo..he makes us go into groups for 10 mins and he times it! When there is 5 mins left for the class to be over his alarm bleeps and when class is over the alarm just goes mad, they a buch of weirdo's!
i rather read somethin on islamic philosophy, any book recomendations?
yeah but people who think more in logic and scientific, probably wouldnt find subjects like sociology and psychology easy - it requires a lot of thought and self-input...........theres no forumalaes or right or wrong answers.
depends on the person, i was more of a scinence-maths kinda guy.......but whats the point in doing them A levels when i wanted to do Law? it only makes sense to do a subject like Sociology where it improves your writing and thinking skills...[size=7]and easy to pass[/size]
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Guess so and you have to love writing coz boy do they make you write essays.
Lol-you poor thing.
That topic is hard enough to get your head arond let alone explain...and I can't even imagine how hard it'll be at Uni level.
Imam Ghazali was a great Islamic philosopher. His work is deep...
Omrow took philosophy at Uni level (which should be obvious in the way he posts)...he should post some suggested books.
I hate maths, i am useless at it, however i did enjoy chemistry/biology now part of me wishes i had done that....i do agree sociology is easier than maths!